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[GUI Mod] BG2:EE GUI in BG:EE (for v1.3 only)



  • PeccaPecca Member Posts: 2,228
    @skullzscary: If you extract the file below in the override, you will have the Black Pits logo everywhere instead of the skull.
  • geminibrunigeminibruni Member Posts: 276
    @Pecca, can try to modify the coulor of the GUI into a grayish tonality, for pay homage to the original Bg1 interface??? without design changes to your beautiful BGIIGUI of course...
  • PeccaPecca Member Posts: 2,228
    @geminibruni: do you mean you or me? Of course you can:)
  • geminibrunigeminibruni Member Posts: 276
    I mean you.. ;)

  • geminibrunigeminibruni Member Posts: 276
    But if you can't, I can try..... I'm good with paintshop, but i haven't never used the various tools for made the BG mod's...
    In that case I can make the paintshop work and you can finish it.
  • PeccaPecca Member Posts: 2,228
    @geminibruni: i'm away for a week. lets talk about it next monday
  • geminibrunigeminibruni Member Posts: 276
    @Pecca, any news?

    Ps: I'm playing right now BgEE with your mod and I appreciate more and more of your work!
  • MamalqueMamalque Member Posts: 2
    edited October 2014
    I'm sorry if this is offtopic, but I really wanted to do something about the transparency around the dialog window and hotbar, introduced by patch 1.2, and it seems you guys know how to deal with it, as seen here:
    Kerozevok said:

    A few weeks back, I made a GUI with the intention to remove the transparency. I removed all PVRZ files from bif & chitin and the game run fine.

    And here:
    Pecca said:

    @Kerozevok: There may be an easier way, and available for every resolution. Since the bottom bar and dialog window center themselves, you just need to assign large GUI image to respective GUI windows and change coordinates of buttons to the centre of that image. Then, they will be centered for each resolution and no additional modding is required.

    Here is a result of a quick test (obviously, the image would need a black window in the middle of it):

    Something like this is exactly what I wanted to do. I can't stand the transparency, particularly with the dialog window being wider than the hotbar. I'm not asking you to do it for me, though. Just point me in the right direction! I'm already familiar with NearInfinity.

    EDIT: Nevermind! Between Pecca's advice and a few hours banging my head against it, I managed to do it. (For the one resolution I use.)
    Post edited by Mamalque on
  • geminibrunigeminibruni Member Posts: 276
    I started a thread in feature request to have this beautiful mod officially implemented in the game.
  • NihilusNihilus Member Posts: 192
    Pecca said:

    By the way, I'm very excited now, because I have finally figured out how to do this:

    Or this:

    No dead spaces. The GUI is lot more modular, than I have thought. :)

    Is there a minimal GUI mod available for download?
  • PeccaPecca Member Posts: 2,228
    @Nihilus: I compiled WeiDU mod some time ago here:

    Still in beta, I didn't have enough feedback to make sure it works properly, but it should.
  • SharGuidesMyHandSharGuidesMyHand Member Posts: 2,586
    By any chance, do you currently have any intentions to create an IWD:EE GUI in BG:EE mod? (assuming that that's possible)
  • PeccaPecca Member Posts: 2,228
    @SharGuidesMyHand: It is possible, but I'm not planning it. It takes quite a lot of time and is not necessary at the moment. However in the future, I still want to do full stone GUI, similar to the original BG, but with new hd textures. I might use stone textures from IWD:EE for that. But this won't happen any time soon.
  • DanathionDanathion Member Posts: 173
    @Pecca I've just started using your mod and appreciate your time and hard work! (I hated the BGEE start screen, yours is how it should have been in the first place).

    I won't be using the background or edges, but I'm hoping you can clarify for me what exactly the tweaks you've made to the BG2EE GUI are? Sorry if I've missed the answer somewhere and thanks again for your time.
  • PeccaPecca Member Posts: 2,228
    @Danathion: Thanks. The rest of GUI tweaks are just minor, and are displayed in three screenshots in the OP. In the quick bar on the game screen, there are no spaces between every four buttons. Inventory screen is slightly realigned to feel more consistent (mainly, no huge gap between inventory items and ground). Also font in combat information windows is changed to save space. Record screen is just realigned to be symetrical and mage and priest spell screens have changed heading, so it's similar to inventory and record screens. Overall, they are just minor things.
  • EtaminEtamin Member Posts: 837
    Are you planning to develop this mod further or is it finished project?
  • PeccaPecca Member Posts: 2,228
    @Etamin: This mod is finished. I will only continue to update it to ensure compatibility with most recent patches and when possible bugs are found.
  • DanathionDanathion Member Posts: 173
    edited December 2014
    Pecca said:

    @Danathion: Thanks. The rest of GUI tweaks are just minor, and are displayed in three screenshots in the OP. In the quick bar on the game screen, there are no spaces between every four buttons. Inventory screen is slightly realigned to feel more consistent (mainly, no huge gap between inventory items and ground). Also font in combat information windows is changed to save space. Record screen is just realigned to be symetrical and mage and priest spell screens have changed heading, so it's similar to inventory and record screens. Overall, they are just minor things.

    Thanks @Pecca I have applied the tweaks. The inventory and record screens are excellent!

    I noticed a couple of things you may wish to edit:

    The player's name is misaligned when switching between the mage and priest spells. Its a little higher in the mage book - its better positioned in the priest scroll.

    On iPad: the store screen has not been changed - its still the blue bgee screen, although the pictures are the larger size like bg2ee. (Edit: I found the right file in the windows folder and copied it over).

    also, the quick loot button is not inside a box. (Edit: I realise after selecting special abilities that, although the icons are present, the quick bar itself is absent).

    Finally, there are no: GUIW10.CHU, GUWBTP10.MOS, MOS0805.PVRZ files in the iPad tweak forlder, but I'm sure you know that. (Edit: I tried copying the files from the windows tweaks folder to the iPad - it had an undesirable effect on both bgee and bg2ee).

    Thanks again for all your hard work! I couldn't go back after having this. :)
    Post edited by Danathion on
  • PeccaPecca Member Posts: 2,228
    @Danathion: It's strange but I can't reproduce any of these issues. Player's names are in same places in both mage and priest spell screens and store screen shows properly with GUI from BG2:EE with tablet version (there are all image files as in windows version). I'm not sure what you mean by the quick loot button not being inside the box. There is no box on tablet version (because I couldn't transfer semi-transparent images to tablet, I had to remove it, so there are no PVRZ files) and in windows version it is inside in both cases with or without tweaks. Can you post a screenshot? I'm not sure what can cause these issues to you. Do you have version1.4 installed?
  • DanathionDanathion Member Posts: 173
    edited December 2014
    Pecca said:

    @Danathion: It's strange but I can't reproduce any of these issues. Player's names are in same places in both mage and priest spell screens and store screen shows properly with GUI from BG2:EE with tablet version (there are all image files as in windows version). I'm not sure what you mean by the quick loot button not being inside the box. There is no box on tablet version (because I couldn't transfer semi-transparent images to tablet, I had to remove it, so there are no PVRZ files) and in windows version it is inside in both cases with or without tweaks. Can you post a screenshot? I'm not sure what can cause these issues to you. Do you have version1.4 installed?

    @Pecca I do have 1.4 installed.

    I've looked into it a bit more and it is most strange! It seems to only effect Sorcerers - the name in the mage book is the problem, the priest scroll lines up with everyone else. (pictures were taken on iPad, but it effects windows also).

    On iPad alone: the iPad/tablet folder does not contain GUIDLC.MOS. I copied it from the windows folder and it worked fine.

    Yes, the quickbar is fine on windows and I understand now, absent by design on the iPad. Is it possible to transfer the needed files from the iPad version of bg2ee?

  • CrevsDaakCrevsDaak Member Posts: 7,155
    Pecca said:

    New update is up. I removed grey GUI mod, since I didn't update it, because I don't use it anymore. If someone misses it, let me know.

    Do you still have the old version by any chance? Forget about updating it, old version worked fine for me on the iPad, which is in the platform I'm going to use it.
  • PeccaPecca Member Posts: 2,228
    @Danathion: Ah, I see. I thought you meant in-game shops, not DLC screen. GUIDLC.MOS is missing for some reason, I'll update it. I'll also look at the sorcerer problem.

    Transfering files from BG2:EE iPad version might work, but the precise PRVZ file of the quick bar image would have to be identified for both iPad and android. But I don't know if any editors work on tablets.

    @CrevsDaak: I would be surprised if it worked, but here is the link to try it:

    Though, if you're looking for grey GUI mod, you have to see this:真鍮gui
  • PeccaPecca Member Posts: 2,228
    I figured out the issue with sorcerer spell screen. I'll update a fix soon.
  • CrevsDaakCrevsDaak Member Posts: 7,155
    @Pecca‌ thanks! I already have that GUI on my computer… But for some reason it refuses to work on my iPad.
  • PeccaPecca Member Posts: 2,228
    Uploaded a new version with above fixes.
  • wolpakwolpak Member Posts: 390
    Everything looks good on my Iphone 6+ except the inventory screen text is all out of place.
  • wolpakwolpak Member Posts: 390
    Here is a screenshot if it matters.
  • DanathionDanathion Member Posts: 173
    Pecca said:

    I figured out the issue with sorcerer spell screen. I'll update a fix soon.

    @Pecca Thanks for the fixes! Unfortunately I am again the bringer of bad news.

    I've just updated BG2EE and applied the tweaks. The game crashes when I try to open the mage book - as far as I can determine GUIMG.CHU is the problem and deleting it misaligns the character name for everyone.

    Also in BGEE on windows, there is an issue with text in the dialogue box. It displays fine when minimised, but when maximised the combat information and journal updates lose the proper spacing. It doesn't seem to happen on iPad.

  • PeccaPecca Member Posts: 2,228
    @Danathion: I missed that 1.3 patch for BG2:EE is out already. I'll have to update the tweaks for a new version. This will have to wait until weekend however.
    As for the dialog box spacing problem, I can't reproduce it. Are you sure it's related to the mod?
  • DanathionDanathion Member Posts: 173
    @Pecca I almost missed the patch myself as I usually play on iPad. The Android version of BG2EE is now released, so that may make exploring the tablet version and finding the quick bar file easier - if as you say, its actually possible for someone to look into the tablet version.

    On the dialogue box problem: I have a clean install without alterations and another that I mod and play with (I don't have many mods installed, just a few item tweak mods). This doesn't happen on the clean install. Also as I said it doesn't seem to happen on the iPad (I was guessing that is because the iPad dialogue box is unchanged). I don't recall altering the text size. I cant think what could be causing it.

    The text displays fine when the window is minimised, but when you maximise it the spacing is altered. Additional text is displayed fine in the maximised window. Hope that's a more helpful description.


    Thanks for your help, I appreciate that you're busy. :) Should you find some time (and if it's something you'd want to do), I have a tweak request for bg2ee. I really like the layout of your bg start screen and was wondering if you would tweak bg2's and remove the books that the symbols are on.
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