Why No Bhaalspawn Mod Companions? (Definite Spoilers)

This has been plaguing my thoughts for the past day or so. Why aren't there more modded companions that are Bhaalspawn themselves?
You have Imoen, but what about others? Sarevok doesn't count, since when you get him he's no longer one. I feel this would be a common idea, but I haven't seen any. (Could just be me, though) It kind of goes along with the terrible "I'm soooo special!" kind of NPC mod, but it's not so overwhelmingly obnoxious that it would make for a bad mod. (though it could certainly be made bad through poor writing)
I imagine the majority of such NPCs would be good, since good Bhaalspawn joining together for safety, strength, and kinship would make more sense than evil ones, who would probably only like to find other Bhaalspawn so they could kill them. Of course you could make ones that challenge you but when you beat them they beg you to spare them and then join you so they can become more powerful. I'm sure there are plenty of other good ideas people could come up with to explain why an evil Bhaalspawn would join you. I think the writing that applies to you and Imoen (mostly you, of course) could be stupendous if it included the modded NPC. And depending on the alignment, you could have some very interesting dialogue at the end of ToB, even with an extra final battle, perhaps. Basically, I thought it was a nifty idea that might spawn some interesting discussion\ideas.
You have Imoen, but what about others? Sarevok doesn't count, since when you get him he's no longer one. I feel this would be a common idea, but I haven't seen any. (Could just be me, though) It kind of goes along with the terrible "I'm soooo special!" kind of NPC mod, but it's not so overwhelmingly obnoxious that it would make for a bad mod. (though it could certainly be made bad through poor writing)
I imagine the majority of such NPCs would be good, since good Bhaalspawn joining together for safety, strength, and kinship would make more sense than evil ones, who would probably only like to find other Bhaalspawn so they could kill them. Of course you could make ones that challenge you but when you beat them they beg you to spare them and then join you so they can become more powerful. I'm sure there are plenty of other good ideas people could come up with to explain why an evil Bhaalspawn would join you. I think the writing that applies to you and Imoen (mostly you, of course) could be stupendous if it included the modded NPC. And depending on the alignment, you could have some very interesting dialogue at the end of ToB, even with an extra final battle, perhaps. Basically, I thought it was a nifty idea that might spawn some interesting discussion\ideas.
I think it could definitely work if done well though. They avoided the above problem with Imoen just fine. It would be kind of interesting to see this happen.
Also there are two possibilities: a new character entirely or maybe an existing Bhaalspawn (I'm looking at you Balthazaar).
I actually thought of Balthazaar as well. I think it would be nice to have a 20+ CHA or WIS based method of convincing him to join you. Whether through pretty words or wise logical facts. I think it should definitely require very high abilities though. Like I said, 20+. 20+ for either of those isn't terribly hard unless you're not a priest\dump stat CHA. I don't think the other abilities would work for convincing him of anything. =p
One could even make an argument for the other members of the 5 from ToB. I'm sure someone could write a convincing and logical mod for why you can join with the more evil members. More power for everyone, perhaps?
It ToB was made today I'd even go so far as to suggest the company making it hold a contest where people submit their player made bhaalspawn, along with background and personality, and they pick five to put in game, but then I'm playing the "What if..." game again.
...Yeah um. I may have given this mod some thought already...What? I got alot of free time to think at work.
A Bard with 10/15/12/16/17/14 might do that very well!
@ChildofBhaal599 Really? That's interesting. May have to give that a try someday.
@SionIV Yes, but I don't see them as necessarily being more important than the main character, just someone with similar importance. I imagine most of the characters would happily give up leadership to you, and plenty of them wouldn't be stealing the spotlight. In fact, I see it as somewhat hard for them to steal the spotlight unless it's a really poorly written mod.