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Very amusing bug at the end of TOB (please clear speech actions before going into final cutscene)

In the final battle in TOB, just before the deathblow my PC delivered to the end boss, Nalia got hit and lost nearly all of her hitpoints. She then failed a morale check and started panicking.

My final blow connected; end boss defeated. The Solar arrived, justice was meted out, CHARNAME made his choice, and the cutscene about my future played.

After the cutscene finished, the game correctly switched to the end stories for my companions. And as they started, the following frenzied exclamation came over my PC speakers, nicely summarizing the entire three-game saga for me:

"I just wanted to help!!!"

I nearly broke an arm as I fell off the chair laughing. I presume that it's a simple fix to clear the speech actions after the battle? If so, then I formally request this....
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