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Tips for a Solo Cavalier

I'm wanting to go through the game with a solo cavalier in the future, and while I know it's possible, I was wondering if anyone had any tips.

The idea behind this character is that he's a traditional heroic paladin, doing whatever is right and just. He eschews any assistance so others can stay safe. He doesn't want anyone else to get hurt by traveling with him.

I'm sure I could make it through without any tips, but I'm curious what ideas you guys might have for making the most out of the character. My idea for weapons was to start out with two handed swords and two handed style, and add in other skills as I found uses for them. Between the Spider's Bane and Carsomyr, he's pretty set for weapons for both games. I figured I'd take halberds next since good two handed swords are (from what I've heard) few and far between in the early parts of SoA, and there are good halberds. Also, I'll be able to keep rolling with two handed style then. Other than that, the class is pretty simple. Once I get spells, things will increase in complexity a bit, but I figure he'll mostly be doing whatever will make him able to deal more melee damage\protect himself.

Any ideas are appreciated, even if I don't use them, so if you've got an idea, let me know! Thanks.


  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317
    edited March 2014
    But a more serious note to a certain degree you can switch around your swords (lilacor, spiders bane, etc) in the second game to match the particular status effect you are having trouble against. The same applies to items. I think Blackraven covered what I would have said.
  • ElrandirElrandir Member Posts: 1,664
    Thanks for the ideas guys. I hadn't really thought about weapon skills as much as I ought to have, but from theorizing about half a dozen different min-maxed characters in the past, I did have some knowledge about good choices. I had learned about the throwing axe trick, so I would be taking that relatively early. Might even do 1 pip in axes and 1 in halberds in BG1. As for proficiencies past that, I'm not entirely sure I really want hammer. I think between DuHM and strength belts, his strength will have no need for Crom Faeyr. Flail is a solid choice for just about any class that can use it, honestly, what with FoA being so good.

    One of the reasons I think I'd prefer a solo run with a paladin as opposed to a fighter is versatility. I actually see the inability to gain even mastery in weapons as a blessing, rather than a curse. With a total number of 15 pips as opposed to a fighter's barely superior 17, and mastery only in two weapon style, the paladin is far more versatile.

    I was also thinking of taking two weapon fighting eventually, just because it IS so good. I'll still rely heavily on Carsomyr, but in some fights I might just need the defensive abilities of more than one weapon.

    As for his MADness, (I'm sorry, I couldn't resist...) I will be rolling upwards of a 95. Wisdom doesn't do anything for a paladin so it's dropping straight down to minimum. Ideally I would roll a 97 or better, and can play with 18\75+ STR, 18 DEX\CON\CHA, 12+ INT, and 13 WIS. But I will settle for a 95 if I can get a decent STR. It may seem unrealistic, but this guy is the son of a deity and is a gosh darn hero, (Not to mention I'm soloing...) so I don't care too much. =p And I know I'm jinxing myself by saying this, but I generally roll pretty well, so I should be able to roll a 95+ in less than an hour. Likely in less than 30 minutes.
  • ElrandirElrandir Member Posts: 1,664
    What would be another good one handed weapon? All I've got is flail and axe, and I still have two pips left for another skill. (assuming I've used 2-3 pips for all the skills mentioned so far except for warhammer) Katana? Long sword? Perhaps even Scimitar\Wakizashi\Ninja-to for Belm?
  • ElrandirElrandir Member Posts: 1,664
    I went ahead and generated him, but I'll probably go back and remake him later on. He got a 94 roll, with an excellent 18\75 STR, but at the very least I want an 18 CHA, if only so I have a magical weapon to keep at the beginning. I just couldn't stand the thought of losing such a great roll while trying to get a better one, so I saved this guy for now. Only took about 20 minutes, although the 94 came with only about 10 minutes of rolling. Will go back and improve him soon.
  • FrostyFrosty Member Posts: 190
    Has a Paladin You can use cleric scroll and some wands,
  • BlackravenBlackraven Member Posts: 3,486
    edited March 2014
    @Elrandir: if you've got flail and axe for 1h weapons, for extra APR you could consider scimitar (as you mentioned) or short sword (Kundane also gives an extra APR, plus you'd have a piercing weapon proficiency next to crushing/slashing if you're a completionist). EDIT: Longswords are good too, because there are so many of them, all with different perks/protections/etc.

    As regards your charname's STR, I wouldn't worry too much about 18/75+ STR since in BG1 anything 18/01+ is great, and at one point of that game you might increase your STR with a tome (if you manage to bash a lock with DUHM or hire a thief temporarily.) And even if you don't, STR as you said before needn't be a problem to your charname, with stat-boosting items and DUHM available. In other words I'd take an outstanding 37+ roll over your current 34 roll.
  • NecomancerNecomancer Member Posts: 622
    edited March 2014
    This might sound weird but have you considered daggers? Or quarter staffs? Both games have some decent daggers, including returning throwing daggers in BG2 and if you dual wield daggers add a certain flare when in the off hand thats always fun. Staffs have some of the best enchantments in the games and do smashing damage, since smashing magical weapons are required for some enemies this might be handy. As a bonus its two handed, so you also get the bonus from two handed weapon style. If all else fails longswords are always a good reliable choice.
  • CorvinoCorvino Member Posts: 2,269
    Carsomyr is a great weapon because it combines offense and defense in one tidy package. Offensively it does decent damage and dispels on hit, causing problems for enemy casters. Defensively it gives you 50% MR which is a great advantage paired with other items.

    The general problem with 2-handers though is that you cannot combine any benefits with that of a shield or other 1-handed weapon. Staves and halberds are interesting and all, but you lose out on stacking options when using one. @Blackraven has the right of it.
  • ElrandirElrandir Member Posts: 1,664
    Thanks for the ideas! I think I might drop the halberd proficiency and take one pip in mace instead, and then take a pip in S\W\N, and two in long swords. That will have me end up at 15 pips. My progression will probably look something like this.

    Two handed sword: **
    Two handed weapon style: **
    Axe: *
    Flail: *
    Long sword: *
    S\W\N: *
    Two weapon style: **
    Mace: *
    Axe: *
    Flail: *
    Two weapon style: *
    Long sword: *

    My logic is that I don't need to be more than proficient with a lot of these to begin with, and I'd like to become specialized with TWS as soon as possible. I'll prioritize learning to use these weapons, but I don't need to become an expert with lots of them. The mace is only for undead, (Mace of disruption) and other than axe, flail, and mace, I'm only taking the others as a way of using their handy effects. It'll be a while till I get some of these, but playing solo I should easily hit max level before ToB.

    I'm not too concerned with piercing damage, since as long as I have a form of blunt damage, I don't think the others are terrible necessary, piercing the least so.
  • BlackravenBlackraven Member Posts: 3,486
    Looks good to me.

    Two comments:

    (1) I think I'd wait with the second pip in 2h weapon style till and take one in axes first. The second pip in 2h weapon style only slightly imrpoves your speed factor (initiative).

    (2) Arbane's sword!! This a short sword you only get in early SoA. According to the item description it only protects against Hold Person, but in reality it also protects against Entangle, Grease, Hold, Stun and Web. So essentially it grants complete Free Action. And the good thing is you can use it with the Boots of Speed without having your momevement hampered (at least when I just tested it). Aditionally it allows you to cast Haste once a day. If you take this into account plus the fact that there are a number very nice other short swords around (Kundane for extra attacks, Ilbratha for Mirror Image, and the Short Sword of Mask which has +4 enchantment and can be bought outside Watcher's Keep, when you've just left Irenicus' Dungeon), I think short swords have been somewhat underestimated by many players (myself included).
    Of course you can decide not to place any proficiency points in these swords and just use them for their equipped abilities. But you could consider picking shorts words instead of S/W/N.
  • Demonoid_LimewireDemonoid_Limewire Member Posts: 424
    edited March 2014
    Pick axes proficiency, purchase azure edge. This alone counter the classe's main disadvantage, which is no ranged weapon attack. At beginning to middle game, pick sword and shield, longswords, and buy the balduran set; switch to its shield and longsword whenever facing off beholders or other range attackers. At endgame, 2H style, 2H sword. And carsomyr.
  • CorvinoCorvino Member Posts: 2,269
    Azuredge and Stonefire are two powerful arguments in favour of axes. Both are available early and cheap and provide necessary anti-troll and anti-undead weapons.
  • ElrandirElrandir Member Posts: 1,664
    Ahhh! I had heard poor things about short swords, and since the main purpose I was looking at them in the first place was for Kundane, S\W\N seemed a better choice. Now I'll definitely take that instead of S\W\N. Plus it'll look better in the hands of a knightly hero than an exotic weapon would.

    As for the second pip in two handed style, I might take a pip in dual wield in BG1, just to get a head start. I'll replace one of the other dual wield pips from later down the line with the second two handed style pip.

    I was definitely going to be using axes, I'll be getting proficiency in BG1, and specialization further down the line.

    And thanks Sylvus! That's news to me, and I'm glad to know it. I didn't actually know what kind of damage cloudkill did, so I would have just avoided it anyway, but it's good to know regardless.
  • mumumomomumumomo Member Posts: 635
    I think your choices are good but
    2* in 2H weapons is useless
    the third PIP is dual weapon is not really good (your thaco will be very low anyway)
    long swords suck : they don't bring any interesting option for a cavalier (who is already immune to fear)
    Daystar is nice against undead. But undead are rather weak anyway and you already get azuredge
    Mace are also quite meh

    The mandatory picks IMO :
    flail 2
    dual weapon 2
    axes 2
    scimitars or short sword (speed weapons) 2. Short sword is better in SOA but belm is very easy to get compared to kundane. In BG1, both are good
    2H sword 2
    2H weapons 1

    Setups :
    trash mobs : FOA/speed weapon
    mages : carsomyr
    Strong ennemies : FOA/axe of the unyielding

    for the remaning 4 points, up to you, you will not use much them anyway
  • ElrandirElrandir Member Posts: 1,664
    edited March 2014
    Hmm... Interesting. I think I'll still take a second pip in 2HS, a third pip in 2WS, and one pip in maces. I like the versatility, and a +2 THAC0 for my off hand weapons is worth it, in my opinion.

    As for the -4 speed factor from the second pip in 2HS, I like swinging faster, as it'll be even more useful for dealing with mages. Besides, this character is ideally the greatest wielder of Carsomyr there is. That's just how I envision him.

    If anyone can tell me more about long swords and the useful ones there are, then I'd love to know. I know a fair number of the really powerful weapons for endgame, but I really don't know anything about longswords. I know about the Purifier, but with Carsomyr it's fairly useless. Why do you suggest not taking it, @mumumomo‌ ? @Necomancer‌ and @Blackraven‌ , why did you guys suggest them? What good ones are y'all thinking of?
  • CorvinoCorvino Member Posts: 2,269
    You can afford to take maces late. The only great mace in BG2 is the Mace of Disruption +2 and if you're solo you'll have access to the Amulet of Power for level drain immunity and Azuredge to instagib undead.
  • ElrandirElrandir Member Posts: 1,664
    Would you suggest I take it at all? Looking at the two of them, I'm seeing less and less reason to take mace at all. MoD is a +1, while Azuredge is +3, a throwing weapon, and has the exact same effect. If not, is there another useful pip to take? Perhaps a point in S\W\N after all, since mumumomo said Belm is easier to obtain than Kundane?
  • NecomancerNecomancer Member Posts: 622
    edited March 2014
    Varscona is one of the best weapons in BG1 (+2 longsword with bonus ice damage. WOO!) and easy to get early game. Blackrazor is pretty amazing but since you're a paladin you probably won't get to keep it so thats a moot point. Sword of Balduran is also fairly nice with a 10% magic resistance bonus.. Truth be told the game doesn't have any super amazing longswords that stand out above all the rest. Here, this might help you out more then I can. Its a list of all the weapons in the game. I'd honestly still go for warhammers instead and just wield Crom Faeyer in my off hand, thats what I plan to do with my bard.
  • ElrandirElrandir Member Posts: 1,664
    Well I rolled up the character finally. It was a total roll of 96, but the exceptional STR modifier was just too incredible to pass up. He's proficient with 2HS and axes, and is specialized with 2Hswords.
  • NecomancerNecomancer Member Posts: 622
    Nothing like having four 18's in your stat blocks.
  • CorvinoCorvino Member Posts: 2,269
    Hehe, that's almost identical to the Cavalier I played through BG:EE with the first time. Very similar roll and stat allocation, same proficiencies, same picture too.
  • ElrandirElrandir Member Posts: 1,664
    @Necomancer‌ Ooh! A bard? Kitted or no? Bard's my favorite class, and the only one I've beaten the first one with, though I'm close with several files. (It's my thread, I can derail it if I want!) And alright. I wouldn't be taking Lswords in BG1 anyway. I guess I might as well take, at most, one pip in it. Maybe one pip in that and one in warhammer. And yup! Four 18's and a near perfect exceptional STR. I can't really complain.
  • CrevsDaakCrevsDaak Member Posts: 7,155
    @Elrandir have you considered War Hammers? They're pretty good (even of you don't build Crom Faeyr) and you'll have to consider a weapon for Clay Golem killing. I recommend Spears and Haldberds for ToB, the spear Nixil's Spear+6 is very good, since target must save vs death or fall asleep, Haldberds deal good damage, and the Ravager+6 has 15% chance (or was it 10%??) of decapitating (Vorpal Hit, no save death, instantly on hit), which is pretty nice. Belm and Kundane are both 'easy' to get. I don't recall where you can get Kundane, I am sure that it's in Athkatla, but I am not sure where. Belm is relatively easy to find. Long Swords are pretty good the whole game, from the Peridian Dragonslayer (good weapon from an RP point of view) to Agurvandal+5 (from which you'll get better bonuses if you are good than if you are evil), you can get long swords that hit as +4 very fast, if you want high enchanted weapons at early game (they are a +1 and a +2 that both hit as +4).
  • NecomancerNecomancer Member Posts: 622
    Blade bard, because style. Also I want to be a melee type dual wielding weapons this time around. My current plan is one point in longswords, then warhammers then flails. Later in game I will use FoA in my main hand and Mr.Crommy in my off hand. Then BAM! Stone skin all day every day. I got a fairly good stat roll, with 14 str, 18 dex, 16 con, 18 cha, 18 int and 8 wis. I probably didn't need int nearly as high as I made it and should have invested in strength or con instead but eh, I like being the smart charming guy who charges dragons head on because why not?
  • ElrandirElrandir Member Posts: 1,664
    I totally understand the desire to be smart and charming. =p I personally like giving 18 INT to my bards\arcane spellcasters because unlimited spellbook FTW. (with a tome, of course.) I prefer the unkitted bard myself, but that's because I like having enough lore to recognize a stone from the creation of Faerun.

    As for war hammers, I think I will take a pip in it. At the very least Crom Faeyr will be a good golem killer, and if I really need the strength bonus for a certain fight I can throw it on. I think my decisions for proficiencies are pretty set, (though not necessarily the order) but I'm debating spear or halberd for the last pip. Essentially Ixil's Spike, or the Ravager. I know ravager looks better overall, but I kind of like the idea of the character wielding a spear. Is that completely and utterly silly, or is Ixil's Spike actually pretty decent?
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