Druid and Ranger "Charm Person or Mammal"

Does this spell really work on people? Or does the target usually make the save against it? I have a game going with Faldorn, and it occurred to me that I've never really tried using this spell on humanoids. Is it a waste of a spell slot? (Other than for animals, I guess; because having a bear help out in a wilderness fight could certainly be an asset.)
Its not really that big of a waste since there isn't much else to choose from, but I wouldn't expect to get much use out of it.
One good thing is that it is the longest lasting charm spell (apart from control undead).
Does it work on huge/giant spiders? No, they are not mammals. BUT they are animals, so I always thought ranger charm animal ability should affect them. Never tried though. Maybe game thinks they are monsters instead of animals. Afterall, real animal spiders are usually harmless.
In BG2 it's completely worthless in combat and there aren't too many situations where you are charming neutral people, but when you do, you can use ring of human influence for that