Ah, Romantic Places to Remember (spoiler warning, probably)

Okay, I'm a sentimental fool, but does anyone else have romantic memories associated with particular places in the game, even when playing different Charnames?
The inn in Umar Hills always remains the place where Anomen and my Charname consummated their relationship.
And near the water in the Bridge District, around sunset, is where Rasaad once walked up to (a different) Charname and told her they should always stay together, etc. etc. (This was particularly notable because it was really good timing; usually I get stuff like him saying "It's a beautiful day, isn't it?" when we're in the Graveyard District at night.
And every time I get to the last battle in Throne of Bhaal, I always remember that Aerie once gave birth there and laugh. I should commission someone to draw that scene one of these days.
The inn in Umar Hills always remains the place where Anomen and my Charname consummated their relationship.
And near the water in the Bridge District, around sunset, is where Rasaad once walked up to (a different) Charname and told her they should always stay together, etc. etc. (This was particularly notable because it was really good timing; usually I get stuff like him saying "It's a beautiful day, isn't it?" when we're in the Graveyard District at night.

And every time I get to the last battle in Throne of Bhaal, I always remember that Aerie once gave birth there and laugh. I should commission someone to draw that scene one of these days.
Also the actual coastline areas of The Sword Coast, as well as the stage underneath The Five Flagons Inn.
Heart strings.
Edit: perhaps I'm misunderstanding the thrust of this thread. I generally don't go in for in-game romantic entanglements, rather, I find these and other places romantic in a broader context - I'm not thinking of any intimate encounters when I remember these scenes.
i just generally never get good locations. it always seems to be akward unless I am in athkatla where I usually have a calm moment anyway.
I also have a strange fondness for Ulgoth's Beard . . . maybe it's just all the pumpkin patches. Reminds me of autumn, which I like.
Yet there were one or two places that seemed to have perhaps a similar energy about them; a similar promise of gratification residing among the lavish trappings of power. The Temple of Bhaal in the Undercity beneath Baldur’s Gate was one such location. One could almost taste destiny in the stale, silent air; hot upon the tongue to be relished like the taste of iron or blood. Bearing witness to the claim of such divine power promised by further travels was a very enticing notion; a pity such promise could not be fulfilled, at least immediately.
I haven't played any romances, so I can't say about that, but the BG2 maps that I like the most are Irenicus dungeon, Watcher Keep's Machine of Lum the Mad and Final Seal level, Umar Hills, the area of the Shadow Dragon (the circular map where the dragon is), the Planar Sphere and Throne of Blood.
I remember when she asked him if he finds her attractive in turn, trying to keep his cool he said, in my head canon "Viconia you know full well how beautiful you are. Would be that more men could look at you without fear you'd very well turn every head we come across, I have no doubt, but I will not be like those men and offer to lick your boots in acknowledgement of your beauty, you are gorgeous and need not me to remind you."
This was a especially fun bit of head canon since later, when he proposed to her after the events of ToB (or perhaps during. I never did pinpoint a time) he did so with the ring of Gaxx and she smiled at him and said "I will marry you, quite happily my mrann'd'ssinss ...On the condition you lick my boots, just this once."
Long story short, they got married, a priestess of loth tried to poison her, they faked her death to escape it (Ring of Gaxx gives immunity to poison after all) and lived, at least contently, ever after.
...What? I *like* happy endings.
Hilarious that story about aerie giving birth in the last battle. Lets forget the fact that Amns officials will have a hard time filling the "birth place" field for her ID card. And the whole irresponsability of charname and aerie to have her go around 9 months pregnant fighting baddies.
If that woman is able to give birth and right after kill melissan, she is my new hero.
An idea for a simple mod: change aerie's sprite to a fat human lady when she is 80% in her pregnancy
Oh, Dorn.
When it comes to visuals and music, I find Hidden Refuge particularly enchanting. No idea how Neera romance looks like though and if this place has some special meaning, but I'll probably check that out at some point.
I think it would have been interesting if Charname could have become pregnant herself somewhere along the way . . . it's not like ToB lasts anywhere near nine months (but then, I suppose someone would have tried resting a lot to get there). The wild forest is pretty sweet. Charname was once wandering around by herself trying to wrangle up some cats for that guy at the refuge, when suddenly Rasaad's romance music started and he ran over to talk about his childhood in Calimport and how he finds forests peaceful. It was cute.
This made me smile. It is good to know I am not the only “sentimental fool”. For me it will always be Trademeet where Anomen first laid his armor down.
I’m not buying it. It’s simply not possible for the man who created the Kelsey mod not to have any romance in his soul.
Other than that, I have fond memories of the oasis in ToB, where Anomen proposed to one of my charnames once.
Though, in a different playthrough, he proposed *during* the fight against Abazigal (right when he transformes into his dragon form .... Not to mention that one time he picked that flower in a beholder nest :I
Ohhh, also the roof of the inn in Saradush, thanks to that fantastic Haer'Dalis romance mod *hon hon hon* ~
The red wedding with Dorn was romantic, too
(Well, for a blackguard :P )
Having said that there was a distinct feeling of "I've missed you, you pain the backside, let's get out of here" when I saw her about to be burnt at the stake so I will always have a soft spot for that part of town (on the basis that romance is where you find it).
Actual romantic memories? Well, as somebody who started playing BG2 at its buggiest, I suppose just about every location in Amn carries special meaning for me, because as a Jaheira man I got to hear her tell me "There is an ill wind in the air. Do you feel it? I feel a storm inside, in the distance," everywhere we went, over and over again, until I hacked around it.
For actual, functional Jaheira moments, nothing really beats the whole Harper rescue plot for me, which (bugs aside) they did a great job weaving both into her romance and non-romance stories. So, wherever I was the first time Jaheira told me she missed me while she was gone. Awww.
(And, it really is true. In a totally non-suggestive way, I *do* spend an awful lot of time putting extra items in the sack at the back of the Copper Coronet when I play. Nothing quite like keeping a Holy Avenger next to weevil-riddled grain in a dive bar, just in case you meet a paladin someday.)