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A whole new outlook on Xan

Admittedly, I never really liked Xan. The mix of elven and depressive just didn't go for me, especially considering he's a Moonblade wielder. Then I found this artwork created by Smilika on DeviantArt and it completely changed how I perceived Xan :D

What do you guys think?


  • lunarlunar Member Posts: 3,460
    edited March 2014
    dustbubsy said:

    It seems likely that Xan could've been part of the canon party. It's pretty much a given you ran into him in the mines after all, whereas you could've missed Minsc. Ah, what could've been...

    Interesting, and I agree fully. But Minsc is such a colorful character as well and they really fleshed him out with his interjections and party banters in bg2. Shame he does not have a personal quest. (The help call to Imnesvsle seems to be important to him but that's all) however Unfinished Business mod adds in Boo's kidnapping quest. That quest is just like Minsc, colorful, funny, unexpected, and once in a while useful. (You can bypass cowled enforcerer spell casting license fee without paying, which is nice) Still Minsc got the better deal than Xan, who only appears in Tutorial of the original bg2 with Branwen.

    Xan can be rather dour and boring by himself, but shines in situations when combined with a npc or pc trying to cheer him up. his interjections/banters with bg2 npcs could have been great.
  • SchneidendSchneidend Member Posts: 3,190

    Admittedly, I never really liked Xan. The mix of elven and depressive just didn't go for me, especially considering he's a Moonblade wielder. Then I found this artwork created by Smilika on DeviantArt and it completely changed how I perceived Xan :D

    What do you guys think?

    Wielding moonblades is based purely on lineage. Xan could have been born with no magical talent or fighting ability whatsoever and still been a moonblade wielder.
  • TethorilofLathanderTethorilofLathander Member Posts: 427

    Admittedly, I never really liked Xan. The mix of elven and depressive just didn't go for me, especially considering he's a Moonblade wielder. Then I found this artwork created by Smilika on DeviantArt and it completely changed how I perceived Xan :D

    What do you guys think?

    Wielding moonblades is based purely on lineage. Xan could have been born with no magical talent or fighting ability whatsoever and still been a moonblade wielder.
    I think after meeting the Moonblade wielder in IWD2 I sort of wished Xan could be more like her (but male xD)
  • SharGuidesMyHandSharGuidesMyHand Member Posts: 2,582
    He's still the worst mage in the game IMO (no magic missile = no bueno).
  • BlucherBlucher Member Posts: 110
    My very first run of BG1 was with Imoen, Khalid & Jaheira, Xan, and Branwen. It was a good run, and I've always been fond of those characters.

    Xzar & Monty died right in the middle of the mines fighting Khalid & Jaheira, and Minsc went berserk the instant I had him join our group and had to be killed. (I now know why Minsc went berserk, but at the time I was like WTF?)
  • mjsmjs Member Posts: 742

    He's still the worst mage in the game IMO (no magic missile = no bueno).

    i don't think there's a single spell that Xan misses out on that can't be replicated with a wand or potion. He's awesome at low level mob sweep-up, 'roid him with a strength spell and haste and watch him go!
  • EffinyEffiny Member Posts: 378

    He's still the worst mage in the game IMO (no magic missile = no bueno).

    You don't need magic missile spell in BG1, you need Sleep spell. Give Xan a chance. :-)
  • LemernisLemernis Member, Moderator Posts: 4,318
    edited March 2014

    He's still the worst mage in the game IMO (no magic missile = no bueno).

    I rarely use MM because I prefer to use spellslots to incapacitate mobs with a spells like Sleep or Horror, or Charm an enemy into attacking his or her comrades, or Blind (including with Glitterdust) or Hold them. It's true that wands can do most of that. But imho the wands sort of cheapen spellcasting in general. If wands didn't unbalance the game, I'd say Invoker is actually the weakest because it denies spells like Sleep, Charm Person, Hold Person, Dire Charm, Emotion: Hopelessness, Greater Malison, Chaos, and Domination. That's a whole heap of my favorite disabling spells! (Less importantly it denies Friends and Ray of Enfeeblement, but I use those too.)
  • KidCarnivalKidCarnival Member Posts: 3,747
    Lemernis said:

    He's still the worst mage in the game IMO (no magic missile = no bueno).

    I rarely use MM because I prefer to use spellslots to incapacitate mobs with a spells like Sleep or Horror, or Charm an enemy into attacking his or her comrades, or Blind (including with Glitterdust) or Hold them. It's true that wands can do most of that. But imho the wands sort of cheapen spellcasting in general. If wands didn't unbalance the game, I'd say Invoker is actually the weakest because it denies spells like Sleep, Charm Person, Hold Person, Dire Charm, Emotion: Hopelessness, Greater Malison, Chaos, and Domination. That's a whole heap of my favorite disabling spells! (Less importantly it denies Friends and Ray of Enfeeblement, but I use those too.)
    MM is never a problem - you get a wand right away from Imoen, and it's not the last MM wand you'll see either. Sure, it's a good spell to interrupt casters, but there are alternatives, from a good archer with arrows of acid or biting to various other quick cast spells.
    What makes Invoker so gimped is that there are no wands to make up for the forbidden school except Sleep, which becomes less usefull on higher levels. Normally, you'd just switch to Emotion - Invoker can't do that.
  • CrevsDaakCrevsDaak Member Posts: 7,155
    Quartz said:

    He's still the worst mage in the game IMO (no magic missile = no bueno).

    I'm just gonna say it: You're a badkid. (Not actually meant in an offensive manner, I'm being silly (: )

    I used to play Mages as damage dealers ... then I learned about this wonderful thing called "crowd control" and all of a sudden my Mages were actually more helpful. Despite not throwing out lots of damage, they managed to contribute to the fights much more -- less damage done to my party, quicker fights and all that.
    That's why Xan is as good as other mages, give him Hold Person and you'll make him very useful, and you can now take a Druid instead of a Cleric :P also, his Charm Person could replace other mage's Dire Charm, and his Dire Charm is very good.
  • Son_of_ImoenSon_of_Imoen Member Posts: 1,806
    Xan does have a spell for interupting mage's casting: Melf's Acid Arrow is my favourite. I often combine him with Imoen as mage: Imoen's magic missile disrupts the first casting and Xan's Melf's Acid Arrow makes sure (well, not completely sure, but a chance of) the mage keeps on miscasting in the following rounds.
  • batjellybatjelly Member Posts: 25
    That is definitely one of the best artwork done of Xan!

    Xan is fairly useful for crowd control in BG1, and once he has put everyone to sleep, he can take out his moonblade to hack at them. In BG2 there are less spells from his class so it's a bit harder to play him as an enchanter. Fortunately, the mod allows you to turn him into a sorcerer or fighter/mage.

    He was one of the NPCs that really made me laugh when I first played the game because of his comment of feeling insignificant in the forest, but when you take him into town, he's still depressed!
  • NecomancerNecomancer Member Posts: 622
    I apologize if this is off topic, but I found this on a blog and thought it fit this thread:
  • booinyoureyesbooinyoureyes Member Posts: 6,164

    ...*sighs* *Adds "A party with Xan and possibly the Xan mod" to his to do list*

    @Necomancer‌ I recently started a party with the "alternative canon" characters. I chose characters that are involved with the main plotline with the mines, bandits and Iron Throne.
    -Xan was captured by Mulahey and investigating the same thing you were, so it makes perfect sense for him to come along
    -Gorion dies, Imoen force-joins your party so I taker her
    -Kivan hates Tazok and is hunting the same bandits you are, makes sense he'd chill with me
    -Branwen hates Tranzig (whose name sounds like he should be a Swedish thrash metal band) so she joins
    -Yeslick is in the mines, so it makes perfect sense for him to be "canon"

    This makes a very nice balanced party with my fighter/illusionist gnome. Also funny to see that little guy romance the strapping young lass Branwen: Warrior Princess with the BG1NPC Project mod :)
  • SwordsNotWordsSwordsNotWords Member Posts: 147
    Beautiful music.
  • NecomancerNecomancer Member Posts: 622

    ...*sighs* *Adds "A party with Xan and possibly the Xan mod" to his to do list*

    @Necomancer‌ I recently started a party with the "alternative canon" characters. I chose characters that are involved with the main plotline with the mines, bandits and Iron Throne.
    -Xan was captured by Mulahey and investigating the same thing you were, so it makes perfect sense for him to come along
    -Gorion dies, Imoen force-joins your party so I taker her
    -Kivan hates Tazok and is hunting the same bandits you are, makes sense he'd chill with me
    -Branwen hates Tranzig (whose name sounds like he should be a Swedish thrash metal band) so she joins
    -Yeslick is in the mines, so it makes perfect sense for him to be "canon"

    This makes a very nice balanced party with my fighter/illusionist gnome. Also funny to see that little guy romance the strapping young lass Branwen: Warrior Princess with the BG1NPC Project mod :)
    I've been meaning to try and get that mod up and running but everytime I try to hunt it down I either have a hard time pinning down where to find it, or find it in chunks and no clear instructions how to install it. Possibly my own fault there. Still, mind me asking if you know of a stable version thats easy to install?

    Also, I like the idea of an alternative cannon party. It wouldn't be hard for CHARNAME to miss Minsc along the way but Xan and Yeslick are right there along the way of the main story line. Makes sense he'd find them.
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