Irenicus and Why he is one of the most powerful mages?
Besides the obvious power, what makes Irenicus at or close to Elminster's level of expertise. He can take enemies down one by one and is easily one of the most dangerous mages to walk faerun. The books made by phillip athens butchered him and the other characters but that is a whole different ball of wax.
If you are like me and think Irenicus is easily one of the most powerful, well voiced and excellent spellcasters (which is common) in a video game, was it the fact that he is a level 30 wizard that makes him so powerful. I never got a chance to see his equipment so I dont know if that has anything to do with it.
1-Im not very familiar with in depth d and d so if someone knows Irenicus strength would they care to explain.
2-How powerful is he compared to Blackstaff, Elminster and thats about it. Those are the other top mages I know of, unless someone knows a draco lich spellcaster that is worse.
Thanks in advance.
If you are like me and think Irenicus is easily one of the most powerful, well voiced and excellent spellcasters (which is common) in a video game, was it the fact that he is a level 30 wizard that makes him so powerful. I never got a chance to see his equipment so I dont know if that has anything to do with it.
1-Im not very familiar with in depth d and d so if someone knows Irenicus strength would they care to explain.
2-How powerful is he compared to Blackstaff, Elminster and thats about it. Those are the other top mages I know of, unless someone knows a draco lich spellcaster that is worse.
Thanks in advance.
Elminster is one of the Chosen of Mystra. Halister makes Irenicus seem sane (and is much more powerful). And The Symbol (I believe she is dead now, iirc) is just...overboard. And Larloch...well, he is probably the most powerful known Mage in the FR.
I suspect there is probably a Dragon Mage out there, somewhere, who comes from the Days of Thunder and holds more power than Larloch, but that is just my meanderings.
Install a vanilla BG2 game (+ fixpack + ascension) + "The longer road" v1.5.1 mod.
Disastrous from a tactical/challenge perspective but you will have tens of dialog lines with him.
Even though I am no big fan of the mod it is nice to play it once.
Shaan the Serpent-Queen
Ka'Narlist of Atorrnash
Telamont Tanthul
The Sisters
Szass Tam
Khelben Blackstaff Arunsun
The Symbul
There may be others that I missed, but the above are pretty much way, WAY over Irenicus' powerlevel.
The Sisters and The Chosen would spank Irenicus' badly - Silverfire would pretty much end Irenicus as would certain powers granted The Chosen that would reduce Irenicus' spellpower with each spell cast.
Irenicus is just not all that powerful, really. I mean, he gets defeated by a Bhaalspawn!
Considering Irenicus is not really old (compared to Elminster, Larloch & Co) and that he already managed to create a spell which instantly kill all Charname's party "Rapture of the Father" i think he could have become very very powerful.
Add to that the fact that the others are kind of "cheating" with things like Silverfire, Chosen of Mystra and the like. Imagine if Irenicus would have manage to drain the Tree of Life, keep Charname's soul and live 2 000 more years, what kind of power would he have reached ?
And I wouldn't say that Larloc is the most powerful. According to 3.5 he is one level lower then Elminister, which is also a Chosen.
don't forget the pointy hat
Prove me wrong, "Blackstaff", prove me wrong…
Elminster is one of the Chosen of Mystra. You don't want to mess with them.
Silverfire, and that really irritating spell that causes your spellpower to DECREASE with every casting...that is nasty.
Larloch is IMMUNE to all magic unless he doesn't want to be. This was allowed by Mystra herself. I am really, really interested in what Irenicus is going to do against him : use bad language?
Also, Larloch is allowed to use a lot of magic that others are forbidden to, due to Mystra; for this boon, Larloch muss share his Arcane knowledge with others, slowly spreading it throughout the FR.
Not to mention that he has 60+ liches that he mentally can control and cast spells through.
Gromph Baenre, Archmage of the Underdark. Pretty powerful, and probably more than Irenicus.
Power is not just measured by level.
Irenicus should challenge Larloch to a wet t-shirt competition.
But I am not saying that Jon can take down Larloch or Elminister. I would compare him to Halaster. It should be something like that:
1. Larloch / Elminister
2. Larloch / Elminister
3. Symbul
4. Halaster
5. Irenicus
6. Blackstaff
7. Alustriel
Gromph got his behind kicked by a quite powerful lich in the Wars of The Spider Queen and had to be saved by his sister. According to this books he is not that powerful, compared to the legendary wizards.
Read, and weep. That is from Ed Greenwood himself, so...Larloch. And the Automatic Spell Reflection works like Immunity - I mean, wow.
Of course, then there is Ioulaum.
He was the first to rule a floating Netherese city, and survives today, as an undead "Elder Brain" (Underdark, page: 84) But not only is he an elder brain, he is also lvl 31 wiz, lvl 5 arch mage and a lvl 5 Netherese Arcanist. this combined with the power an elder brain has, it makes him a CR 66, far beyond any known lich, arch-lich or demi-lich.
If one were to maximize his hitpoints he would end up, not only a lvl 41 arcane spell caster but end up with a total of 804 hit points. That is a lot of hitpoints for a lvl 41 spellcaster.
Of course, then there is Ioulaum.
He was the first to rule a floating Netherese city, and survives today, as an undead "Elder Brain" (Underdark, page: 84) But not only is he an elder brain, he is also lvl 31 wiz, lvl 5 arch mage and a lvl 5 Netherese Arcanist. this combined with the power an elder brain has, it makes him a CR 66, far beyond any known lich, arch-lich or demi-lich.
If one were to maximize his hitpoints he would end up, not only a lvl 41 arcane spell caster but end up with a total of 804 hit points. That is a lot of hitpoints for a lvl 41 spellcaster.
Cool story. But as much as I hate it many of Ed's lore is not canon. More over, we are not arguing that Jon is more powerful then Larloch. The thread is about Jon being one of the most powerful wizards in the FR. There will always be a bigger fish.
Same with the Zhentarim.
Now, in defense of my beloved Gromph Baenre, everybody can have a bad day. Artemis Entreri was defeated by a random mage and had to be rescued by Jarlaxe. I think the narrative drama sometimes is over the roleplaying logic. Gromph had to be rescued by his sister for plot reasons, obviously.
I also suspect that somewhere among the Aboleths is a Mage of ultimate power, since they come from the Universe before this one. That would mean that if there is such a being, it would wield power from before the formation of the Gods themselves (and Ao).
And all about Larloch -
Note that of course it mentions Ed Greenwood has filled us in on some of them - Automatic Spell Reflection, for example.
Note that Larloch does make a cameo in BG2:EE.
As for him being defeated, well, Irenicus got beaten by a Bhaalspawn. happens. Any Mage can be defeated under the right circumstances. What really matters, is what sort of precautions a Mage has taken ahead of time to compensate for just such an occurance.
Obviously, Irenicus had an Epic Fail in that regards, whereas the best Mages of the Realms all have contingency plans for such an occurance.
As a result, Irenicus is a "Meh" among Mages, now simmering in the Hells...
In my personal opinion he would beat them all: Larloch, Halaster, Elminster... why? Well, because he is voiced by David Warner... that would be the ultimate stroke!
Then in Spellhold, a major mistake on his behalf - he lets both live! Again trusting to "agents" - this time his sister who of course betrays him. Or at the least, ignores his instructions.
It is one of the parts that makes me wonder about Bohdi's state of mind. The Bhaalspawn had already defeated her once - why does she think she can now defeat him? It seems like the revenge gene in House Irenicus is a very powerful one...makes them blind.
He can't even defeat the least powerful of the Bhaalspawn (before it becomes powerful enough to defeat the rest).
Irenicus has no back up plan if things go wrong. And the main reason is arrogance: he doesn't think anything can go wrong because he is sooooo smart and has "planned everything". Well, we find out that he is not and has not. Just mortal, after all.
In fact, at every turn he fails, fails, FAILS! You would have thought that he would have realized after failing once, that he was capable of failing. Then he gets not only defeated, but KILLED and sent to the Hells!
You would have thought that at LEAST his arrogance would have had a contingency plan!
But no, it is all or nothing.
And that is the real reason why Jon Irenicus is just a middle of the road psychotic, not worthy to rub shoulders with the power elite.
He makes for a great villain for a mid-level party. And that is all.
The rest, as seen in ToB were much higher level for far longer than . And had Irenicus not concentrated on , would probably never had reached the higher levels by the time that Mellissan's plans had come to fruition.
So basically, and Imoen were the "weakest" (re: least powerful) of the remaining Bhaalspawn, at least as far as we are led to believe.
And I don't think CHARNAME is the weakest of bhaalspawns: he/her managed to spread havoc across the swordcoast, he/her was so powerful that, feeling his potential, Melissan decided to use him/her to kill the Five one by one...
Finally, Irenicus did not fail: in my playthrough I decided to face him in Spellhold without assembling the army of mad wizards, so he casted "Wish" and killed me and, in that alternate universe, probably succeeded in his scheme, become a deity, raped suldanesselar and delivered the remains to the drow and the Rakshasa!
It is ABSOLUTELY ridiculous that JI can use the Wish spell to kill you (and party) but can't kill you (and party) along with a small group of crazed Mages with that same Wish spell.
After the threat of the Wish spell is gone, JI is a milksop. All rant, no bite. He went down before the concentrated wrath of Dorn and Vikky in milliseconds (helped a bit by Neera, of course).
Then he sputters around like the imbecile that he is, I didn't expect you to...oh Jon. Oh Jon! Whatever did you expect, then? That Saemon (whatever his name is, the lout) would not turn on you? That would not enlist the very resources that hate you the most? Why didn't you kill all those crazy Mages before I got out of the Maze? Surely you could have beaten each one one-by-one, right?
Or were you afraid that you were not up to it, hmmm?
As for a useless waste of time and resources, didn't it occur to you, super-brain, that this battle was reminiscent of what was to come?
Ever ignorant, ever the fool!
But the thing that really, REALLY got me steamed was...the assumption that I would go after JI and that snot-nosed brat Imoen! It is not like I had a choice, I was railroaded by the Devs into doing it!
You know, I really didn't CARE! You can have Imoen, that whiney little tart needed to go! As for will die from the curse, wither away, become...nothing, after awhile.
I have other things to do with my time. Thank you for taking care of the Imoen problem for me.
After I had done everything else there was to do, there really isn't anything else that you can do, but to *groan* go to Spellhold.
I mean...JI was on his last legs. A few months, and he would have kicked the bucket anyway. I literally took YEARS before I went to Spellhold! He should have been dust by then!
To me, this is the biggest immersion breaker of them all, and JI's biggest flaw (aside from underestimating again, and again, and again!) I mean...there should have been a different way to make you go to Spellhold. Forced Teleportation, you get captured (again)...I don't care, just give me the Deus ex machina that takes care of this "teeny-tiny problem"!