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Does EE start at Candledeep (BG) or Iranicus's Dungeon (BG2)?

XarxxXarxx Member Posts: 1
It wasn't made clear to me. I hope it starts right from the start and finishes after ToB. That would be awesome. Oh and I hope they keep all the original sound because I loved the original voice acting. If they do start at BG, I hope they've updated the whole game to have ToB graphics.


  • mch202mch202 Member Posts: 1,455
    edited August 2012
    BG:EE is Baldur's Gate 1 + Tales Of the sword coast + 3 new NPCS + The Black pits. using TOB engine with all the BG2/Tob classes and Kits - which means you will start at Candlekeep, also they wont change any VO of the Original content but they will add new VO to the new NPCS.

    BG2:EE will include BG2:SOA + TOB, will be released in 2013
  • AlderonAlderon Member Posts: 53
    Xarxx said:

    It wasn't made clear to me. I hope it starts right from the start and finishes after ToB. That would be awesome. Oh and I hope they keep all the original sound because I loved the original voice acting. If they do start at BG, I hope they've updated the whole game to have ToB graphics.

    All of this information is available if you simply take 5 minutes to look for it.
  • SceptenarSceptenar Member Posts: 606
    edited August 2012
    You really need to read the basics. BG:EE is Baldurs Gate and Tales of the Sword Coast, placed in an upgraded Throne of Bhaal game engine with a few addons (three new joinable npcs and a few associated adventures, plus a stand alone adventure).

    BG:EE ends where vanilla Baldur's Gate ended. They will however make an enhanced edition of Baldurs's Gate 2 with the same engine as BG:EE.
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