Chapter/Quest Question

Hi All,
I have a question about Quests and Chapters. Before I went to Nashkel I was on Chapter 1 and had a number of quests to complete. As soon as I entered Nashkel it started Chapter 2 and the Chapter 1 quests disappeared from the Journal. My questions is, is it now impossible to complete these quests and gain XP/Rewards? I have a save of the point before I went to Nashkel (and started Chapter 2).
Thanks a lot
I have a question about Quests and Chapters. Before I went to Nashkel I was on Chapter 1 and had a number of quests to complete. As soon as I entered Nashkel it started Chapter 2 and the Chapter 1 quests disappeared from the Journal. My questions is, is it now impossible to complete these quests and gain XP/Rewards? I have a save of the point before I went to Nashkel (and started Chapter 2).
Thanks a lot
Was playing around again and I think I've found the solution! I hadn't realised that there are Direction Arrows on the Journal screen, I can "Left Arrow" to the Chapter 1 Quests - I assume I still get XP/Rewards for completing them?
Glad you figured it out anyhow!
The problem with that is that your NPCs get impatient and storm off just when you've got a good team together! It would be good to have an option to switch off the impatience and do the main quest in your own time!
That having been said, there is probably enough time for the time sensitive and chapter sensitive early sidequests before triggering chapter change, IF you don't do any general looting until later. MOST small quests are NOT immediately locked out by the next chapter change or two, if at all.