THAC0 bonus while attacking hidden...

How exactly does it work? I know that Rangers, Bards and Thieves get +4 bonus to THAC0 while attacking hidden (or anyone invisible actually), but I haven't been able to find out whether this applies for melee only or also for ranged attacks. To my knowledge, there is nowhere to find some definitive answer. Some people THINK that it's for melee only, just like some people think that high charisma lowers the chance of fights to death between party members...
EDIT: It doesn't make much sense if it's melee only btw...
EDIT: It doesn't make much sense if it's melee only btw...
High Reaction makes the fights to the death to take more time to trigger.
After all these years, with such a huge and active community and buttloads of mods, we still don't know some (rather fundamental) things about this game... Isn't that funny?
I'm curious though; what could be the decision behind not implementing ranged weapons too? It's just against common sense... Maybe devs thought that it was unbalanced? They overlooked it? Engine limitations (I wouldn't know)?
Could Beamdog do anything about it? I mean, aren't they forbid to alter these kind of things by their contract? It would be great, if they could. Especially for Rangers...
Also, when an enemy is blinded you gain the same bonus, but also with ranged weapons, which makes even less sense :P
"there are just less probabilities of missing the shot" - Exactly! That's why I should have a bonus "to hit" roll, which THAC0 roll is. An enemy is not protecting himself and not moving (in unpredictable way)...