Life lessons from Baldur's Gate

What life lessons do you think can be learned from the Baldur's Gate games/saga? Not just from the perspective of the CHARNAME and storyline but from some of the other joinable characters.
Obviously not including the Nietzsche quote and jokey ones like "Never trust a butch guy in scary armour and burning eyes".
Obviously not including the Nietzsche quote and jokey ones like "Never trust a butch guy in scary armour and burning eyes".
is so hollow.
If you really want I life lesson, that it's probably violence is the answer. Just think of all the random drunks and adventuring parties you murder with absolute no consequence. Like most video games, baldurs gate takes violence quit lightly, even if it is justifiable, given the setting, and CHARNAMES particular heritage.
I actually took this one to heart.
It made me very thoughtful (especially the first time).
Reminds me of Coran in my head but I'm not sure.
Life Lesson No.2: Randomly killing peasants will summon lots of angry people in uniform, seemly out of nowhere.
Life Lesson No.3: Other than their characters, players require to actually eat something.
One can even appreciate this in a sort of Jungian way, i.e., mostly unconscious processes within human experience get innocently and unconsciously expressed symbolically, here in a mythologically based gaming experience. It even becomes ritualized, lol.
So not to get too carried away with it (oh well, too late for that), but there are actually some rather healthy, strengths-building things that arguably take place via gaming.
On a similar note, I just saw an article yesterday in fact where a recent study done at NC State found that gamers are in fact highly sociable types as opposed to the socially inept, loner stereotype. (And maybe the Big Bang Theory is also at work helping change the geek/gamer stereotype!)
Apologies for the possible buzzkill to the excellent humor for this thread, but it's something that I've noticed for some time and finally got an opportunity to express it!
-Capitalism wins. The more you adventure out there, the more coins you posses. Also, the game is full of beggars and other people with the same miniature that obviusly aren`t strong enough to get their own coin in the Realms.
-Most of the arcane and divine spells can be translated to real life skills or will of power. In a hyperbolic way, spells like Domination, Resist elements, Chaotic Commands, Friends, Summon Familiar, Charm Animal or Person, Strenght of One...there is so many. skills that many people has in certain times and are not normal.
Luckily, like @jackjack, I took Coran's motto to heart ('Life is adventure or nothing'), so I'm a relatively free man.
I consolidated the tags I most commonly use for handy reference here as well.
A second lesson, as if one were needed? Avoid swearing a geas at all costs. Such things will only lead you to ruin.