Need help with NPC's for a trilogy run.

Hello everyone.
I'm planning a new trilogy no-reload run but i'm trying to spice it up a little bit to make it more interesting. I got this idea that i'm going for but i'll be needing a little help with it. I would like to pick up NPC's from the game that people think are 'useless/bad' and make it through a trilogy no-reload run with them.
If i end up taking Garrick with me i'll just import him into BG2 when i'm done with BG1. This way i'll be able to pick NPC's from BG1 that i'll keep with me into BG2 and hopefully ToB. I might end up giving them tomes to improve them, but we'll see what happens when/if i get to that part, or if i'll die horrible before that.
I'm not even sure what CHARNAME i'll pick, i was thinking about saving that until i figured out what NPC's i'll take and then try to fill in whatever remains. The only thing i have is that i'm not going to make CHARNAME into a powerhouse, so no arcane magic or cavaliers/berserkers here.
I have been looking at the NPC's and while i have two NPC's i'm going to take, the last two spots are still open. I'll be using a 5 man party.
[CHARNAME] : Not much to say here.
[Garrick] : Garrick have been the topic of many jokes through the years, so of course i'll have to take him with me. I'll import him into BG2 and have an awesome bard there! I'm not sure if i'll keep him a pure class or perhaps let him be a skald in BG2.
[Cernd] : I am sure to pick up cernd once i reach BG2. I have seen him getting bashed in so many topics that he is pretty much an auto include once i get to BG2.
So i'll be needing a little help with the last? Who to pick? Anything from horrible stats to a not-so-good class.
[Baldur's Gate]
[Baldur's Gate 2]
So any picks? I'm quite fond of Shar'teel but she can get very powerful, very quickly. So i'll most probably not take her. Branwen? Tiax? Quayle?
[Edited] : And before anyone even thinks about saying it, i'm not dragging Xan's sorry ass through a trilogy run.
I'm planning a new trilogy no-reload run but i'm trying to spice it up a little bit to make it more interesting. I got this idea that i'm going for but i'll be needing a little help with it. I would like to pick up NPC's from the game that people think are 'useless/bad' and make it through a trilogy no-reload run with them.
If i end up taking Garrick with me i'll just import him into BG2 when i'm done with BG1. This way i'll be able to pick NPC's from BG1 that i'll keep with me into BG2 and hopefully ToB. I might end up giving them tomes to improve them, but we'll see what happens when/if i get to that part, or if i'll die horrible before that.
I'm not even sure what CHARNAME i'll pick, i was thinking about saving that until i figured out what NPC's i'll take and then try to fill in whatever remains. The only thing i have is that i'm not going to make CHARNAME into a powerhouse, so no arcane magic or cavaliers/berserkers here.
I have been looking at the NPC's and while i have two NPC's i'm going to take, the last two spots are still open. I'll be using a 5 man party.
[CHARNAME] : Not much to say here.
[Garrick] : Garrick have been the topic of many jokes through the years, so of course i'll have to take him with me. I'll import him into BG2 and have an awesome bard there! I'm not sure if i'll keep him a pure class or perhaps let him be a skald in BG2.
[Cernd] : I am sure to pick up cernd once i reach BG2. I have seen him getting bashed in so many topics that he is pretty much an auto include once i get to BG2.
So i'll be needing a little help with the last? Who to pick? Anything from horrible stats to a not-so-good class.
[Baldur's Gate]
[Baldur's Gate 2]
So any picks? I'm quite fond of Shar'teel but she can get very powerful, very quickly. So i'll most probably not take her. Branwen? Tiax? Quayle?
[Edited] : And before anyone even thinks about saying it, i'm not dragging Xan's sorry ass through a trilogy run.
Post edited by SionIV on
2. Garrick
3. Eldoth (a second bard, and a mediocre one at that, would add little to your party)
4. Quayle (horrendous stats, low CON means few hitpoints, low STR means no armour, few cleric spells due to low WIS)
5. Alora/Safana (both fragile, Alora with really low STR, but a better thief than Safana)
Most obvious class for CHARNAME would be Fighter/Cleric, Fighter/Druid or Cleric/Ranger I suppose.
This is more difficult because most NPCs ae actually quite powerful if played right.
2. Cernd
3. Aerie (quite vulnerable throughout the game until TOB, high probability of failing to scribe spells without potions of INT)
4. Hexxat (Clara) with poorly distributed thieving skills and mediocre stats
5. Wilson? (never played him, but I understand he isn't very useful)
PS Like your idea!
I'm not so sure about Hexxat, because i haven't tried her out yet and from what i've heard she is either very lame, or pretty broken.
Wilson? That's the bear? That would be great! Can you keep him through the entire game? And how bad/good is he?
I'm going to import the characters from BG1 into BG2, so my BG2 team could look something like this.
Most of the NPC's in BG2 are quite powerful on their own, which is the reason i'll grab NPC's from BG1 as well.
Also in BG1, you have Rasaad. He comes to his own in BG2, but in BG1, sadly, the poor man is basically squishy dead weight. You'll also need Rasaad in your party in BG2 (where he's still not the most useful person in the world) to pick up Wilson, so that will be a continuation.
I think Quayle isn't powerful in BG1 but will become so in BG2, so maybe best not to have him in your party.
What class will be your CHARNAME? I suppose a warrior/spellcaster combo? Your team has no warrior, little in terms of arcane magic, and no cleric spells. Fantastic!
Fighter/Cleric seems to be the obvious choice, or maybe even Fighter/Mage/Cleric, which in itself is powerbuild, but very slow in a party of five... (Though you said no arcane magic.)
Note that in order to get the bear you'll have to do quests with Rasaad.
[Baldur's gate]
Priest of Talos (Charname)
Safana (Might dual class her to mage, not sure)
[Baldur's Gate 2]
Priest of Talos (Charname)
How powerful is Wilson? I've looked at his stats and such but not sure how powerful he'll become.
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Race Class Alignment
19 9 18 4 4 4 Bear Grizzly Bear (9) True Neutral
Special Abilities: Is a freakin' bear. Equipped with claws and bite; gains +1 to their enchantment level and his proficiency pips in them every 6 levels. Gains a 1/2 attack/round and -2 AC every 6 levels up to -2 AC at level 24. 15% chance to Hug enemy for an extra 2d6 crushing damage every hit. Can go into a rage once every 6 levels. Strength and Regeneration rate improve by 1 every 8 levels, starting at 19 STR and 1 HP/turn. Can drink healing potions but nothing else. Cannot wear anything. Cannot speak Common.
Required Actions: Start Rasaad's quest in the City Gates district and get to the Heretic Temple. South of the front door of the temple there are monks fighting animals. Talk to Wilson while he's in his cage and promise to free him. Pay his handler 1000 gold. He'll run away, but go back to where you first entered the map and you can have him join your party.
Just like Baeloth, Wilson is an easter egg character by the folks at Overhaul. Except he's a bear. There's really not much to say about Wilson other than the fact that he is the most eloquent and radical bear who ever lived.
Alright, all joking aside, Wilson really isn't that great. His AC is awful and his regeneration isn't enough for dungeon crawling, though he will fully heal upon resting or travelling. His rage is a less-powerful version of the Berserker's as far as immunities go. It only gives +2 THAC0 and damage and immunity to charm, fear, confusion, hold, stun, and sleep for 1 turn; it does not protect against Maze, Level Drain, Feeblemind, or Imprisonment. He may be a better two-weapon fighter than Minsc or Valygar but that doesn't mean squat if he's not alive to deal the damage. Not being able to wear equipment or drink other potions just hurts his fighting ability so much that it's hardly worth the effort of using him in the party. According to Ardanis, an Overhaul developer, Wilson was made to fill in a Kensai's role but he certainly doesn't live up to it. Rasaad is just plain better at DPS than Wilson. He's not quite as useless as Clara or Cernd but as it stands, Wilson is mostly a joke character and should not be used for serious playthroughs. He is definitely the weakest of the melee-types. Too bad he can't wear rings and amulets like Okku the Bear King from Neverwinter Nights 2: Mask of the Betrayer.
Faldorn shouldn't be underestimated either, she's a got nice summons, and as a single-class druid, she gains access to level 5 druid spells later in BG1. Nevertheless I believe she fits your group pretty well.
I wonder how useful Safana is going to be as a thief if you dual her into mage (because her thief skills aren't that well spent once you have her, or you could recruit her asap).
Shar-Teel will definitely help the rest of the party survive.
Make your PC a Skald
Take Garrick and make him a Jester
Take Eldoth
Import both into BGII and then add Haer'Dalis
You now have four bards, with each kit represented!!! That should be pretty interesting. Maybe add Cernd if you want too, and now you have a party of five that would provide a fun challenge to those that say bards are useless