No reload-no(almost) metagaming trilogy run

The point of the run is to do a trilogy with the following rules :
- no reload
- core rules. Max hp at level up (really useless but for some reason, i always do that)
- keep the original xp cap in soa (3mxp). The 8m cap just kills the game when you play solo
- no metagaming abuse : forbidden to attack neutral groups before speaking with them, forbidden to use short term prebuffing. The authorized prebuffs are either long term buffs or before an encounter previously scouted. Prebuffs or potions for traps are forbidden.
- metagaming regarding the order or quests should be avoided. That means no starting with basilisks,...
The point is to be as close as possible from a first play through.
Given these rules, i need a thief component for my character. Traps would be otherwise too deadly to be dealt with without using prebuffing or potions.
Arcane magic being also essential i had to choose between a illusionist / thief and a fighter/mage/thief
The illusionist/thief is stronger for the end game (level 9 spells, hla traps) but the fmt is better before.
I finally chose the fmt.
- no reload
- core rules. Max hp at level up (really useless but for some reason, i always do that)
- keep the original xp cap in soa (3mxp). The 8m cap just kills the game when you play solo
- no metagaming abuse : forbidden to attack neutral groups before speaking with them, forbidden to use short term prebuffing. The authorized prebuffs are either long term buffs or before an encounter previously scouted. Prebuffs or potions for traps are forbidden.
- metagaming regarding the order or quests should be avoided. That means no starting with basilisks,...
The point is to be as close as possible from a first play through.
Given these rules, i need a thief component for my character. Traps would be otherwise too deadly to be dealt with without using prebuffing or potions.
Arcane magic being also essential i had to choose between a illusionist / thief and a fighter/mage/thief
The illusionist/thief is stronger for the end game (level 9 spells, hla traps) but the fmt is better before.
I finally chose the fmt.
I take it that your solo'ing, since you say you need thieving abilities. I think a Mage/Thief or F/M/T is a very solid choice. Best of luck!
He has 2 pips in scimitar and 2 in dual wielding.
The start of his career is simple, with his familiar pet, he explores candlekeep, avoids easily 2 assasination attempts, does a few fetch quest and leaves with gorion.
Gorion is unfortunately killed and Alcofribas follows his advice and goes for the friendly arm inn. Since he has developped a wide array of skills, he prefers to keep imoen out of harm and refuse to travel with the 2 stranger travelers met on the road.
On the road he finds a few nice items (gorion's belt, diamond, ring of princes, ring of wizardry)
At the FAI, he is attacked by tarnesh but fortunately, he has enough time to cast his shield spell before being scared away by tarnesh horror spell. The shield spells protects him for tarnesh magic missiles. When he comes out of panic he kills tarnesh very easily in melee.
After selling the ring of wizardry and refusing khalid and jaheira helps, he helps joia recover her ring from hobgoblins.
Then he goes to beregost. On the way he goes to visit the mage thalanthyr and buys a few scrolls and a wand of sleep. Travelling south he saves melicamp the chicken and brings it back to talanthyr. Unfortunately, the ritual to bring the apprentice back to his original form fails.
He also kills a group of hobgoblins and loots some nice boots from them. Doing so he gets to level 2 thief and improves his hiding capacities.
Going back to the FAI to get his reward from landrin, he kills an ogre using his wand and picks up his magical belt.
Then he goes to nashkel to investigate the rion crisis, as hinted by Jaheira.
He arrives there the 6th day of his trip, having not rested since he left candlekeep (he has always suffer from sleep issues since his youth and is therefore able to spend VERY long time without rest).
In nashkel he speaks with noober, refuses edwin's task but agrees to help minsc to recover his friend. However he prefers to do it alone.
He goes to the inn to take a bear but he is attacked by another assassin. Using his wand of missile (a gift from imoen) he keeps disrupting the assasin spell casting and kills him without harm.
He levels to fighter 2
On the way, he helps a dryad to protect her tree and a young girl to find back her cat's body.
He clears the gnoll fortress, save dynaheir and finds a tome of charisma.
On his way back he meets brage and brings him back to nashkel,
He is now level 2/2/3 but not yet ready to tackle the mines : he needs to equip better first.
To that extent he decides to go to ulgoth.s beard, far in the north.