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Haer'Dalis' Longsword Proficiencies

Not a bug per se, but HD's longsword proficiencies remain very strange. I'm told that he is granted ++ in Longswords if he joins your party at level 15 (though I've not had success with this, he only seems to be a maximum of level 13 when I collect him in SoA). Apparently this is as a result of his being a Doomguard (which is why he gets ++ in Shortswords). However, when you reach ToB he IS granted these bonus profs, even if he has 0 points in LS until that point.

However, if you level him up yourself you can only put a single point in LS.

It seems a bit funky that the best strategy is probably just to pick him up at low level, take him through SOA without putting points in LS, and then magically getting 2 free profs once you hit ToB.

It might be better if the following applied:

1) He gets ++ in LS if he joins you at level 15.
2) You can put ++ in LS manually while levelling him up, provided he joins you at a lower level.
3) He doesn't get free ++ in LS just by going into ToB (because this allows him to get two extra proficiency points than if one follows approach 2, above).
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