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[MOD][BETA] Tome and Blood: More Options for Wizards and Sorcerers



  • JaysynJaysyn Member Posts: 6
    Very good. Outstanding mod BTW.
  • wyakpawyakpa Member Posts: 62
    Hello! I should say that I played around with an older version of the Scales of Balance mod before I found this most recent one, very much enjoyed it, and am looking forward to applying these new mods (which sound fantastic!) to a new game/set of games. I wanted to know if you guys had an estimated release time for this particular aspect of the mod? I know TnB has been awaiting a full release for some time now, just looking to see if there are any updates!

    Thanks for all your hard work!

    (I left a similar comment on FnP so forgive the copypasta-ing!)
  • seraglioseraglio Member Posts: 122
    Hiya Aquadrizzt I've been looking forward to installing this mod for a long time, has many features and kits that I was planning on making myself.

    Took me a while to figure out , back on page 11, that you removed several of the specialist subkits to make room for another modders work.

    Tome and blood and might and guile are the only Kit mods I'm using. Is there any way I can get an earlier version of the mod, prior to removing the subkits?
  • AquadrizztAquadrizzt Member Posts: 1,069
    @seraglio , the next update to Tome and Blood (which is almost done), actually restores all the specialist kits for Mages (with modifications if install the relevant component).
  • seraglioseraglio Member Posts: 122
    ok I guess I'll wait till then to do BGII. Thanks
  • Viking_IVViking_IV Member Posts: 4
    Sorry if this question has been repeated add nausem, but I recently discovered your mod and downloaded it instantly for the chance to try out a White Necromancer playthrough. However, it seems it wasn't available to select. I look at seraglio mentioned in his post above, but all I could find was references to "Harper Mage, Red Wizard, Argent Savant, Elementalist, Pale Master, Starmetal Adept, Transmogrifist" being removed, with no mention of White Necromancers. Am I missing something in character selection or have I missed something lost in the forums.

    Again, sorry if this is an oft repeated question.
  • AquadrizztAquadrizzt Member Posts: 1,069
    The version available currently for download was released before SoD (and thus the v2 Engine) so the White Necromancer is available via an innate ability granted to Mages. I think I'm remembering this right... coded that particular feature a long time ago.
  • Viking_IVViking_IV Member Posts: 4

    The version available currently for download was released before SoD (and thus the v2 Engine) so the White Necromancer is available via an innate ability granted to Mages. I think I'm remembering this right... coded that particular feature a long time ago.

    Apologise, but I am new to Baldur's Gate. I'm starting with BGEE and I'm finding no Innate Menu in character creation after selecting Necromancer (other than the game asking just how evil I want to be).

    I also noticed that there are no innate options I can find for the other Mage specialisations as well as Elves and Half-Elves not getting the full Mage specialisation selections.

    Could there be an installation error, even though the installer detected no problems?
  • ALIENALIEN Member Posts: 1,271
    edited September 2016
    @Aquadrizzt Folder name mistake:

    ERROR: error loading [TomeAndBlood/data/npcs/xan_bladsinger/d5_blads.2da] ERROR: Unix.Unix_error(20, "stat", "TomeAndBlood/data/npcs/xan_bladsinger/d5_blads.2da") Xan: Bladesinger (Tome and Blood) was not installed due to errors.
    bladsinger > bladesinger
    When do you plan to release new version? I'm asking because I want to avoid creating path for Big World Fixpack.
  • Viking_IVViking_IV Member Posts: 4
    As an update to my previous question, I've been doing some research into innate abilities and I would like to ask anyone who knows whether access to the White Necromancer is made in character creation or in-game. And if it is in-game, whether it is as a Mage and when or as a Necromancer and when?

    Sorry for spamming this page, I just want to figure this mod out.
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited September 2016
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  • Viking_IVViking_IV Member Posts: 4

    The mod changed a while ago (including changes to the white necromancer IIRC) and outran the readme a bit; the mod is now in the process of being changed again... so, I don't know the answer to your question, but I'm not sure it's worth really knowing the answer until the next update comes soon.

    EDIT - sorry for the non-answer, it's the best I got...

    That's alright, I appreciate it all the same. I think I shall play around with a Magus, getting to know the game itself before the next update where I shall make a prober run with a White Necromancer.
  • AquadrizztAquadrizzt Member Posts: 1,069
    @ALIEN, you can hold off on adding TnB to the Big World Fixpack. I'm working on the new version right now and its almost content complete.

    @Viking_IV, I honestly don't remember how I coded the old White Necromancer, but I'll be sure to address how it works in the next update.
  • KrotosKrotos Member Posts: 156
    I'm just chiming in to say that Wild Mages are broken with subtledoctor's specialisation revision again - you're treated as a necromancer, have to choose larloch's minor drain and have no way of proceeding through the spell selection screen as you don't have Nahal's Reckless Dweomer to choose from.

    I used BWS to install my mods and none of them reported any conflicts. TnB is the only one that modifies mage kits for me.
  • AquadrizztAquadrizzt Member Posts: 1,069
    edited October 2016
    @Krotos, yep yep. Fixed in the upcoming version (in a roundabout way but it will actually work now).
  • Dark_AnsemDark_Ansem Member Posts: 992
    can't wait for it!
  • KrotosKrotos Member Posts: 156

    @Krotos, yep yep. Fixed in the upcoming version (in a roundabout way but it will actually work now).

    Great! Any chance of elaborating on how a wild mage will work? Back in the past when I was trying to help subtledoctor with wild mage's bugs, he was treated as a generalist mage when it came to cantrip choices.

    Oh, one thing more - the last mage kit (I think it's abjurationist) uses thief's description entry, but that might be related to other mods I have, although none of them mentioned a conflict.

    Attached my WEiDU log for you to check. Used BWS to install the mods.
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited October 2016
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  • raidoserraidoser Member Posts: 1
    Thank a lot for the Mod ! It make the game as Sorcerer a lot more fun with the cantrip and Bloodlines : Did twice BG1EE to test out Magus and Revenant bloodlines.

    I have two questions i couldn't find answers for :
    - The Magus can't use Necromancy spells, Is it Normal ? or did i misinstalled the mod ?
    - Have you planned to add a Sorcerer/thief kit like the Magus is a Sorcerer/Fighter kit or even as a Bloodlines (Shadow) ?

    Good recovery to You and hope to see more of you and your friends work.

  • Necromanx2Necromanx2 Member Posts: 1,246
    I was wondering about two things.

    1) Will the Oracle be available in BGEE?
    2) About when will the update be ready?

    Thanks for the great work!
  • GrammarsaladGrammarsalad Member Posts: 2,582

    I was wondering about two things.

    1) Will the Oracle be available in BGEE?
    2) About when will the update be ready?

    Thanks for the great work!

    I'm out of touch, but aren't we moving the Oracle to FnP?
  • AquadrizztAquadrizzt Member Posts: 1,069
    All future releases of Tome and Blood will not contain the Oracle, as I have adapted my code into the Incarnates for Faiths and Powers. The Incarnates in FnP are much less hacky and allow me to realize my goals for spontaneous divine casters much more successfully.

    Update will be ready eventually :/. Fall is never a good time for me so I've been chipping away at getting it packaged and ready to ship but to be honest I have no idea, unfortunately. My apologies to everyone who is waiting on this.
  • DarkersunDarkersun Member Posts: 398
    Can't wait for this great mod to have an update and play it with EET.
    But take your time, no pressure ;) (if RL is more important right now, then so be it).
  • esengeasesengeas Member Posts: 23
    It might already be known, but whenever I click on the innate ability contingency the game crashes. Tome and blood was the only mod installed.
  • PandemicLegionPandemicLegion Member Posts: 38
    So its right that i cant play a Argent Savant throught all bg series the Kit is removed?
  • AquadrizztAquadrizzt Member Posts: 1,069
    @esengeas , the Contingency bug is a result of an engine change for metamagic abilities that came with Siege of Dragonspear. It has been addressed in the build I'm working in.

    @PandemicLegion, Argent Savants (along with other specialist kits) were replaced with Revised Specialists in the last build.
  • PandemicLegionPandemicLegion Member Posts: 38
    edited October 2016
    Ok would u be so kind and could give me a link for a readme or something?
    Post edited by PandemicLegion on
  • AquadrizztAquadrizzt Member Posts: 1,069
    @PandemicLegion, here it is from @subtledoctor 's original readme file:

    REVISED SPECIALISTS: as stated, there are no more opposition schools; specialists may cast spells from any schools (with one exception) and are now defined by their special abilities instead of spell restrictions. The exception is Necromancy, which is a dark art; most wizards cannot or will not learn such magic. Only Necromancers may use necromancy spells. (Horrid Wilting is moved to the school of Invocation so as not to deny players access to it, and Energy Drain takes its place at 8th level.) Specialists still gain an extra spell per level, and spells in their school are added to their spellbooks automatically. In some cases, the spells added in their school are enhanced versions of spells that other wizards may cast; for example, Abjurers' native version of Spell Deflection will simultaneously raise a Spell Shield. Do not erase spells in your specialty school from your spellbook! Descriptions of the revised kits follow:

    ABJURER: A Mage who specializes in protective magic and metamagic disciplines. These mages can erect powerful wards and barriers, and are also trained to break those wards and effects that are created by other spellcasters.

    – Abjurers automatically learn spells from the school of Abjuration.
    – Abjurers may use the "Protective Shell" cantrip, which lasts for 3 turns and harmlessly absorbs the first physical strike that hits the caster.
    – Abjurers gain the Parry Magic and Spell Thrust abilities earlier than other mages.
    – When Abjurers cast spell protections, such as a Globe of Invulnerability or Spell Deflection, a Spell Shield is automatically created at the same time, giving the Abjurer an extra layer of protection.

    CONJURER: A Mage who specializes in creating or summoning creatures and objects, moving them through space. These wizards ultimately master teleportation magic, able to banish enemies and summon aid from different planes altogether.

    – Conjurers automatically learn spells from the school of Conjuration.
    – Conjurers may use the "Conjure Rabbit" cantrip, which conjures a rabbit out of thin air!
    – (If Spells Revisions is installed) Conjurers may cast the various Monster Summoning spells as if they were one level lower.
    – (If Spells Revisions is not installed) Conjurers may cast Monster Summoning I innately at 2rd and 4th levels; Monster Summoning II at 6th and 8th levels; and Monster Summoning III at 10th level.

    DIVINER: A Mage who specializes in detection and divining magics. These wizards developer an instinctive ability to glimpse the future; while such visions are rarely clear, they give enough information to provide Diviners with slightly improved reflexes and the ability to use magic to subtly alter the outcome of probabilistic events.

    – Diviners automatically learn spells from the school of Divination.
    – Diviners do not take extra damage from thieves' backstabs.
    – Diviners can use the Contingency ability at level 1, and can load it with two spells from level 10.

    ENCHANTER: A Mage who specializes in Charm and Enchantment magic. These wizards are adept both at using magic to influence the minds of others, inducing sleep, friendliness, despair, or dementia.

    – Enchanters automatically learn spells from the school of Enchantment.
    – Enchanters may use the "Drowse" cantrip, which causes a target to briefly fall asleep if the target fails a saving throw.
    – Enchanters are resistant to magic within their specialty, becoming immune to Charm and Sleep spells.
    – Magical effects are harder to resist near an Enchanter: nearby enemies automatically suffer a -2 penalty to saves vs. spells.

    ILLUSIONIST: A Mage who specializes in creating illusions to confuse and mislead. These canny wizards can bend light and manipulate perceptions in various ways. They can duck out of sight when in danger, and eventually gain the power to create illusions of startling substance and realism.

    – Illusionists automatically learn spells from the school of Illusion.
    – Illusionists may use the "Bedazzle" cantrip, which dazzles the target's eyes and causes -1 penalties to thac0, damage, and AC for 12 seconds (increasing to -3 penalties, and suffering from Blindness for 6 seconds, if the target fails a saving throw vs. spells).
    – Illusionists may use the "Shadowstep" ability once per day per five levels of experience.
    – Illusionists are permanently under the effect of Nondetection, able to remain invisible even when targeted by scrying magic.

    INVOKER: A Mage who specializes in the manipulation of raw and elemental energies. These wizards use magical spells to manipulate the basic energies of the multiverse. They excel at releasing this energy in explosive flashes of fire or lightning, or shunting it away to project an icy freeze.

    – Invokers automatically learn spells from the school of Invocation.
    – Invokers may use the "Magic Bolt" cantrip, which does 1d4+1 hit points of magic damage to the target.
    – Invokers do 20% more damage with spells that involve fire, lightning, cold, or magic damage. (NOTE: this only works with TobEx or EE v1.4)

    TRANSMUTER: A Mage who specializes in magic that alters physical reality. These wizards control and transform matter in all the ways their magical learning affords them. They can cause the air to turn to a toxic mist, change their own shape into that of a powerful monster, and even stop time itself. Transmuters are also alchemists, creating the various magical potions on which so many adventurers rely.

    – Transmuters automatically learn spells from the school of Alteration.
    – Transmuters may use the "Earthen Grasp" cantrip, which causes tendrils from the ground to reach out and Entangle the target for 1 round (and Holding the taget frozen in place for that time if the target fails a saving throw).
    – Transmuters can maintain the stability of their personal form, resisting hostile polymorph, petrification, and disintegration effects.
    – Beginning at 11th level, Transmuters may learn to animate a golem for short periods of time. Ordinarily, golems cannot be created on such short notice; the effort involved limits their existence to 60 seconds, and the Transmuter becomes fatigued and suffers a 1-second penalty to casting speed until the next rest period. A flesh golem may be animated at first; this upgrades to a clay golem at 14th level, and a stone golem at 18th level, and a juggernaut golem at 24th level.

    NECROMANCER: A Mage who specializes in magic dealing with death, undeath, and energy from the Negative Material Plane. Necromancy is a disturbing art, reviled by most civilized practitioners and academies of magic. They experiment with the living and the dead, and create undead abominations that straddle the gap in between. With practice, some Necromancers eventually learn techniques to achieve immortality by changing their own bodies into the form of a lich.

    – Necromancers are the only wizards able to cast spells from the school of Necromancy.
    – Necromancers automatically learn spells from the school of Necromancy.
    – Necromancers may use the "Stiffen Bones" cantrip, which causes -1 penalties to thac0 and AC for 12 seconds (increasing to -2 penalties and being Slowed if the target fails a saving throw).
    – Necromancers may transform parts of their bodies with the power of energy from the Negative Material Plane. Once they learn the technique from a scroll, they may innately use the power of a Chilling Touch, Ghoul Touch, or Vampiric Touch.
  • PandemicLegionPandemicLegion Member Posts: 38
    edited October 2016
    Holy shit i want to play a Wizard now and it even feels good that i pass on a sorcerer.
    Four more Questions so for this changes on Wizards i have to download Tome and Blood or Scales of Balance?
    And can i play with both installed simultaneously ?
    And is there a Mod where i can choose Abjurer with Elves? EDIT: Ah i see Tome and blood allready do that?
    And i use big world to install mods can i savely use the Tactic pre selection or do you recommend the recommended one?
    And whats the point to play a normal mage now?
    Post edited by PandemicLegion on
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