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What is this Alignment if It were in Baldurs Gate 1 and 2

A personality that always does what he/she is supposed to do. Aids good and neutral characters/people but that is when around laws. When law doesnt exist, he/she will kick the shit out of someone if they piss them off. When laws are around they will try and do what the law dictates and make everything work. I just thought of making a character on this. Sounds cool. Im not sure if its lawful neutral or something else.


  • the_spyderthe_spyder Member Posts: 5,018
    At first take, I'd say schizophrenic alignment. It really doesn't follow any necessary ethos that I can detect from what you've printed.

    Be aware, "Lawful" alignment is not tied or correlated to "The Law", so including what he does around 'The law' isn't necessarily helpful. Does he follow his own code? then potentially lawful. But not otherwise.

    Given that he will follow whatever laws happen to be around at the time, and sans laws, will do what he likes, that is a whole lot more Chaotic than anything else because various and shifting laws mean not following any given path or direction.

    And given potential violence if someone pisses him off, I'd say Neutral at best.

    So, Chaotic Neutral or as I stated above schizophrenic. It's the alignment people choose when they don't want to choose an alignment and pretty much do what the mood dictates.
  • BlucherBlucher Member Posts: 110
    I'd say Lawful Neutral.
  • atcDaveatcDave Member Posts: 2,410
    Neutral or Chaotic-Neutral with anger management issues. (Chaotic because his behavior is obviously self serving, not about actually believing in "the greater good".)
  • booinyoureyesbooinyoureyes Member Posts: 6,164
    what does "piss them off" mean in this case?
    Also when you say that they "help people" when there "is law" does that mean that they would not aid those in need in an area in which there is no local governmental authority? (also lawful does not usually mean legal when it comes to alignment)
  • LoubLoub Member Posts: 471
    edited February 2014
  • mjsmjs Member Posts: 742
    Lawful evil obviously. Sounds psychotic
  • KKnightKKnight Member Posts: 26
    Well I based this alignment on what I would consider two opposite spectrums. One is that the person is neutral good. The other is that they are something else. I wrote a thief story way back on this personality. He follows a code that is that if people are nice to him, he is nice back. If people try and take advantage, he is worse than satan to them. He's kinda like Keldorn and Dorn put together. I cant figure it out what his alignment is. Is it possible to be chaotic neutral sometimes and neutral good others?
  • the_spyderthe_spyder Member Posts: 5,018
    So, alignments are a continuum. What that means is that a 'good' aligned person will do Mostly good, some neutral and rarely some evil. Depends on the mood and the circumstance. In this example, a 'Good' aligned person who does something evil will probably feel horribly bad about it, but that doesn't stop them from occasionally doing it.

    Same with Law and Chaos. A normally lawful person (a person who strictly adheres to a code of some sort) will sometimes throw caution to the wind and do something crazy/wild. This will often times make them feel out of their element, but it does happen.

    It sounds like you have a specific idea on what alignment the character should be. I'd go with that as alignment is highly subjective anyway. Don't necessarily subscribe to what others think as often times there is more to what is going on in the character's head than is seen.

    I would suggest though that "a cross between Keldorn and Dorn" isn't really an 'Alignment' so much as a mental dis-order.

    A final note, in my book (and despite what I just posted) "Neutrality" isn't 'do what you want, when you want' as in a little good here and a little good there. Neutrality is an actual stance that is separate from good and evil. As such it is a LOT more of "I don't want to get involved" rather than "I'll do the good thing here and then later do the evil thing 'to balance it out.'" Neutrality is "I'm neutral. I don't take sides." Which doesn't mean that they aren't on a Continuum and sometimes doing good/evil. it just means that they aren't psychotic and just doing a little bit of everything all the time.

    I'd put it that playing neutral properly should be the hardest of all of the alignments if played properly. Because most of the choices in these types of games are either 'the good choice' or 'the evil choice'.
  • atcDaveatcDave Member Posts: 2,410
    KKnight it is possible, but it is schizophrenic. Barring mental illness, one set of behaviors would represent the character's beliefs, the other is an act. And either could be interesting to play, but probably more so in an actual PNP game!
  • MoradinMoradin Member Posts: 372
    @KKnight your description sounds an awful lot like Edwin. I'd go for Lawful evil. LE is anyone who uses and twists laws to his own advantage and to pursue personal interests. This also means helping good/neutrally aligned characters, if this would help achieve the greater goal. HIS greater goal, not theirs.
  • HeindrichHeindrich Member, Moderator Posts: 2,959
    I got to agree with @the_spyder in emphasizing that Lawful does not mean strict adherence to laws. It's more a character attitude to order, organisation and 'the greater good' over ideals of freedom, liberty and individualism.

    An individual who actually follows laws to the letter, regardless of what the law states, is likely to be insane rather than Lawful.
  • KKnightKKnight Member Posts: 26
    Sorry for not replying. I went with Lawful evil. This character likes to hide behind the law while doing bad things when not present. Thanks for insight guys.
  • LemernisLemernis Member, Moderator Posts: 4,318
    I would say LE as well if the behavior is consistent, i.e., consistently puts on a "well-behaved" mask when observed (and not sincerely but strictly as a means to an end), and acts evilly when undetected or can get away with it.
  • AristilliusAristillius Member Posts: 873
    Sounds like lawful evil is a good choice. Also, perhaps worth pointing out, evil does not neccessarily mean being destructive and horrid all the time (or just keeping it in check when there are laws around) - your character sounds as if he has some good sentiments as well - but still evil.
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