A sixth for my evil party?

My next playthrough will be a half orc thief/fighter with using EE keeper to make thief assassin and I will dual wield daggers because style. More importantly, this will be my first evil party. In BG2 its obvious who I'll have with me but for BG1 I'm coming to a bit of a dilemma.
So far I will have Shar-Teel, Dorn, Edwin and Viconia. With two front liners, thief handled and arcane and divine both delt with I find myself unsure who to recruit as my sixth. Baeloth would be nice but I'm using BG1NPC banter pack because I'm addicted to story and plot (Seriously. I think I need a support group) and I'm fairly sure Baeloth has no new banters. Faldorn would add a bit more divine power and round out my party gender wise (Woo! Gamer OCD!) I also never really traveled with her before. Kagain would add alot of physical power to an already very melee oriented group, and I never actually played with him in my party for longer then one minute (I didn't even know he existed when I was a kid). I also am considering Safana because then I can focus on stealth skills instead of worrying about locks and traps but shes also not evil for some reason.
Any advice? As you can tell I'm not very good at planning mechanically effective parties since all my reasons have little to do with stats and how well those three would work with the others, so advice in this area would be greatly appreciated as well.
So far I will have Shar-Teel, Dorn, Edwin and Viconia. With two front liners, thief handled and arcane and divine both delt with I find myself unsure who to recruit as my sixth. Baeloth would be nice but I'm using BG1NPC banter pack because I'm addicted to story and plot (Seriously. I think I need a support group) and I'm fairly sure Baeloth has no new banters. Faldorn would add a bit more divine power and round out my party gender wise (Woo! Gamer OCD!) I also never really traveled with her before. Kagain would add alot of physical power to an already very melee oriented group, and I never actually played with him in my party for longer then one minute (I didn't even know he existed when I was a kid). I also am considering Safana because then I can focus on stealth skills instead of worrying about locks and traps but shes also not evil for some reason.
Any advice? As you can tell I'm not very good at planning mechanically effective parties since all my reasons have little to do with stats and how well those three would work with the others, so advice in this area would be greatly appreciated as well.
My personal suggestion would be to go with Kagain for the first half and then switch to Tiax when you reach the Gate. Although your Charname will be a thief, as an Assassin, you won't have anywhere near the points you may want in all of the skills. Adding Tiax will resolve that issue, and add some casting power late in the game.
Another direction you could go is to change Shar-Teel to thief. Then Kagain will be your 'Second' front liner and you will absolutely have enough Thief in your group for the long haul.
I've found with my own Half Orc Fighter/Thief, he really is about as tough a front liner as either Dorn or Kagain. The three of them are total beasts and really rock the low level monsters who end up running in terror. Or to put it another way "To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of their women."
You could also make a group of mostly lawful evil types and include Kagain (next to Dorn, Edwin, and Charname if you will). Can shape the way you roleplay. Chaotic evil Shar-Teel would be the dissonant.
Another option is to mix alignments for great dialogues, and you can always pick sides with the evil comrade.
EDIT: Tiax is really good for disarming traps in dungeons, which I normally prefer doing while invisible. He can disarm traps while sanctuaried, without this breaking the Sanctuary
Faldorn is an interesting option. I've never actually taken her through BG1 as she's available so late and her stats are underwhelming. She is however the "most powerful" NPC divine caster and will eventually get insect plague and ironskins, which is nothing to sneeze at. She does suffer from druids generally getting rubbish spells at levels 2 and 3 though.
A multiclass fighter/assassin will definitely suffer skill-point shortages in BG1. You could minimise this by abandoning backstabs and using a bow, and concentrating on find traps/open locks. Assassin poison is nasty enough to make this pretty viable.
How 'bout my homeboy Xzar? He is awesome. If you are focusing on the banter packs, perhaps you could even replace Dorn (I don't know if he has banter pack content) with Montaron. Having two decent backstabbers would be pretty interesting.
However, Dorn and Shar-Teel are both kinda low on health, and since you haven't tried Kagain yet maybe you should give him a shot. He's pretty funny and one hell of a tank. He can take the beating while Dorn and Shar-Teel give the beatings, Viconia buffs/disables, Edwin shoots things and your assassin backstabs. The perfect little burly ball of distraction for your enemies while you rip them apart.
btw, I think Eldoth would fit in pretty well, especially if you have the NPC Project (is it really working well now????). He and Shar-Teel don't get along. Here is the thing: if they come to blows, you can replace him with Tiax, who is a character that would fit into your party (he will do the thief stuff your assassin cannot do since he needs so much in hide is shadows and move silently).
Eldoth could buff everyone with his songs, make poison arrows (makes sense for your assassin to appreciate that kind of skill), identify stuff and fill in all the spells that Edwin is lacking due to being a Conjurer. Keep in mind that Edwin will NOT be able to cast identify, which kinda sucks. Also if you give him some wands he will be a damage dealer with magic (Edwin has so many spells he doesn't need these items) and if you give him the gloves of dexterity he could also be the best archer, since I assume you are using your assassin to stab things while they are not looking and Dorn/Shar-Teel to hit things with big metal objects. An archer would kind of balance things out nicely on the physical damage side.
Or, if it's more dialogue you want, why not try a mod NPC? For a secondary thief to fill the trap gap, there's Mur'neth or cough this dude cough
I'm solo'ing a 19 DEX halfling Cleric/Thief atm, and I notice myself playing him as an assassin (the Strifeleader of Cyric priest mod kit gives the cleric the poison weapon ability every six levels). Obviously my thief gets 25 skill points on levelling up (instead of your 15 skill points), but so far I haven't invested a single skill point in locks, and only 25 in detect traps (getting me to 40). The skill score checks are really low in the early and mid game. So I was able to tackle the traps in the Nashkel Mines with only one potion of perception before I had invested any skillpoints in teh ability. The Bandit Camp has only one trap iic (albeit a devious one). I'm currently making my way through the Naskel Mines, and this is what happened when I activated my Find Traps ability (still at 40 skill points):
I'm not saying it's ideal. But if you don't want Monty, it's doable, for example until you pick up Tiax in Baldur's Gate. You could wait with the heavily trapped dungeons until you have him in your party.
I spoke too soon... I failed to disarm the third trap, needed a potion of perception for that.
80-90 open lock
70-80 disarm trap
Rest doesn't really matter.