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Garrins Child won't come out?

I am doing the Find Garrins Kid quest. I went through the dungeon and the maze. Found her locked in a cell. She says its locked and the Boss guy has the key. i Met the dragon and killed his lackey for the key. And i unlock the door and i talk to her but she is still telling me the exact same thing. to go get the key off the boss who happens to be a Dragon. Did i miss something or Did my game glitch? I am playing on IOS but its a Newer Ipad 4G. Thx


  • CLsdlt80CLsdlt80 Member Posts: 82
    Have no experience myself in playing this game on an Ipad, but I can tell you that after killing the mage and opening the door, the girl should thank you and go back to the cabin. Did you try to reload and play that part again?
  • SkaffenSkaffen Member Posts: 709
    Try a reliad, looks like a script didn't trigger. I rescued her on ipad so it is possible and not always bugged.
  • enqenqenqenq Member Posts: 499
    I've had that happen a few times, and frankly I can't recall if I've come up with some miracle cure for it. Usually I try talking again after killing Firkraag.
  • vangoatvangoat Member Posts: 212
    Yeah I've had that happen in one of my games too. Reload and kill Conster again and it should work.
  • Brucepp12Brucepp12 Member Posts: 45
    Had to reload 4 times and it finally works.
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