Jaheira Romance Problem?
I'm in Chapter 6, I've finished the LT that starts with Jaheira saying "This may be a bad time or not, but I think we should talk."
The next LT is "There is an ill wind in the air...", and after that Dermin will show up.
The problem is, the last LT won't start. I've slept for days, I've used CLUAConsole:SetGlobal("JaheiraRomance","Global",1), I've even try using EE Keeper to changer the JAHEIRAROMANCE value but the dialog doesn't come up.
Is there anything I can do to progress the romance with Jaheira?
Thanks in advance!
The next LT is "There is an ill wind in the air...", and after that Dermin will show up.
The problem is, the last LT won't start. I've slept for days, I've used CLUAConsole:SetGlobal("JaheiraRomance","Global",1), I've even try using EE Keeper to changer the JAHEIRAROMANCE value but the dialog doesn't come up.
Is there anything I can do to progress the romance with Jaheira?
Thanks in advance!
Or if you want to cheat, type this in the console CLUAConsole:AdvanceRealTime(999999) - it should trigger the next dialogue. 'Tis nowhere near as fun as reading about snuffing rodents with footwear, though.
Now, all joking aside, or at least my attempts on joking due to my utter lack of comprehension on humor, I've seen some sick things for the sake of experience, given my sensate philosophy, which would destroy lesser minds, my own attempts at making light of vile acts might be actually an escape over the problems that arise after you learn too much - be it from politics, religion or science - suffice it to say that the world isn't any worse than it looks, it is just not at all what you'd expect, and that much is sometimes shocking, but once you have access to such information, it is hard not to give in to temptation.
Now back on topic - Jaheira has easily the most developed romance in the game - its sheer grandness is sometimes overwhelming when compared to the likes of Viconia, Anomen and Aerie (order of descending character development, although Viconia and Anomen might be tied at that) - makes you wonder why Jaheira is the only archetype which wasn't reused in later Bioware games for a very long time (Ashara Zavros revisits her archetype, though she is the only other character to do so, and even then she is also mixed with Aerie) - I like to call it "nurturing defector from decadence".
*stomp, SQUEEK!*
"Boo! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO BOO?! Minsc will rip out your innards and strangle you with them! RAAAAGH!"
Or maybe you didn't get the Harper pin due to low reputation - if your reputation is 15 or lower, Elminster will refuse to give the Pin to Jaheira after seeing her doubts about Charname's intentions.
Try using these next time:
And then
It should spawn Elminster if you are having trouble triggering it normally or through CLUAConsole:AdvanceRealTime(9999999).
Honestly, though, Jaheira is probably the weakest romance option in terms of combat ability - Aerie has the most imbalanced class combination possible, Anomen can get Grandmastery in Flails and Warhammers, Viconia has 65% magic resistance and with the right gear can become completely immune to hostile magic, furthermore, all of them are Clerics, which win over druids by a mile after the early stages of the game - Jaheira has nothing to commend her in terms of combat - she is a weaker fighter than Anomen, a mediocre caster compared to Aerie, and a crap tank compared to Viconia - I only bring her along because she has one of the most interesting personalities in the game, because no matter what role, there is always someone better suited for the job than she is.
Furthermore, Druids suck at leveling up after 14 - which is only made worse by the fact that she is multiclassed - it will take a very, very long time for her to progress as a caster - which means her own effects will be easily dispelled and her own dispels will be easily resisted.
And honestly, Jaheira's not that great as a physical tank either - no multi-class character is, due to the halved HP bonuses - by the end of the game, Viconia will have only 8 hit points less hit points than she does, while Anomen wil surpass them both by a mile.
Furthermore, her spells per day will lag behind those of dedicated priests due to the fact that until she reaches 6m exp, she will only be able to cast 1 epic level spell per day (although she will beat Aerie in the end, but Aerie is still superior due to her Mage Multi). Melons (Half-elven Stalker/Cleric charname) is not much better at this, though, but she is still a far superior fighter (with backstab, to boot, which I used to kill the level 30 mage on the final cowled wizard encounter with one hit) who has access to her entire spell list + that of a cleric and Haste - although I have to admit I am not sure whether she is more Stalker or Cleric, since I dedicate her to roid spells and utility, while relying on paws of the cheetah + haste and invisibility to get the first strike against the enemy caster, which usually dies instantly, and after that mêlée combat with Staff of Rhyn.
Jaheira has access to some pretty mean HLAs, though, and she will also get a lot of them and good Spells per Day after 6m exp, although she will never beat dedicated priests like Anomen and Viconia, she will be a far better fighter due to critical strike, hardiness and IWA. But when you're that far into the game, Devas and Solars might be better.
For the record - the Max HPs for the LIs are as follow (in their default con):
142 for Jaheira (9 x 4 + 12 + 9 x 5 + 22 + 9 x 3)
134 for Viconia (9 x 8 + 62)
164 for Anomen (7 x 10 + 2 x 8 + 9 x 2 + 60)
82 for Aerie (9 x 4 + 16 + 10 x 2 + 10)
61 for Neera (10 x 4 + 21)
134 for Rasaad (9 x 8 + 62)
165 for Dorn (9 x 10 + 75)
120 for Hexxat (10 x 6 + 60)
And their max spells at their peak (Knight Anomen and Holy Symbols included, but not equipment that is not unique to them, including HLAs due to the fact that they are obligatory past a certain level)
Jaheira: 11 9 9 9 9 7 6
Viconia: 11 11 10 10 9 9 8
Anomen: 11 11 9 9 9 9 8
Aerie: Cleric: 11 11 9 9 9 8 4
----- Mage: 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 2
Neera: 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 5
Dorn: 3 3 3 3
And lastly, number of HLAs points available:
Jaheira: 19
Viconia: 11
Anomen: 11
Aerie: 18
Neera: 8
Rasaad: 19
Dorn: 17
Hexxat: 17