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Solo assassin/fighter questions

I am starting a solo run (minimum reload) with an assassin dualled to fighter.

In terms of thieving skills my priority would be find traps > detect illusion or set snares -> which one?

I am wondering at which level to dual :
- level 6 : 2 traps, 2 poison. Dualling completed during BG. Only find traps as thieving skill.
- level 11 : 3 traps, 3 poisons. Improved poison. Dualling right after chateau irenicus, max find traps and detect illusion. Dual completed at 1m xp
- level 16 : 4 traps and poisons, max find traps, set snares, and detect illusion. Dualling completed quite late (3.5 Mxp).
- level 21 : max backstab, 5 traps and poisons. Takes for forever to dual (5.7 Mxp)

I am mostly hesistating between 11 and 16 and would like your feedback on it.
At 11 i will have to choose between set snaresa nd detect illusion. The problem at level 16 is that the fire traps suck (too many ennemies immune)

As for proficiencies i would go for GM in shortbow (tuigan with poison weapon), scimitars (5 atk/round with belm), quarterstaff (huge damage with gww, blunt damage). Any other idea?

Thanks for your help


  • enqenqenqenq Member Posts: 499
    Scrap Detect Illusion, you can get an item that lets you cast True Seeing (from one of the wild mages IIRC). Can't confidently comment on more than that though.
  • SkaffenSkaffen Member Posts: 709
    You get the stone with true sight in Rasaad's SoA quest. Plus you can get the thief's hood in Watchers Keep.

    Weapon's wise I would go longsword for Blackrazor which will give you strength plus haste buffs and healing. I would not go for dual wielding - too much hassle to manually unequip every time you want to shoot. You loose too much flexibility, I'd go single weapon styke instead.
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