Graphic shifted in Fullscreen and camera control in window mode

I have a very frustrating experience now in BG2 EE pc version. The game just can be played in fullscreen mode since the graphics would be shifted. see the attachment.
Instead I can only play in window mode, where the camera control is quite lousy. Very often I move my mouse outside the window and the camera don't move. So I am forced to use arrow buttons to control the camera. Any solutions?
I am using a laptop with nvidia 755m sli, though I am running with sli disabled. The version of the game is 1.2.2030
Instead I can only play in window mode, where the camera control is quite lousy. Very often I move my mouse outside the window and the camera don't move. So I am forced to use arrow buttons to control the camera. Any solutions?
I am using a laptop with nvidia 755m sli, though I am running with sli disabled. The version of the game is 1.2.2030
I have the same problem, what can I do?