Unbalancing Items

So, there is a couple items in BGII that really don't fit; if you use them the game became so easy (save for a few boss battles) that I simple chose to ignore them. The one that, in my opinion, better ilustrates this, is the cloack of mirroring. Even with the change that cames with ToB (it only absorbs spells rather than deflect them) it is overpowering: it just makes all the wizards in the game as easy as to break nuts; so, my policy is to never use it. Anyone here does the same? Is there any other stuff that you guys think deserves the same treatment?
Post edited by Brunachos on
Staff of the Magi (invisible, attack, invisible, attack, enemy stands there stupidly getting hit over and over again until they die...and dispel magic with each hit? Don't even get me started about the Spell Trap ability)
Maybe if they tweaked the AI to where they would try to run away or cast dispel magic(if they can) instead of just standing there taking hit after hit.
I still use it though - they cheese, I cheese!
I don't have any real problem with it though. Nor with the other items mentioned for that matter.
After all these years I guess I'm still not that much of a crack at the game to be against those items. At the same time I normally play with an item randomiser, so it often happens that I won't be able to find certain items (as happened in my last BG2 playthrough for example with the staff of the magi).
The high level spell scroll and abuse is of course from the underlying spell and not related to the helm (I switch it off in SCS) but there is another interesting Simulacrum exploit: even though the level gets reduced for available spells, HLA's stay! So e.g. Keldorn's clone can gate in a second deva.
I know they got moved to ToB and Gromnir now drops vhailor's helm.. but I don't know where