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David the Gnome BG2 no reload challenge

MacHurtoMacHurto Member Posts: 731
After succesfully finishing BG1 without reloading, David is captured by Irenicus. Let's see how long I last without free action and the greenstone amulet :-)

This will also be no reload with the following exceptions
1- aerie's romance. Have never tried it and i like reading all the options. Not really against the no reload spirit, imho
2- iPad bugs. Just got killed by the werewolves in the circus on one hit. Have allowed to reload for that one and then just used invisibility to get to the final boss. Also a reasonable exception (again, imho)

Right now, just left Chateau Irenicus hating imps, killed the group at the 7 dales by the amazing tactic of web+Fireballs+spider spawn+blind dwarf+ shit, web is finished and all but the barbarian are alive + run sir robin run + bring the imp and wizard (that followed) to the guards in the promenade and help the guards kill them (didnt get xp i think) + go again and kill the dwarf after using around 80-100 arrows(!!) as he was drinking potions. Boromir compared to that dwarf only had a flesh wound.

The thief and his invisibility ring legged it when the web dissapeared so I lost the only loot i needed :-(

Then circus, save my future love, have a premonition of my own death (werewolf bug reload) use the 10' invisibility from the fairy dragon, run up and save the day.

Thats where I am at the moment. Will rest, go get Jan jansen to have my full BG2 party of 3 members and then continue with the wasy quests.

Hopefully at some point i have time again and can keep a diary
Post edited by MacHurto on


  • MacHurtoMacHurto Member Posts: 731
    Forgot a question

    If you get caught stealing Ribald's ring (for example) or any merchant's wares:will theyalways be hostile after that?

  • BlackravenBlackraven Member Posts: 3,486
    edited March 2014
    Yep, I'm afraid so. Be very careful, because even with a very high pickpocket score (e.g. 200+ with potions of mater tievery) there will always be a possibility, however slight, of a roll of 1 like a "critical miss" on your pickpocket roll.

    EDIT: well done so far, I'm going to try to take Teyl through the dungeon in a minute.
  • MacHurtoMacHurto Member Posts: 731
    @Blackraven‌ Wanted to save money on scrolls as I will have three casters (me, aerie, jansen). Is there somewhere an explanation of pickpocket needed for each merchant in order to only fail on a critical fumble?
  • BlackravenBlackraven Member Posts: 3,486
    Not sure. I know that info can be found about the original games, but I don't whether you could rely on that in BG2EE.
  • MacHurtoMacHurto Member Posts: 731
    Well, David has been busy the past couple of days. He saved a fellow gnome from prison and added him to his party. Then saved a bunch of slaves in the slums, solved the skinner mistery in the bridge district and helped (unknowingly) the harpers against Xzar. After visiting Watchers keep and buying a potion case, he went then to help trademeet making a big mistake, entering the troll cave. Those greater trolls hit really hard. Aerie and david almost died and jan jansen did. Had to flee with invisibility, come back and spam them with web+ fireball, napalm style. Rest of the map/quest was easy although I fear the hidden rakasha.

    Any good tactics to take those guys down at low level?
  • MacHurtoMacHurto Member Posts: 731
    Killed the main rakasha with the flesh golem and an effretti and then run away from the other two :-)
  • BlackravenBlackraven Member Posts: 3,486
    Cool, it's nice to see you having a hard time and showing that you know when to strike and when to flee :)
  • MacHurtoMacHurto Member Posts: 731
    I was almost killed by the slavers by entering without almost any spell. Invisibility 10' and shadow door are a life saver :-)

    I havent battled any real mage yet, though. I am pretty sure they will kick my ass
  • BlackravenBlackraven Member Posts: 3,486
    edited March 2014
    All kinds of Invisibility are lifesavers yes.
    Try to make sure that real mages can't touch you. Do you have Spell Immunity and Improved invisibility? I you cast Improved Invisibility and Spell Immunity: Divination, enemy mages can't cast any spells at you (excpt AoE spells) and they can't dispel your improved invisibility. Meanwhile, you kick their butts because unlike enemy mages, your Fighter/Mage is actually (more than) competent in melee. :D Boy FIghter/Mage is a glorious class...
    Edit: Ideally you'd have a second Spell Immunity memorized (to cast SI: Abjuration), but I'm not sure how many spells you have available.
  • MacHurtoMacHurto Member Posts: 731
    That tactic sounds awesome. I just need not to forget to use it every time.
  • MacHurtoMacHurto Member Posts: 731
    Following @mumumomo‌ quest order, i finished questing in Trademeet, went to Umar Hills to solve some of their problems (still a shade lord to take care of) and then back to the city to deal with good old Mae'var.

    After that it was a public holiday, Cheese Day (very famous in Amn) and while Jan jansen spent the day finding presents for the rest of us (3x master thievery and robbed all I could find in the city that I wanted), David read a Protection from undead scroll and participated in the famous Lich marathon held on Cheese day. Killed all 3 liches and thank god, the scroll wore off before kangaxx and not DURING kangaxx. Casted a second one and finished the run killing the demilich.

    Now off to De'Arnise to become lord of the castle (dont feel like obtaining the planar sphere this run even with the ring. I always feel bad for killing my apprentices)
  • MacHurtoMacHurto Member Posts: 731
    Oh, the cowled wizard of maevar's quest was dealt with the flesh golem and a couple of skelletons to make him waste his spells. That golem is really useful!
  • MacHurtoMacHurto Member Posts: 731
    edited April 2014
    DeArnise done. A bit of a scare in the main hall with those two spirit trolls. That stupid servant got in the way and i could not cast AoEs to kill them. Now Lord David the Gnome is off to kill Lord shadow. It should be possible to annexionate lands!.

    Two questions:
    How to beat a dragon without risks at level 10-11?
    How do you dispose of the roenalls? i usually feeblemind+Petrify the guy but maybe there are funnier options out there?
  • BlackravenBlackraven Member Posts: 3,486
    Wow you're superfast! Who are you running with? Solo?
    Well taking on dragons at level 10-11 without risk is going to require cheese I think (e.g. trap spamming). But maybe I'm not that great at dragon slaying. I you have a cleric (preferably as low level as possible, Aerie comes to mind), you could cast magic resistance on the dragon, and use magical attacks.
  • MacHurtoMacHurto Member Posts: 731
    Got aerie and jan. So far it works great, but I haven't faced anyone really dangerous yet. It is also vanilla bg2 :-)
  • BlackravenBlackraven Member Posts: 3,486
    OK, Aerie's Magic Resistance will drastically lower a dragon's magic resistance. Maybe you coild add in a Greater Malison. And then a bombardment of magical attacks.
    Not sure if you can rely on this though... It's no-reload, so you'd probably better avoid risks.
  • MacHurtoMacHurto Member Posts: 731
    Done with the Shadow Lord. Jan Jansen died running to the mirror before entering the dungeon. The shadows paralized him. Didnt have time to cast invisibility on him. After rezzing him, we went in with Aerie turn undead ON. She is a priest of some gnomish god and we are two gnomes so she pretty much turned everything we encountered at lv10 except the 3 bone golems and the greater mummy. Didnt even know you could get those so early.

    Several potions of healing, stoneskin and mirror image later, we killed them. They were much tougher than the shadow lord, which fell to 3x web + holy smites & fireball.

    After some thought, I will leave the dragon live for now. It is a no reload and a 3 man lv 10 party is a bit low on ressources. If something goes wrong, I am done. Now to the Unseeing Eye, I guess.
  • BlackravenBlackraven Member Posts: 3,486
    Solid progress here my man! Well done, keep it up!
    Btw, I like gnomes and I look the gnomish theme (with your charname, Jan, and Aerie who serves Baervan Cloakshadow and who's racially pretty cool when it comes to dating men)
  • MacHurtoMacHurto Member Posts: 731
    @Blackraven‌ thanks! :-) it is an easy challenge compared to yours or others around :-)

    Romancing Aerie atm, and hoping it gets better. She just told me before going to sleep that she wanted to die and was not good enough for this life (after owning the shade lord). And the next morning she says that banter about "thanks for bringing me! Blablablah". Women.

    Anyway, just theseus-ed the unseeing eye (with shield of balduran). Again, easy. Had a scare in the zombie city with again greater mummies and bone golems that hit hard but the rest was very fast. Will do some city questing now. David is at 1.5M XP.
  • BlackravenBlackraven Member Posts: 3,486
    edited April 2014
    Super! You're already halfway the SoA XP cap. Even non-SCS it's easy to die, so you're doing well.
    I'm posting about my charname soon.

    BTW don't fret over Aerie, she's a bit confused sometimes. When captured and locked up by Illithids without any prospect of release, she's capable of saying "I'm so glad you have me with you. I never imagined that we'd be doing such great things!" ;)
  • CrevsDaakCrevsDaak Member Posts: 7,155
    MacHurto said:

    Oh, most boring part? Jan killing the adamantite golem with a returning dart +3. I understand that killing an adamantite golem with a frigging dart is about making small marks in it until somehow a crack is formed. It would take years, right? Well guess what? It did

    Put the Auto-Pause-Game options with 'Target is dead' that will make the game pause when your target dies. Make Jan attack the Golem and go off for a while :)
  • mumumomomumumomo Member Posts: 635
    Glad to see your run is going well.

    i really liked your cheese day :)

    A word of advice for the lich marathon (solo only): use potion of speed! That way you don't need 2 scrolls and you will win the marathon by a huge margin.

    The vampire room can indeed be very hard. Prot from undead scroll is nice there.
    If you don't pretrap, the samia fight can be hard but you can skip it.

    I would avoid the dragons for now. Killing them early usually implies lots of cheese.

    If you want to keep any challenge in soa, i would recommend stopping leveling at 3mxp and not to use HLA. The game was not designed for them.
  • MacHurtoMacHurto Member Posts: 731
    edited April 2014
    @mumumomo i used haste for the lich run, but had forgotten you need to talk to Gaal in order to get the sewer lich door opened. Lost time going to gaal, then lich.

    Will think about the leveling part. My idea from the beginning was to do a no reload run without holding anything back. However, I really didnt think I would get this far, so now I dont know. Let's see how the planar sphere goes.

    @CrevsDaak‌ the iPad shuts down automatically if you dont touch it, I think :-)
  • MacHurtoMacHurto Member Posts: 731
    @mumumomo‌ are cleric/fighter HLAs as unbalancing as mage ones? I cannot get mage HLAs until 6M
  • mumumomomumumomo Member Posts: 635
    Probably not as much but unbalancing nonetheless :
    critical strike on an improved haste fighter will kill everything in 1-2 round
    devas, while weaker than planetars, are too strong for soa. Implosion is also very good.

    Anyway, with 3 multiclass characters you will probably not reach them before the end of soa
  • MacHurtoMacHurto Member Posts: 731
    edited April 2014
    Planar sphere done. Not a situation where i almost died. Halflings with web + 2xsword spiders, the second group with a couple of cloudkills and close the door, lavok with summons to get rid of his spells and tolgerias with Inv+inmunity(div). Only killed one tanaari with improved haste. He paralysed aerie (whose romance i have already finished!) but killed him before he could get to her.

    Have also wasted lots of time travelling around to advance the stronghold. Really dont know how to explain wasting 40+ Days if i was making a diary. I guess I would just shorten the time span of the quests and say it all happens in the first two weeks.

    Only thing left to do is rescue haer dalis+ astral prison. Seems like the whole inv+inmunity(dev) will be the tactic against the warden too. David just passed the 2M barrier

    Regarding aerie's romance, I am a bit dissapointed. I have enjoyed the other three (jaheira, viconia, neera) i have done more. Lets see the throne of bhaal content.
  • MacHurtoMacHurto Member Posts: 731
    Planar sphere done. Apprently the warden can see invisible creatures. Survived a finger of death/disintegrate/flesh to stone before several cloudkills did him.

    So, yeah, i was lucky. Now chapter 3!

    How to protect against those spells? Death ward?
  • CrevsDaakCrevsDaak Member Posts: 7,155
    MacHurto said:

    How to protect against those spells? Death ward?

    Yes, the only insta-kill ability that Death Ward does not protect against are Vorpal Hits, but it covers everythign else.
  • BlackravenBlackraven Member Posts: 3,486
    edited April 2014
    @MacHurto, yep Death Ward, Protection from Magic, and using Summons that your foes can waste their spells on (while you remain in the back), are generally good strategies
    Post edited by Blackraven on
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