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Idle talk interjections can interrupt spellcasting

OnoxOnox Member Posts: 23
edited February 2014 in BG:EE Bugs (v1.2)

I think there is an unwanted behaviour with the random idle talk interjections between party members (these were not happening at all in the original Baldur's Gate, if I recall correctly), it's that they can interrupt spellcasting. For instance my main character was casting Clairvoyance, and he suddenly turned around to Viconia and made one of his selection sounds, which interrupted the spellcasting. Of course this rarely happens, but I think it is not reasonable.

Current behaviour : a character can randomly talk to another party member while casting a spell, which will interrupt the spellcasting.

Expected behaviour : a character cannot talk to another party member while he is already casting a spell


  • DregothofTyrDregothofTyr Member Posts: 229
    I am having a problem with this as well, but in BG2EE. Haven't noticed it in the first one so far. It's infrequent, but very annoying when it happens.
  • Ploughed_JesterPloughed_Jester Member Posts: 93
    edited April 2014
    It's especially frustrating when the caster and target are the only two involved in the dialogue. Aerie, go heal Minsc... and use Heal, he's almost dead. Insert "blah blah blah" ... and spell is gone. Well, guess I'll rest since I can't really continue now.
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