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[REQUEST] Abdel Adrian Pregen

brixbrix Member Posts: 43
For some people it might be fun to play the CHARNAME from the novels: Abdel Adrian.
How about including him as a pregen, with the official stats and a nice portrait?
He was detailed in Dragon Magazine #288 (along with some other other pen & paper BG stuff)


  • WardWard Member Posts: 1,305
    edited June 2012
    People actually enjoyed the novels? I hear they were rubbish. I hear the writer repeats the descriptions about the characters (Abdel is BIG and STRONG + 7 ft tall and Jaheria is A PRETTY ELF).

    But I don't see why not. May as well if they can.
  • KharadorKharador Member Posts: 215
    He was in the expansion Tales of the Sword Coast. You really played BG??
  • brixbrix Member Posts: 43
    Yes I played it (a long time ago). Which does not mean, that I remember every single npc.
    AFAIR there was a character whose first name was "Abdel".
    But I'm not sure if this was THE Abdel Adrian from the novels. Correct me if I'm wrong
  • CadrosCadros Member Posts: 253
    I think it is fair to assume that he was the developers take on The Abdel from the books, if you prefer you can always make your own version even closer to how you feel he should be using tools such as shadowkeeper.
  • ZakerosZakeros Member Posts: 75
    I think of something other... What if they'd make NPC out of Abdel? I know it may not match the novels, but, he could still have been Bhaalspawn and joinable NPC. I really liked playing him in the Tales of the Sword Coast and he was a decent warrior.
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,025
    yeah i read all the novels, and even own 2 of them ( or at least i did until i leant out ToB and he never gave it back) and i was kind of disappointed in them, rock worms or some crap in SoA? what was that all about? poisonous jargon in baldur's gate, but at least in ToB sarevok is taking on dragons single handedly before a dozen or so destroy him, that was kind of badass but yeah, novels did kind of smell like doo-doo paste, especially how abdel got his bhaalspawn powers, talk about deus ex machina, but anywho, after the A.D.H.D. they might as well make abdel and npc, because its not like they made all that much effort in making the novels all that accurate, or am i just trollin?
  • DazzuDazzu Member Posts: 950
    Minsc had HAIR in the novels and lesbian Imoen and Bodhi... wish I was making this up.
  • CommunardCommunard Member Posts: 556
    Abdel should be included as an NPC so I can chunk his stupid face...
  • smeagolheartsmeagolheart Member Posts: 7,964
    Never read the books but hey, Abdel Adrian is a pretty great name amirite? I would like to see him as an NPC as well that would do homage to the guy's popularity/existance outside of the game itself all the while allowing the game designers to do whatever they want with the guy. He would get a new history in the game .

    Mod fodder if nothing else.

    He could also like backstab you in TOB and push you out of the way as the true heir of bhaal or something. Heir bhaal that's got a good ring to it.
  • gesellegeselle Member Posts: 325
    Terrible name from a book with terrible reviews, Just saying.
    But if you want to play you player character as Abdel go ahead, but keep this guy out of Baldur's Gate, he is a big disgrace.
  • DrugarDrugar Member Posts: 1,566
    The book had Xzar and Montaron working for Sarevok, Xan an elven fighter, Khalid randomly murdered by green slimes looking like people and Abdel generally being an ass.
    Only in the second book did Imoen make an appearance, where she had to be a lesbian for drow sexytimes. The books read like poorly thought out fan fiction, they're horrid and should have no relation to the game whatsoever. If there is an Abdel Adrian NPC, I will ctrl-Y the bajayzus out of him.

    That said, the writer of the book gets the general script way before the game script is finished so he'll have to work with an early draft filled with weird stuff, all so he can release the book alongside the game. So it's not completely the writer's fault.
  • Daedalus87mDaedalus87m Member Posts: 92
    edited June 2012
    @brix - Abdel is not in the game as a NPC. What that smartass was trying to tell you is, that if you have Tales of the Sword Coast, you can start with a pre-generated group in the new town.
    This group consists of:

    Player named "Abdel", Figher class, Human

    He is pretty strong with:

    18/90 str
    19 dex
    19 con
    7 int
    6 wis
    18 char
  • brixbrix Member Posts: 43
    I didn't want to hurt anyone with this posting. So I apologize ;)
  • Spjuv3rnSpjuv3rn Member Posts: 61
    @Daedalus87m He also has gray skin and blue hair >.>
  • ScotGaymerScotGaymer Member Posts: 526
    I think it would be pretty funny to have Abdel Adrian in as an NPC that was the estranged biological son of Gorion. Maybe Gorion ignored him after adopting the Bhaalspawn. Maybe Abdel Adrian left in a snit after aforementioned adoption.
    Maybe a mercenary working for the Iron Throne.

    Could be amusing. heh.
  • smeagolheartsmeagolheart Member Posts: 7,964
    @Daedalus87m He also has gray skin and blue hair >.>
    He's my gramma?
  • NWN_babaYagaNWN_babaYaga Member Posts: 732
    edited June 2012
    so that abdel is meant to be our CHARNAME? If so no i dont want no abdel pls.
  • booinyoureyesbooinyoureyes Member Posts: 6,164

    @brix - Abdel is not in the game as a NPC. What that smartass was trying to tell you is, that if you have Tales of the Sword Coast, you can start with a pre-generated group in the new town.
    This group consists of:

    Player named "Abdel", Figher class, Human

    He is pretty strong with:

    18/90 str
    19 dex
    19 con
    7 int
    6 wis
    18 char

    At least they got how incredibly DUMB he was in the books right. But 18 charisma? okay buddy... keep dreaming Philip Athans
  • CrevsDaakCrevsDaak Member Posts: 7,155
    Threadcromancy! Man!
  • booinyoureyesbooinyoureyes Member Posts: 6,164
    CrevsDaak said:

    Threadcromancy! Man!

    RISE my lost and forgotten threads, RIIIIIIIIIIIIISSSSSSSSE
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