Depends on the race, really. There's a *ton* of human, elven, half-elven, half-orcish and dwarven males artworks out there. But for gnomes and halflings...? Almost none whatsoever! And that goes for both genders.
I just use the pic I use for my profile. I scarped it off of an old "Hobbit" web site and then adjusted it appropriately. It's a little grainy, but it suits.
There are several spots (though I can't point to any) that have a large variety including the IWD pics. I want to say gibberlings, though don't quote me.
Would help to know what race and class you're looking for. There are also various topics in Fan Creations for portraits in general.
I mainly like playing elves/half elves, maybe human. Rangers, ranger/clerics, thieves, swashbucklers are favorite classes of mine. A good portrait can inspire a character's direction, I've found.
With those races, you'll probably get lucky on a bigger archive. Like stated above, for hallings and gnomes, it's more difficult.
Mostly hit and miss, but I assume you already checked the dropbox, so here are alternatives:
@thespace, did you name the portrait files appropriately? They have to have less than seven characters in the name, no special characters, and the last letter has to be an "M", (for BG:EE), or an L or S (for original BG), or the program won't recognize them as portrait files.
and the last letter has to be an "M", (for BG:EE), or an L or S (for original BG), or the program won't recognize them as portrait files.
? I've been using nothing but "L" portraits since the 1.2 update and never ran into any problems with either EE game. Both programs display and resize my large portraits just fine.
I don't even need to use a filename with 'm' or 'l' at the end with bg2:ee. I just convert Isandir's portraits to bmp, and name them like 'PAL' (for a a paladin looking guy) 'BER' (for a berserker looking guy) or 'PRI' (for a priest looking guy) and the game recognises and resizes them to correct proportions. On Ipad, no less!
Here is my party fighting against a cadre of vampires. From top to down: Cavalier, Cleric/mage, Shadowdancer, Archer, Monk, Thief/mage.
I just convert Isandir's portraits to bmp, and name them like 'PAL' (for a a paladin looking guy) 'BER' (for a berserker looking guy) or 'PRI' (for a priest looking guy) and the game recognises and resizes them to correct proportions. On Ipad, no less!
@lunar That's because Isandir's portraits were created specifically for these games, so the proportions are correct already, and the game only need to adjust the size appropriately.
Just be careful. Remember when converting to bmp, BG1/2 can't handle the highest level of detail in a bmp file, if say, you're using photoshop to do the converting and have options on it. You have to take it down to I think 32 lvl detail, not the 40 one. Man, it took me forever to figure that one out. Someone on the gibberling 3 forums had to spell it out for me. ;;
What @ReadingRambo said. Check out her stuff on Deviantart. She's awesome and so are her portraits. Sadly, as far I know, she doesn't do commisions anymore... but you can still download her portrait package(s).
Have a look at LadyRhian's Too Many Portaits Thread in the fan creations section. Does exactly what is says on the tin.
They're unsorted and uncategorised but if you spend ten to fifteen minutes scrolling through then you'll find any race/class/alignment/armour combo you can think of. There are a lot of pages of pics there.
*Edit* you'll need to crop and resize them yourself, but that's not hard.
@thespace: Most of my portraits already have bitmap versions that I make available on the website, though I'm sometimes behind in the most recent ones. (It's usually in the top description on each portrait's page.) The large, medium and small versions are all included in the compressed file. I typically recommend against relying on BG:EE's automatic sizing, as it creates pixelation in the small portrait that shows up in the game. The bitmap versions are also often cleaner than the .png files, as I occasionally go back to fix small details without updating the website image.
If you are looking for a particular portrait--race/class/look, etc.--I can also make one based on your request. I've had less time to make them lately, but I tend to be more willing to take on projects when someone has something very specific in mind.
Finally, you may want to check the custom portraits thread, the one that preceded it and the artist links (see the first post). You'll find a huge number of images from multiple artists.
Drystan was one of a pair that I created for a mod; I typically don't add the downloads for those ones. Feel free to use it, but be forewarned that if you do use NPC mods and eventually add that one, you may eventually run into yourself.
Elvaniel I must have just missed, so I'll add the bitmaps today or tomorrow.
@lunar what patch are you playing with? that screenshot looks whack
@EnterHaerDalis 1.2 Ipad version. Have some mods for bigger fonts and Shadows of Amn logo for pause button, among other things. I guess that's what you meant as whack? Male Portraits from the skilled artist @Isandir all are of exceptional quality and merge well with the bg2, that was what I wanted to show off. ^^
There are several spots (though I can't point to any) that have a large variety including the IWD pics. I want to say gibberlings, though don't quote me.
Mostly hit and miss, but I assume you already checked the dropbox, so here are alternatives:
You also need to restart the game, if you haven't done that.
*For best results read in best Firebead Elvenhair voice
That is all.
Here is my party fighting against a cadre of vampires. From top to down: Cavalier, Cleric/mage, Shadowdancer, Archer, Monk, Thief/mage.
That's because Isandir's portraits were created specifically for these games, so the proportions are correct already, and the game only need to adjust the size appropriately.
They're unsorted and uncategorised but if you spend ten to fifteen minutes scrolling through then you'll find any race/class/alignment/armour combo you can think of. There are a lot of pages of pics there.
*Edit* you'll need to crop and resize them yourself, but that's not hard.
If you are looking for a particular portrait--race/class/look, etc.--I can also make one based on your request. I've had less time to make them lately, but I tend to be more willing to take on projects when someone has something very specific in mind.
Finally, you may want to check the custom portraits thread, the one that preceded it and the artist links (see the first post). You'll find a huge number of images from multiple artists.
Elvaniel I must have just missed, so I'll add the bitmaps today or tomorrow.