Melf's Minute Meteors Spell

I have a quick question about the Melf's Minute Meteors Spell. When I cast this, I get a number of missiles that stay with me after I rest. Is this a Bug? Most other spells wear off!
Here is a trick I use. Before resting, I cast this spell (assuming I haven't used it), that way, I wake up with my full complement of spells + the missiles from before I rested! If I do this with NPCs too, I get a lot of extra missiles!
I have a quick question about the Melf's Minute Meteors Spell. When I cast this, I get a number of missiles that stay with me after I rest. Is this a Bug? Most other spells wear off!
Here is a trick I use. Before resting, I cast this spell (assuming I haven't used it), that way, I wake up with my full complement of spells + the missiles from before I rested! If I do this with NPCs too, I get a lot of extra missiles!
One thing that is a pain though that is, if you have 2 weapons in the quick weapon slots - in my case a sling and a dagger+2, and you have the sling selected before you cast the spell, when you have used all the Meteors, instead of re-selecting then the sling, it ALWAYS selects the dagger, which makes the player go wanders off towards the monster it was attacking which if you are not quick enough usually results in a quick death! I tried leaving the other slot empty, but then instead of re-selecting the Sling, it selects Bare Fists which results in an even quicker death!
Is this a bug? Sense says it should re-selected the last weapon being used which will always be the same as before the spell, cos it stops you from changing it!
Interestingly in PnP it lasts as long as the player has an exact mental count of the remaining missiles leading our DM asking the players at the most inopportune moments how many missiles were left - mental, not notes, so expect to be asked during dinner break, on the toilet, ...
I'dont buy the sling being put away argument, since it will select a club or a staff which could equally be burned!
In the case of MMM I'm guessing it is treating it like ranged ammo and doing the same thing. - not my favorite feature but I'm fairly certain it is a feature and not a bug.
So we have a super intelligent mage, that can memorise complex spells and cast them so as to command Missiles of Fire, yet when the missiles runs out he isn't smart enough to select a melee weapon and attacks with bare fists when he has strength of 9! It just doesn't wash for me!
I think the ranged weapon ammo selection is pretty crap to be honest and can find no rules as it how it is supposed to work written down anywhere, so it's hard to say what is a bug and what is a "feature".
If they have changed this in EE, then I can only say it wasn't very well thought out, and with a bit of effort it would be possible to come up with a more intelligent way of handling it, with a few simple rules. For instance, if the 3 ammo slots A,B,C always worked from left to right, so for the 3 slots, if you initially selected A, it will use all of A, then go on to B, use all of B, then go onto C, you could work with that without too much effort by ensuring you had the lessor Ammo to the left, e.g.
Slot: A B C
+0 Arrows +1 Arrows +2 Arrows
If you select, B, it will use up B and then move to C, etc.
By arranging your Ammo if the right order, you could then easily avoid wasting ammo while at the same time making it more playable.
Also, I don't think the "Weapon Unusable" Message/Auto-pause for running out of ammo, is right, it isn't unusable, it'd just out of ammo. If it's unable I'd want a refund! It would be better to have a separate message/action, "Out of Ammo, slot A/B/C" when slot A,B or C runs out. Then add an option to select whether to pause if a slot runs out or ignore it and just more onto the next slot, and if all slots empty then give the message "Out of Ammo All Slots"
Another way, would be to only auto-switch if the two ammo types are the same, e.g. +0 arrow to +0 arrow, then auto-switch, otherwise "Out of ammo slot A/B/C".
Anyway, it's the way it is and I guess we have to live with it.
It's kind of a pain, but I micromanage closely during combat and haven't yet lost anyone who decides to suddenly plunge into combat with her fists!