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Lots of strange little bugs with Hexxat in my game...

Ok, so I've gotten around playing BG2EE at last and for the most part I think it's pretty good. Only thing is, in my game at least, there seem to be an awful lot of bugs concerning Hexxat. Nothing gamebreaking, really, but it starts getting annoying.

It started with that issue where her lovetalks don't start at the beginning of the game. OK, I read up on it and noticed that this was a common one and, as suggested in various threads, used the console to speed them up.

The next issue began after the battle with Deirex the lich in Ust Natha, I think. Hexxat died during that fight and I used the rod of resurrection on her just to see what would happen. Well, nothing much happened, she appeared and immediately died again. But shortly after that I noticed that whenever I reload she is now starting out at 5 hp, no matter how many she had when saving. I actually don't know if it really has anything to do with dying at Deirex' and being "resurrected", it's just the only slightly out of the ordinary thing that happened before that issue started. I went on a bit, kinda resigning myself to ctrl-r'ing her after every reload but now that I'm out of the Underdark there are even more issues.

First I noticed that she still uses the drow sprite from the illusion by the silver dragon. Ok, wierd but only a cosmetic problem. Then she immediately started her lovetalks again after talking to Elhan but she started all over, with the very first one where I could tell her that I had to rescue Imoen/go after Irenicus. Imoen was of course standing right next to her at this point. I tried to get on with the lovetalks using the console again but I only got the pre-spellhold ones, no post-Underdark content.

Next thing I noticed was that her vampiric light sensitivity seems to be gone. She can now stand outside in the glaring sunshine without complain. Also, Dragomir's cloak, even if she wears it, doesn't lower her stats anymore.

So that's all the stuff I've notcied till now. I've got a few mods installed (banter pack, tweak pack, rogue rebalancing, scs) but nothing out of the ordinary and nothing that should mess with Hexxat in this way, I think. Has anyone experienced similar things and can give me any hints about how to deal with this? I really don't mind too much about some minor glitches but I would like to see the rest of the SoA content of her romance.


  • neutralneutralneutralneutral Member Posts: 9
    my hexxat also acquired immunity to sun. also, she can stay at her cloud form and be literally invulnerable. she got the underdark dialogue loop as well. apparently she can not be resurrected but by temple priests.

    im just keeping her because my main char is female. the side-tomb-quests are nice, but the flirting lines arent exactly exciting.
  • neutralneutralneutralneutral Member Posts: 9
    howver her stats arent unbalacing because her profession: thief, so she cant best at attack, but has a overweight pack.
  • HugoRuneHugoRune Member Posts: 47
    Actually, I experimented a bit and the sun immunity was fixed for me by kicking her out of the party and re-recruiting her. In fact, that seems to have fixed most of the issues, including the cloak and the dialogues. She still looks like a drow though but that's not much of a prolem.
  • WebShamanWebShaman Member Posts: 490

    I went through all of SoA without having to do the third Quest - the go-between just never showed up!

    Guess L will have to wait till ToB...or perhaps she is really broken, who knows?
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