Which Non-Recruitable NPCs Do You Wish Were Recruitable?

This is inspired by @booinyoureyes very interesting thread, http://forum.baldursgate.com/discussion/30485/which-bg1-minor-npc-would-you-have-liked-to-have-returned-in-bg2-joinable-or-otherwise/p1 , but the point of this thread is simply what NPCs do you wish you could recruit? From BG1 or 2.
My personal picks:
Brage: This poor captain of the guard who found himself a cursed sword and went on a berzerker rage through Nashkel is IDEAL for a good party, especially if he had his own quest line, helping him to redeem himself. The priest Nalin actually says that rather than executing him, he should instead find atonement. If you had a party reputation of 15+ (or whatever number you get the heroic title at) then I could easily see Nalin saying that he should join you, since you're a group of heroic adventurers with which Brage can do a great deal of good.
Firebead Elvenhair: Yeah yeah, this guy might be considered a little old for adventuring life, but gosh dangit there aren't enough old wizards in BG anyway! Besides, if you've ever fought him, you know he's no pushover, so for BG1 at least, he could be a handy party mage. I suppose he might join you because he knows you, as a service to Gorion, or something.
The Surgeon: Davaeorn's brother, this guy appears to be a mage, yet casts divine magic to heal you. A good cleric\mage dual could be a handy party member, and since you yourself want to deal with Davaeorn, it makes good sense that you might ask him to join you, once you have evidence to prove you're after Davaeorn. All in all, it could be an interesting character with ties to the main story. And he could have an awesome backstory and\or conversations, in which we learn his real name and more info about his youth and Davaeorn's past.
Those're my ideas. What can you guys come up with?
My personal picks:
Brage: This poor captain of the guard who found himself a cursed sword and went on a berzerker rage through Nashkel is IDEAL for a good party, especially if he had his own quest line, helping him to redeem himself. The priest Nalin actually says that rather than executing him, he should instead find atonement. If you had a party reputation of 15+ (or whatever number you get the heroic title at) then I could easily see Nalin saying that he should join you, since you're a group of heroic adventurers with which Brage can do a great deal of good.
Firebead Elvenhair: Yeah yeah, this guy might be considered a little old for adventuring life, but gosh dangit there aren't enough old wizards in BG anyway! Besides, if you've ever fought him, you know he's no pushover, so for BG1 at least, he could be a handy party mage. I suppose he might join you because he knows you, as a service to Gorion, or something.
The Surgeon: Davaeorn's brother, this guy appears to be a mage, yet casts divine magic to heal you. A good cleric\mage dual could be a handy party member, and since you yourself want to deal with Davaeorn, it makes good sense that you might ask him to join you, once you have evidence to prove you're after Davaeorn. All in all, it could be an interesting character with ties to the main story. And he could have an awesome backstory and\or conversations, in which we learn his real name and more info about his youth and Davaeorn's past.
Those're my ideas. What can you guys come up with?
Hendak seems like an interesting option, and would fill the game's barbarian deficit. He would also have good reason to follow you, since Irenicus also likes to rob people of their freedom, and he is shown to be resentful of such people due to his own horrible experience.There are NPCs associated with most of the major Chapter 2/3 quests (Mazzy-temple, Nalia-Keep, Keldorn-Cult, Valygar-Sphere, etc.) but the slavers don't really have one.
Another quest missing an associated NPC is the Windspear Hills. That might be an interesting place to pick up Garren Windspear's child as a paladin NPC, but there isn't much given to us to work with.
Vithal from the Underdark seems like an interesting character as well, and his background is really cool. it would give another evil magic user. He would also be an experienced older mage, which this game seems to lack (every wizard seems to be a young girl...)
Silke in the first game is an obvious choice. Mae'Var Bloodscalp is just plain awesome, and would be cool to have along. I'm just afraid when his swag is overexposed to the audience his charm might wear off. Same goes for the equally intriguing Saemon Haverian, so I might pass on those two.
A sillier choice would be Oopah the Ogre. Instead of killing him you could save him from that jackass the "Great" Gazib. It would be fun to have a character with a different race along, though he may scare away the locals.
And of course, Lord Binky the Buffoon as a joinable jester NPC
Permidion Stark. Yes, I realize the two of them in the same party requires some degree of cognitive dissonance.
Silke. Ah, what might have been. Alas, you were too beautiful for this world. (I have something of a weakness for thespians.)
In BG 2 I wish you could recruit one of the dryads from Irencus' dungeon, after delivering their acorns. They might be able to offer more insight into Irenicus, and maybe hint at his relationship with Ellesime.
Though it is a good defense in court if he ever gets caught outside Thalantyr's place...
Silke is a level 10...10! bard. her stats are 11 15 9 14 12 17
BG2? Safana, Montaron, and Xzar.
Neb (Reputation instantly drops by 5 point, causes rangers and paladins to fall if he joins).
The mad cleric of cyric in the docks district
- Greywolf
- Berrun Ghastkill (he knows Jaheira & Khalid already after all)
- Phlydia
- Zordral/Bentha (after choosing whether you help him executing her or not)
- Reevor
- Brage (for reasons mentioned before)
- Obe and any other of the adventurers you are introduced to at the fighting tutorial.
Saemon should be joinable and romanceable too. Plus swashbuckler/mage is very cool.
See the topic the most annoying npc also: http://forum.baldursgate.com/discussion/30465/the-most-annoying-npc#latest
One of my favourite lines of the entire saga. And in your party he would surely make a competent killer (I've had various charnames die by his hand).
Gellana Mirrorshade, would make a nice good-aligned cleric, of which there are none in BG1 (except Yeslick, who's a multi, quite late in the game). Besided she'd be the only female gnome joinable NPC in the entire game.
For BG2, lieutenant Aegisfield because he's got a really nice voice-set. Would be difficult to recruit him, as he's got a lot of work on his hands, and he simply doesn't have the manpower to protect everyone.
Merella, the female ranger possessed by the Shade Lord, I think that she's a character with enouhg background to be a BG1-like-NPC, another adventurer (well, Ranger) that might want to help the PC rescue Imoen/Help him get back his soul/Claim his heritage or just goes with you because you saved her.
Lol... now I'm no loremaster or roleplay guru, but I'm struggling to see a devoted follower of Cyric cooperating with a known Bhaalspawn. You could argue that by helping you to take out the other spawn and suppress Bhaal's essence, this NPC would be ultimately aiding Cyric's cause, but that would require a lot of rational thought and good-aligned compromise from this batcrap crazy, dyed-in-the-wool chaotic evil character
Myself, I'd like to recruit Nyalee, Yaga-Shura's adoptive mother. A really powerful druid with a cool back story, if she were to survive her battle with your party, she could come to her senses and agree to aid you in destroying the monster she helped create. With Big Yaga destroyed, she finds herself without no purpose other than to follow you in your quest to destroy the last remaining conspirators in the cult that turned her life and that of her son into a chaotic bloodbath.
Spectators are canonically lawful neutral, if I remember correctly.
The prostitute carrying Balduran's Cloak. I never really wanted to chop her down into tiny bits, but the cloak you see... If she had been recruitable, you would peacefully get the cloak (i know about pickpocket and quest, but i never had the patience to do everything in Baldur's Gate City), plus a great source of fun and entertainment for all party members (hi hi hi)!
Razamith! For some obscure reason, i like that old mage.
The werewolf woman that mated with you... Damn, i got sad when she departed!
Aran Linvale! Reminded me of Johnny Depp and Captain Sparrow (hu hu)!
Damn, if only i was able to travel with THIS party...
One(or both) of the Sashenseer brothers