Alternative Builds for Kensai/Mage

Hi all,
I just finished a playthrough of BG with a Fighter PC for the nth time and am starting BG2 shortly. I will probably play a Kensage (I only use F/M or R/C builds for my PC). I know F13/M28 is the most popular, but I want to try out another variant if viable.
Assumptions - XP is not an issue. Eventually I will take on Ascension Melissan.
I'm evaluating the following builds:
1. F13/M28
2. F17/M25
#1 offers the highest spell progression, but I find the endgame THAC0 of -10 thereabouts underpowered against Ascension Melissan and gang with AC up to -16 or so.
Appreciate some ideas and reasoning why another build is viable. Thanks much.
I just finished a playthrough of BG with a Fighter PC for the nth time and am starting BG2 shortly. I will probably play a Kensage (I only use F/M or R/C builds for my PC). I know F13/M28 is the most popular, but I want to try out another variant if viable.
Assumptions - XP is not an issue. Eventually I will take on Ascension Melissan.
I'm evaluating the following builds:
1. F13/M28
2. F17/M25
#1 offers the highest spell progression, but I find the endgame THAC0 of -10 thereabouts underpowered against Ascension Melissan and gang with AC up to -16 or so.
Appreciate some ideas and reasoning why another build is viable. Thanks much.
I'm assuming you know about Tenser's and find the trade off for improved thaco unacceptable. That leaves more fighter levels as the only option.
So you could:
K -> M dual at higher Kensai level
F/M - For max fighter thaco
K/M - For even better thaco and damage bonuses
I think K/M is what you're looking for, and has the advantage of no down time.
Yes I'm aware of the various options for increasing THAC0, and I don't want to use Tenser's if I can help it. I experimented with K21/M22 before; the added K bonus at L21 was overkill against weak enemies, marginal against strong enemies, but I was often short of L7 and especially L8 spells (gotta love those ADHWs!). I also experimented with L13/M28, but I found the melee performance disappointing even after maxing relevant stats from BG tome runs - sufficient for normal enemies, but unreliable against the toughest bosses with strong AC, and I don't like to miss my hits against them except on natural 1s.
What drew me towards K17/M25 were these
1. +5 THAC0 compared to K13/M28
2. Better saving throws (+2 PPDM, +1 PP and +1 BW) compared to K13/M28
3. Mage HLAs maxed at L25 (5 L10 spells plus 3 spell slots)
I do lose out in spell progression. K13/M28 spell progression is 5/5/5/5/5/6/6/5/4 while K17/M28 is at 5/5/5/5/5/6/5/5/3. -1 L7 slot and -1 L9 slot.
Definitely different.
Plus, Gnomes.
If someone made a Jan Jansen romance mod I could make a female gnome PC and use a turnip as the portrait ^_^
You'll be so powerful with a 13/xx K/M that anything above that is just overkill. Thac0 should not be a problem for a 13 kensai and a mage of that level (25+) could beat all encounters in the game so your kensai class is a huge bonus, not needed.
A L13 Kensage with THAC0 around -10 will have some difficulty hitting Abazigal and Melissan (AC -16 thereabouts) and even generic Mariliths (AC -13). At THAC0 -10, I will miss Abazigal/Melissan 25% of the time and Mariliths 10% of the time. I prefer to reduce the miss % down to 5% (missing on natural roll of 1). Sometimes, the very first successful hit may decide the course of the battle, so I won't take chances here
Base THAC0: 0
Kensai Bonus @F24: -8
Strength Bonus @Str 22: -4
Weapon Bonus @+5: -5
Spec Bonus @GM: -2
Final THAC0: -19
Overkill, I never knew thee!
Base THAC0 @F13: 8
Kensai Bonus @F13: -4
Strength Bonus @Str 22: -4
Weapon Bonus @+5: -5
Spec Bonus @GM: -2
Final THAC0: -7.
I assume final THAC0 -10 because it is very possible to achieve 25 Str either using Crom Faeyr or doing tome runs in BG. Kensais have no access to gauntlets and the most they can get from equips is another point of THAC0 using the Pale Green Ioun Stone (not a good item on its own).
Another way is to use the Spectral Brand+5 special ability Armor Piercing Strike, which lowers your Kensai's thaco by 10 pt in 3 rounds. This method combos well with the second strategy of worsening the opponent's AC. After activating this ability, equip the Answerer+4. Each hit from this weapon increase the opponent's AC by 2 pt penalty and the penalty is cumulative.
@bbear Piercing Strike sounds interesting enough to test out, not for my PC but for another front-liner. Will experiment with it with the console. Prior to this, I've already assigned another front-liner to use Answerer +4 with Kundane +2, but I haven't considered Piercing Strike before.