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Charisma and Henchmen

HadarHadar Member Posts: 171
edited September 2012 in Archive (Feature Requests)
In all BG, IWD, PT games only 5 NPCs can travel with the main character. In the AD&D the number of Henchmaen depends on the main character charisma. I know that balance of the game is important and there could be trouble if somebody travels with 20 NPCs, so it would be cool if the NPCs would be more confrontational with each other and the team collapses would be definitely more often. The main character should be a peacemaker and his successes in accommodation of team members should depend on his charisma, wisdom, reputation (or even strength - think that only this could have any influence on Shar Teel). And I think that, like in P:T, only the player character could be the team leader. So if somebody would like to have big team he/she should invest a lot of points in charisma and wisdom.

What do you think about that?


upss... I didn't saw the topic "More NPC Slots - The one thing that would make me buy the Enhanced Edition"... Sorry
Post edited by Hadar on


  • HexHammerHexHammer Member Posts: 288
    "More NPC Slots" deals with another aspect of the game, so this topic is perfectly valid in it's own right.

    Even in Bard's Tale we had this last slot open for NPC's to join, I dismissed it when removed from other RPG games that it either was due to game mechanics, balance or strain on hardware, but these days with ample computing power, I would like to have the idea of lots of henchmen to do my evil ..AHEM!!, my unselfish good intend to secure the world of it's belongies, that I could experience large scale battles like in RTS games, that conquoring keeps and castles could matter and own great areas of lands to gain profit, etc.
  • Awong124Awong124 Member Posts: 2,643
    I apologize for being a grammar nazi, but "henchmen" is already plural and doesn't need an "s" on the end of it, and there is no such word as "henchmans".

    This has been a public service announcement by your friendly neighborhood grammar nazi.
  • EpitomyofShynessEpitomyofShyness Member Posts: 113
    Anything that gives me the option of having more companions is a good thing in my book so I wouldn't mind this that's for sure.
  • HadarHadar Member Posts: 171
    Awong124 said:

    I apologize for being a grammar nazi, but "henchmen" is already plural and doesn't need an "s" on the end of it, and there is no such word as "henchmans".

    This has been a public service announcement by your friendly neighborhood grammar nazi.

    Thank you, I corrected my mistakes. I'm not a native English speaker and unfortunately I make mistakes for which I'm very sorry.
  • Awong124Awong124 Member Posts: 2,643
    Hadar said:

    Awong124 said:

    I apologize for being a grammar nazi, but "henchmen" is already plural and doesn't need an "s" on the end of it, and there is no such word as "henchmans".

    This has been a public service announcement by your friendly neighborhood grammar nazi.

    Thank you, I corrected my mistakes. I'm not a native English speaker and unfortunately I make mistakes for which I'm very sorry.
    Haha, I'm just joking with you, don't worry about it.
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