Member Posts: 212
Ok I've never done this but.. is there any reason why, upon entering the underdark, you can't head straight for the Kua-Toa tunnels, fight the drow party guarding the exit and just head for the surface?
I don't really feel bad about killing her for the armor when she:
- Lets Irenicus and Bodhi waltz right by (Losing her eggs due to her own incompetence)
- Sends you on what basically amounts to a suicide mission to get them back
- Threatens to attack you if you screw up
- Gives you just a crappy crossbow as a reward for all the risk you took
- She then teleports you to the guards by the exit, who you could have easily found yourself (And probably did if you wanted the kua-toa blood)
- Instead of slaughtering them like a powerful silver dragon, she transforms herself into a very weak mage who does absolutely nothing, leaving you to deal with the guardians
If I was going to have to fight them, I'd much rather do it on my own terms than have you teleport me right in front of them, Adalon you idiot.
Edit: oh yeah, she also has a pet imp that can teleport into Ust Natha at will. Why doesn't she just teleport him into the egg room, steal the eggs back and dimension door out of there?
I don't really feel bad about killing her for the armor when she:
- Lets Irenicus and Bodhi waltz right by (Losing her eggs due to her own incompetence)
- Sends you on what basically amounts to a suicide mission to get them back
- Threatens to attack you if you screw up
- Gives you just a crappy crossbow as a reward for all the risk you took
- She then teleports you to the guards by the exit, who you could have easily found yourself (And probably did if you wanted the kua-toa blood)
- Instead of slaughtering them like a powerful silver dragon, she transforms herself into a very weak mage who does absolutely nothing, leaving you to deal with the guardians
If I was going to have to fight them, I'd much rather do it on my own terms than have you teleport me right in front of them, Adalon you idiot.
Edit: oh yeah, she also has a pet imp that can teleport into Ust Natha at will. Why doesn't she just teleport him into the egg room, steal the eggs back and dimension door out of there?
I mean, you pop in, and are actually being most civilized and talk with her, and she basically screws you two ways to dixie!
Yeah, yeah, I understand that her eggs are in danger. But as has already been said, it is HER own fault (though I would like to know how JI&Bohdi did it). It seems kind of strange that she would take out her frustration, anger, and fear on total strangers who are not in any way involved.
I personally would consider her actions to be non-good. I wonder what happens to good-aligned Dragons that is an interesting concept.
And I would personally consider her actually attacking you for NOT getting her eggs a totally evil act. It is simply NOT your responsibility to do so! It is nice and good if one offers, of course. But being forced to do it, with the penalty for not accomplishing the task being attacked...and presumably killed (meaning she will try to kill you)...
Well, that is extortion, and it is evil.
I believe she has around 60 to 65% MR. If you attack her with spells, just beware she puts up a minor spell turning.
Like if you attack them right away the door still doesn't open?
With her cowering in her cave, anyone can basically march right through, as the Drow did. Would be kind of strange if the Door was somehow sealed...
But you may be right.
"Well, either you attack Jon, or I will destroy these precious eggs here..."
I mean, you basically have her in your hand (literally). Jon did it, so WHY CAN'T YOU?
The truly evil options are few and far between. You can't, for instance, take over the slaver operations in the Copper Coronet. Or do any of the things an evil character might do. would threaten (and mean it!) total strangers with death (i.e. murder) in the rather vain hope that they would then go and rescue your children from some evil person? Don't you see how bat-$hit crazy that is?
I would never, ever try to get anyone to do anything so important for me under that type of duress! After all, you are putting the LIVES of your children in their hands...what is going to prevent them from turning the tables on you after they rescue your children?! You have shown nothing but disregard for their lives! I personally would be looking for security against such a wacko - and holding the children hostage until I could get myself to safety is EXACTLY what I would be doing!
She had so many different options! How about instead of the threats, etc, offering her aid in defeating Jon after you go rescue her eggs? Offering the best of the pick from her Horde? And so on...
I sure could have used her help in defeating that Black Dragon, for instance!
And I am sure she would have LOVED to chow down on JI!
But back to this Silver Dragon for a minute. She fails to protect the most important thing(s) to her, and then totally fails in her mission (that she has diligently upheld for hundreds, if not thousands of years)!
She is in a WHOLE lot of hurt now! I sincerely doubt that the Seldarine are going to go light on her punishment for her inaction (and for violating their trust in her). I am pretty sure that if she had remained true to her mission, that she would have been rewarded again by the Seldarine for her faithful service, and probably granted new eggs (just like the first time).
The more I think on the situation, the more idiotic it seems.
They should have used a different type of Dragon to represent her - a Brass Dragon, for example. Or a Copper.
THEN you go to the Hells and basically tell Jon that there is no reason to come back to life - there is nothing to take revenge on!
I understand that a certain amount of railroading is unpreventable, but every now and then, when I find a door that can only be opened by a specific key, I sort of sigh. Amazing, isn't it, how everything meaningless in the game is subject to brute force or basic cunning, but nothing meaningful is.