How about a Bard/Mage Combo?

How about a Multi Class Bard/Mage Combo? He could literally sing his spells! I've always thought that verbalisation of Spells was more of a Poem or Song than actual language anyway.
How about a Multi Class Bard/Mage Combo? He could literally sing his spells! I've always thought that verbalisation of Spells was more of a Poem or Song than actual language anyway.
Another thing is that Bards are supposed to be the "jack of all trades, master of none". They are kind of a multiclass already, seeing as how they are part thief (pickpocketing and thief thac0), part mage (spells and wands) and part fighter (wide weapon selection, Spins when Blade).
We all know that words can be much more powerful with the right tune/rhythm behind them and can convey more emotional response than the bare words.
Sort of a Write Song Ability instead of Write Magic that gets better as the Bard improves, maybe limit cap the Spell to Mage Spell Level 3 or something.
So, it doesn't get higher level spells, just lover level ones made better with song.
Just some incoherent thoughts!
Bard does not multi/dual class with any other class.
Barbarians, Monks, Paladins, and Sorcerers also cannot be/become combination classes.
(There is a popular misconception that Barbarians are a fighter kit; they are not, they are a variant class which presumably derives from fundamental background differences, just like Rangers and Paladins...unless your PnP DM says different .)
The allowed combos are:
multi-: (all basic; no kits)
Cleric-Mage (no pointy weaps, but who cares)
Cleric-Ranger (no pointy weaps)
Cleric-Thief (no pointy weaps)
Fighter-Cleric (no pointy weaps)
Fighter-Druid (no arrows)
Fighter-Mage (no armor while casting)
Fighter-Mage-Cleric (no pointy weaps)
Fighter-Mage-Thief (no armor while casting)
Mage-Thief (no armor while casting)
Cleric (basic or any kit)>Fighter (basic)* (no pointy weaps)
Cleric (basic or any kit)>Mage (basic) (no pointy weaps, but who cares)
Cleric (basic or any kit)>Ranger (basic)* (no pointy weaps)
Cleric (basic or any kit) >Thief (basic)* (no pointy weaps)
Druid (basic or any kit) >Fighter (basic)* (no arrows)
Fighter (basic or any kit) >Cleric (basic) (no pointy weaps)
Fighter (basic or any kit) >Druid (basic) (no arrows)
Fighter (basic or any kit) >Mage (basic) (no armor while casting)
Fighter (basic or any kit) >Thief (basic)
Mage (basic or any kit) >Cleric (basic) (no pointy weaps, but who cares)
Mage (basic or any kit) >Fighter (basic)* (no armor while casting)
Mage (basic or any kit) >Thief (basic)* (no armor while casting)
Ranger (basic or any kit) > Cleric (basic) (no pointy weaps)
Thief (basic or any kit) >Cleric (basic) (no pointy weaps)
Thief (basic or any kit) >Fighter (basic)
Thief (basic or any kit) >Mage (basic) (no armor while casting)
(*In general, these are considered sub-optimal dual progressions, because in higher level play additional constitution HP bonuses peter out, and spell selection and # become huge, but, hey, knock yourself out; there may be some kit features that might make a particular offbeat combo worthwhile.)
(Note: For those warrior/xxx combos where arrows aren't allowed, player should be aware that Str bonuses DO add to the damage of slings, throwing axes, and throwing knives, so there is some balance to the change in firepower. A +2 stone from a +2 sling on a Str 19 Ranger/Cleric is a wonderful thing to behold.)