Waylaid by Mysterious Doppelgangers in Green - what was that about?

Strange thing happened to me. I've been waylaid by some people in green, looking like random commoners, both thick and thin version. After a short explanation that "it's time" and "I need to be captured" they attacked me - previously changing into copies of my team. The fight was not much of a challenge and no interesting drops. There was no follow-up and I cant recall such encounter in un-enhanced version of the game, as far as I remember it was just after I escaped Underdark went to finish some side-quests before retrieving the Lantern...
Party members: mage/thief charname, Dorn, Hexxat, Viconia. Anyone? I'm very curious what was that all about.
Party members: mage/thief charname, Dorn, Hexxat, Viconia. Anyone? I'm very curious what was that all about.
- They're rakshasa. And from what happens in Suldanesselar, Irenicus definitely made a deal with a group of them. Just another low-key "maybe this'll deal with those annoying adventurers" scheme on his part.
- The rarity is a side effect of flawed map design. Relatively few map links have any chance of a random encounter at all; mostly, it's just the step from Athkatla to somewhere else that can roll an encounter. And if you take the fighter stronghold, the chance of an encounter on that first leg from Athkatla to de'Arnise Keep drops from 100% to zero. Since the keep is on the shortest path to practically everywhere, the pathfinding algorithm routes through it and nearly entirely squashes random encounter chances for the rest of the game.