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Dilemmas of a Stalker/Cleric (WARNING: Postful o' Crazy)

So, the anxiety of going back to college and its sheer demand of documents has left me unhinged... well, more unhinged than usual at least, which is not helped by mild sleep deprivation caused by a national shortage of pericyazine, which also lefts me even more insane due to the fact that it is an antipsychotic - I am also having strange daydreams (I dreamed I had married a South Korean woman and had moved there, where I became obsessed with cooking cheesebread and throwing rice at the fireplace, as well as sleeping on a red fuzzy rug and going to a 12 story shopping mall) that seem to last for months in my head, so my grasp on what's real and what's not is nearly nonexistent, for all that matters, I might not even be posting this.
That aside, the rest of the post is likely going to have a sh*tfest of crazy going on as well, such as discussing Anna Paquin and her breasts, or wondering why Strawberry Schmier tastes so damn good when coupled with Coconut Streuselkuchen. Also, I am becoming increasingly obsessed with cheesebread and requeijão, as well as the size of Ian McKellen's genitalia and a newfound taste for the word "serendipity", which might or might not (let's hope not) also show up in my subsequent lines.

Initial crazy aside, here I go:
The character I am currently playing uses a portrait from PaintBG which is undoubtedly based on Anna Paquin, the perfect-breasted actress known for her roles as Rogue and Sookie Stackhouse, I even had found the actual picture it was based on, but I lost it, or maybe I hallucinated it in one of those months-long dreams... nevermind, irrelevant.

The thing is, there are a few ephemeralities I cannot quite decide on, such as who to take with me throughout BG2, which equipment do I use, etc.
So far breast goddess has alternated between the Club +1/Club +0 and the Staff Spear +2/Aule's Staff, thing is, sooner or later I'll have to decide between them, later being BG2 - both sides have pretty strong arguments: Club of Detonation +3/5 and Blackblood +3 for Clubs; too many spell-casting staves to count, Staff of the Ram +4/6 (best weapon in the game), what do you think of this? - I've restricted Tittehs' selection to Backwhackable weapons, due to the stalker backstabbing ability.
For armor, Leigh is restricted to Studded Leather and below (completely incapable of wearing other armors, in fact, not just for backstab), I've narrowed down the selection to The Night's Gift +5, Studded Leather of Thorns +6, Aeger's Hide +3 and Grandmaster's Armor +6, each has their own faults and advantages, and due to the fact that the game is extensive, I'll likely be alternating between them, but I'm still torn as to which one I should use for early-to-mid SoA, late SoA and ToB.
Bosom will also be capped at 25 Cleric, 21 Stalker, which gives me a total of 0 Thac0, 3 (4 if 25 wis) 7th circle spells and access to both Clerical And Druidic circles, although only clerical HLAs, 2/5/4/4/6 saves, 208 to 228 hit points and 13 pips.

I also have doubts over who I should take along - Melons is running through BG1 with Puff Pastry and Turkish Delight, as should be obvious from the screenshot - but for BG2, I have no idea who I should take nor how many Party Members I should have - I want to complete all of their storylines except for Cigarette Butts (and it shall be even bloodier than he hoped), who I will purge from the face of Faerûn at the first given opportunity. Will likely also romance Turkish Delight, because Rotten Absinthe is bland as hell and Rocky Mountain Oysters is disgusting. Since I am particularly attached to Puff Pastry, Pop-Tart (her cheap knockoff) will probably be dumped as soon as I get her, I also think I'll take Stinky Tofu with me until then, or maybe 'Nips because he is funnier. Pork Brains is useless despite being a large ham, and Whipped Cream is a pissy attention whore; Basils is awesome, but Melons already fits all her roles and much more, so she doesn't make the cut; Lutefisk, Blood Sausage, Rotten Absinthe, Acarajé and Poutine are all evil, so they do not likely belong with her - although Acarajé can be redeemed, so he might be a valid option (also, dual classing him to thief makes him incredibly deadly) - Lettuce and Pudding have just as much personality as their namesakes, plus Lettuce is the single most useless NPC in the game, and Pudding does not even count as a character since he doesn't have any - Cookies is a very good character and a prime candidate for my party, along with Barbecue, but they might be a tad bit overzealous for Melon's tastes - Squab talks like a complete creep and is a bit overrated - and Pepper is just as likely to blast me as the enemies, plus Puff Pastry is already a mage - Rocky Mountain Oysters is a d**kless waste of space.

Thoughts, anyone?

For the record, I'm completely unsure whether this should be off-topic or general discussion, since it actually discusses the game, but in an insane manner.


  • JLeeJLee Member Posts: 650
    I like your idea of Cookies, BBQ, Pop Tart>Puff Pastry, Turkish Delight, and any party is improved by Nips.

    BTW, I need something beyond like, more akin to approval than agree, and substantially deeper than insightful, or even better, a combination of the three to rate your post.

    In all seriousness, I hope you find some sleep, peace and no more thoughts of Ian McKlellan's genetailia. Unless that helps you sleep and find peace of course.
  • LoubLoub Member Posts: 471
    Peace is a lie, there is only passion.
    Through passion, I gain strength.
    Through strength, I gain power.
    Through power, I gain victory.
    Through victory, my chains are broken.
    The Force shall free me.

    Now, I have seemingly managed to erect a mockery of sanity through autohypnosis and meditation, which I'm rather skilled at (though not so much as my brother, who uses it to cheat at tests, for instance, by forcing photographic memory).
    Pericyazine is one of the drugs I use to keep a semblance of sanity, being my antipsychotic - it keeps me from having crazy thoughts and lessen the symptoms of ADHD and the more psychopathic aspect of Asperger's, since I have grown dependent to it, I am unable to sleep without it, and without sleep, I am driven to delirium (hallucinations, etc.). Brazil is short of it for about 2 months now, mostly because it is not a typical drug (most typical drugs (e.g. Ritalin and Sertraline) are given for free for those who need them and have the patience or influence to procure them) - being without it is not fun at all, mostly due to the fact that autohypnosis and meditation are strenuous activities and take a long time to take effect, as well as having a chance to go wrong (i.e. driving me to psychosis).

    Now, for the party - Cookies (Mazzy), BBQ (Keldorn), Pop Tart (Nalia) > Puff Pastry (Imoen), Turkish Delight (Rasaad) and 'Nips (Jan) does sound like a good group, but I'm not sure if Melon's (Leigh) own healing is capable of supporting all of it through the early stages of the game (too few level 6 spell slots). I am very used to using these characters and can quickly develop a strategy for each one of them:

    Nalia - The Replacement Scrappy - Kitted as Swashbuckler and Dual Classed at level 7 for skills and survivability, functions the same way Imoen did in BG1 - Shortbows + Katanas, Utility Spells and Skull Traps.

    Imoen - The Chick - Kitted as Swashbuckler (again) and dual classed at 12 (will delay recruitment until I've reached 1,6m exp) for skills and survivability - alternating between dual wielding katanas + tenser's and shortbow, Necromancy Spells as the main draw (wail of the banshee, skull trap), coupled with Alacrity for blasting goodness against bosses (Amelyssan will be a joke) - will keep a stash of potions of insight for better wishes, reducing the necessity for resting and healing, freeing other party members to devote their spell lists to tide-turning ephemeralities.

    Mazzy - The Lady of War - ridiculously good on so many levels - torn between making her the Paladin she is meant to be or the Fighter she mechanically is - If turned to Paladin, might drop Keldorn due to the fact that she'll be superior in almost every way, if kept as Fighter, becomes Mistress of Weapons, dishing punishment in almost every manner possible (evil, beware).

    Keldorn - The Grizzled War Veteran - best Paladin kit available IMO, able to deliver support with True Sight and a brokenly good Dispel, as well as wielding Carsomyr and being one of the best tanks in the game. Might be dropped for Mazzy if I decide to make her a Paladin, if not, then he is almost a required member due to his sheer mechanical superiority.

    Rasaad - The Bare-Fisted Monk - best Monk kit, becomes incredibly and increasingly imbalanced as the game progresses, potentially becoming the main physical and magical tank as well as an incredible damage dealer. A better romance option than Anomen and the best questline in EE.

    Jan - The Cloudcuckoolander - crazy awesome, best backstabber in the game and a powerful mage. Thieving skills keep progressing, access to Use Any Item and Assassination. Loses access to Necromancy, so focusing on Support and Debuffing might be best - Imoen makes up for that, anyway.
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