Mod NPC Idea(s). Feel Free To Add Your Own!

Hey guys and gals, I've been thinking about this NPC for a while, and finally decided to post something about him. I couldn't find a thread for this sort of thing, so I've made my own. Feel free to post your own ideas and thoughts on other's creations, but keep it civil please. We all know it's hard to write a good NPC mod and there are a lot of bad ones, but if you're going to insult someone's ideas, do it in a constructive way. I personally have neither the skills nor the resources to mod, but I can't resist talking about this guy on the forums. My thoughts and decisions on a character's background may be subject to change, but anything I post\edit won't be done without considerable thought put into it first. Without further ado, here's Gur-Thoz! (Spoilered for size convenience)
Name: Gur-Thoz
The personal quest is not fully spoilered, simply because I have no clue if you can put a spoiler within a spoiler, and I don't want to spoil it for anyone who believes the mod will one day come out. It's unlikely, however, so read it if you wish.
Personal Quest: Gur-Thoz receives a note signed from one of his old friends from his youth and begs to check it out. It is from the elf girl, Nateera, the one that Imoen reminds him of. She was his only love, and though he knows it's vain to hope she still lives, especially after all this time, he never saw her definitively killed and wishes to check it out.
Name: Gur-Thoz
Race: Half-Orc
Romanceable? No.
Class: "Mercenary" (Fighter\Thief)
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Portrait: (Props to whoever made this. I found it via google and traced it back to "Sea Of Dragons". Seems like some D&D knockoff site designed for those who long for a variation of old D&D. I just found the image to be ideal for the character.)

Height: 6'4"
Weight: 210 lbs.
Age: 37
STR: 19
DEX: 17
CON: 18
INT: 13
WIS: 16
CHA: 8
Total Roll: 91 (It's exceptional, I know, but it's for characterization. His important stats could be kept with a much worse roll. Also, he's middle aged and nearing old age for a half-orc. In 3rd(.5?) edition and onward, the older you get, the more intelligent and wise you become. Charismatic too, but that doesn't apply to the character.)
Starting Level: BG1: 4\5 BG2: 10\12 ToB: 16\19
Starting Proficiencies: BG1 Long Sword ** Single Weapon Style ** Long Bow *
BG2 Long Sword ** Single Weapon Style ** Long Bow ** Mace*
ToB Long Sword ** Single Weapon Style ** Long Bow ** Mace** Bastard Sword*
Favored Thieving Skills: Trap Finding, Detect Illusion, Hide In Shadows, Move Silently. (He's no thief, but these skills are handy for a mercenary.)
Biography (In game): Gur-Thoz looks surprised when you ask about him. He's not used to his clients caring about who he is. He tells you he was born into a small village many years ago. The village was a city of outcasts, made up of all sorts of races, from all walks of life. From his youth he and his friends (a mix of different races, he adds) had dreamed of being famous adventurers. Once they were all old enough, the friends set out to make their dream a reality. For a couple of years things went well, but one tomb filled with creatures they were unprepared for sent their dream six feet under. Gur-Thoz narrowly escaped, and he took up guarding caravans and eliminating small groups of creatures threatening towns as a new career. He's spent the last twenty years doing little more than that, and while it's kept him from becoming as skilled as he might, it's kept him alive and fed, and he says that's what life is about; Survival. He then says that traveling with you has been exciting, but he'll be happy to finish the job and go home to his favorite seedy bar. You try to ask for more, but he ignores you, and you assume it would be best to wait for later to talk more.
Personality, Abilities, and Alignment: As it says in his biography, he lost his friends, and with them, his dream. This has made him gruff and bitter, and while he's willing to travel with you for money (and in BG1 you have to pay him to access him) he has no interest in being an adventurer. He treats others with respect, but even his respect can come off as rude due to his general gruffness. He's fairly intelligent, partly due to his age, and partly due to his experiences in the world. Under that same vein, he's also quite wise, and has seen much of the world and the people within. He is quite strong, agile, and hardy, and although his age is starting to catch up to him, his rigorous personal training has kept him nearly as fit as when he was young. He is perhaps not quite so fast or sturdy as he once was, but he has kept the majority of his physical attributes. He is not religious, but he respects others who are. He is not atheist, but he does not revere the gods. His alignment is not entirely accurate, as alignment never is. He is both lawful, and fairly neutral, believing that to survive in society you must follow it's rules. However he prefers being in a good party. He is not truly a "good" being, because he does not consider evil acts as necessarily wrong, but he dislikes being party to them, as they damage one's reputation. He believes that evil acts are a good way to ruin oneself, and prefers being in a good party, as opposed to an evil one. He will not leave the party due to reputation unless a reputation of 3 or less is achieved, however.
Reason for Traveling With You: In BG1 you pay him 1000 gold for a month's worth of service. The game would (ideally) measure the amount of time you have him in the party, and if three reputation is gained, or a main story quest (chapter changing quest) is completed, he will realize that traveling with you is beneficial to him, as you are making a name for yourself. He can use this positive notoriety to increase his business in future. In BG2, you meet him at the bar and when you first speak to him he doesn't recognize you. After a dialogue option saying who you are is clicked, he'll realize who you are and ask if you wish to travel together again. He gained much from traveling with you in the past, and believes that he can gain from traveling with you again. When he hears Imoen has been kidnapped, though, he immediately says he'll help regardless of what's going on.
Recruitability and Locations: Gur-Thoz can be recruited in BG1 at the Red Sheaf in Beregost for 1000 gold, providing that your party does not have a reputation of 3 or less. In BG2, he can be recruited for free after dialogue in the Copper Coronet. (location subject to change)
Reason for Appearance in Amn: In your opening dialogue with him in BG2, he explains that he was framed for a murder in Beregost, and despite his journeys with you, things looked to be turning out badly for him, so he cut ties and ran for the border. He further explains that he believes a certain dwarven mercenary dealer set him up, since he had been stealing much of the dwarf's business.
Dialogue: Gur-Thoz has no dialogues initiated by him. Instead, he can be spoken to using the talk command. (I don't know if this would be mechanically possible with the game's system, but it'd make for quite a few less poorly timed conversations.) His dialogue mostly involves talking further with him about his background and his time spent as an adventurer and then as a mercenary. He has no dialogue with the PC in BG1, but his dialogue becomes available in BG2. It would open up over time, so the PC would want to occasionally check and see if he was feeling talkative. He will talk to other NPC's, but it would be mostly statements to which the NPC's would give a one sentence reply to. I wouldn't want to try and create dialogue for characters I haven't made. I'd be too worried I wouldn't nail the character's personality correctly.
Opinions of other NPC's:
Ajantis: Respectful, but finds the paladin a bit over-enthusiastic.
Alora: Finds the halfling to be far too energetic. Reminds him too much of his old self and adventuring friends.
Baeloth: Dislikes immensely. Finds him to be too manipulative and loud.
Branwen: Respects immensely. Finds her immense faith admirable, though he does not share her beliefs.
Coran: Thinks of him as a bit of a loose cannon and too carefree. Sees a bit of his youthful self in Coran.
Dorn: Dislikes immensely. Will come to blows with him. He sees his fellow half-orc as causing problems for lawful half-orcs, what with his brutal and senseless murdering.
Dynaheir: Respectful. Finds her to be intelligent and skilled, with a good head on her shoulders.
Edwin: Dislikes. Finds him to be too manipulative and power-hungry. Feels that he is likely to bring death to the party with his constant attempts to gain more power.
Eldoth: Dislikes. Too lackadaisical and manipulative.
Faldorn: Respectful, but sees her as a little bit overzealous. Warns the PC about working with over-emotional people.
Garrick: Respectful, but dislikes. Thinks of him as too carefree.
Imoen: Thinks she's naive and not cut out for adventuring, but she reminds him of one of his closest friends from his youth, and is protective of her.
Jaheira: Dislikes. Feels that she should not boss around those who are far more experienced. Pities Khalid.
Kagain: Respectful. As a purveyor of mercenaries who lives in Beregost, he is surprised he has not met the dwarf before.
Khalid: He actually likes the skittish half-elf, and will several times quietly mention that he should retire from adventuring life and find a nice girl, intentionally ignoring the fact that Khalid is married.
Kivan: Respects the elf a great deal, understanding the pain he's gone through, as well as his quiet nature.
Minsc: Respectfully avoids. Warns the PC about working with those who are a bit touched in the head, regardless of their useful skills.
Montaron: Has no problems with, but says to him that he should be careful with the assassinations he speaks of, since they can ruin one's image easily.
Neera: Thinks of her as an immense liability and tells the PC so. She's undisciplined and can't control her power.
Quayle: Thinks he's arrogant and foolhardy, but has dealt with many merchants with a similar attitude, and so knows how to ignore him.
Rasaad: Respects him for his faith and his discipline, but has little opinion of him beyond that.
Safana: Too manipulative, but her persuasiveness could be useful.
Shar-Teel: Too loud, but a good fighter and a useful ally.
Skie: Thinks she should go back home to momma and daddy where she's not going to die a horrible death.
Tiax: A liability, due to his insanity. Warns the PC about working with those who are a bit touched in the head, regardless of their useful skills.
Viconia: Initially likes her, due to a sense of camaraderie from both of them being generally disliked races, though he sees her as possibly threatening to their reputation. Once he tries to get to know her, however, he is put off by her attitude and decides to ignore her.
Xan: Thinks that if he'd keep his mouth shut he'd be a valuable asset to the team.
Xzar: Respectfully avoids. Warns the PC about working with those who are a bit touched in the head, regardless of their useful skills.
Yeslick: Respects the dwarf for his faith and skills, but accepts that he is not appreciated due to the dwarven dislike of orcs.
Aerie: Considers her unfit for adventure. Doesn't dislike her otherwise, though he believes she's immature.
Anomen: Respectfully avoids. He respects Anomen for his faith, but finds him a little too boastful.
Cernd: Finds both his personality and his skills to be sub-par.
Dorn: Dislikes immensely. Will come to blows with him. He sees his fellow half-orc as causing problems for lawful half-orcs, what with his brutal and senseless murdering.
Edwin: Dislikes. Finds him to be too manipulative and power-hungry. Feels that he is likely to bring death to the party with his constant attempts to gain more power.
Haer'Dalis: Too flimsy for a life of adventure. Grows to respect him more over time.
Hexxat: Mistrusts immensely.
Imoen: Thinks she's naive and not cut out for adventuring, but she reminds him of one of his closest friends from his youth, and is protective of her. When he hears she's been kidnapped, he immediately offers his aid in rescuing her. Is even more protective of her once she is saved.
Jaheira: Respects and sympathizes with her far more after hearing of Khalid's fate, though he makes a crack about Khalid finally leaving her before he is told what happened. He apologizes multiple times for this.
Jan: Finds the gnome to be both useful and amusing. Will say to him that there is hidden intelligence in the gnome's babblings, to which Jan will respond with yet another anecdote.
Keldorn: Respects the paladin, finding him more cool-headed and wise than other paladins.
Korgan: Finds the dwarf to be disgustingly unlawful, and will caution the PC about keeping company with him.
Mazzy: Is amused by the halfling and says that to have a goal is a thing to be admired. Feels a sense of camaraderie with her when he discovers her adventuring party and lover died.
Minsc: Pities him when he learns that Dynaheir has died, but still believes him to be a bit too uncontrolled.
Nalia: Finds her idealism a bit grating, but as long as she isn't blathering to him, he doesn't mind her.
Neera: Thinks of her as an immense liability and tells the PC so. She's undisciplined and can't control her power.
Rasaad: Respects him for his faith and his discipline, but has little opinion of him beyond that.
Sarevok: Thinks he's dangerous, but by this point he trusts the PC's judgement.
Valygar: No real opinion of him one way or the other.
Viconia: Initially dislikes her, due to previous encounters, but will soften to her depending on whether her alignment changes.
Yoshimo: Sees him as amusing and useful, and is surprised at the events that transpire at Spellhold.
Romanceable? No.
Class: "Mercenary" (Fighter\Thief)
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Portrait: (Props to whoever made this. I found it via google and traced it back to "Sea Of Dragons". Seems like some D&D knockoff site designed for those who long for a variation of old D&D. I just found the image to be ideal for the character.)

Height: 6'4"
Weight: 210 lbs.
Age: 37
STR: 19
DEX: 17
CON: 18
INT: 13
WIS: 16
CHA: 8
Total Roll: 91 (It's exceptional, I know, but it's for characterization. His important stats could be kept with a much worse roll. Also, he's middle aged and nearing old age for a half-orc. In 3rd(.5?) edition and onward, the older you get, the more intelligent and wise you become. Charismatic too, but that doesn't apply to the character.)
Starting Level: BG1: 4\5 BG2: 10\12 ToB: 16\19
Starting Proficiencies: BG1 Long Sword ** Single Weapon Style ** Long Bow *
BG2 Long Sword ** Single Weapon Style ** Long Bow ** Mace*
ToB Long Sword ** Single Weapon Style ** Long Bow ** Mace** Bastard Sword*
Favored Thieving Skills: Trap Finding, Detect Illusion, Hide In Shadows, Move Silently. (He's no thief, but these skills are handy for a mercenary.)
Biography (In game): Gur-Thoz looks surprised when you ask about him. He's not used to his clients caring about who he is. He tells you he was born into a small village many years ago. The village was a city of outcasts, made up of all sorts of races, from all walks of life. From his youth he and his friends (a mix of different races, he adds) had dreamed of being famous adventurers. Once they were all old enough, the friends set out to make their dream a reality. For a couple of years things went well, but one tomb filled with creatures they were unprepared for sent their dream six feet under. Gur-Thoz narrowly escaped, and he took up guarding caravans and eliminating small groups of creatures threatening towns as a new career. He's spent the last twenty years doing little more than that, and while it's kept him from becoming as skilled as he might, it's kept him alive and fed, and he says that's what life is about; Survival. He then says that traveling with you has been exciting, but he'll be happy to finish the job and go home to his favorite seedy bar. You try to ask for more, but he ignores you, and you assume it would be best to wait for later to talk more.
Personality, Abilities, and Alignment: As it says in his biography, he lost his friends, and with them, his dream. This has made him gruff and bitter, and while he's willing to travel with you for money (and in BG1 you have to pay him to access him) he has no interest in being an adventurer. He treats others with respect, but even his respect can come off as rude due to his general gruffness. He's fairly intelligent, partly due to his age, and partly due to his experiences in the world. Under that same vein, he's also quite wise, and has seen much of the world and the people within. He is quite strong, agile, and hardy, and although his age is starting to catch up to him, his rigorous personal training has kept him nearly as fit as when he was young. He is perhaps not quite so fast or sturdy as he once was, but he has kept the majority of his physical attributes. He is not religious, but he respects others who are. He is not atheist, but he does not revere the gods. His alignment is not entirely accurate, as alignment never is. He is both lawful, and fairly neutral, believing that to survive in society you must follow it's rules. However he prefers being in a good party. He is not truly a "good" being, because he does not consider evil acts as necessarily wrong, but he dislikes being party to them, as they damage one's reputation. He believes that evil acts are a good way to ruin oneself, and prefers being in a good party, as opposed to an evil one. He will not leave the party due to reputation unless a reputation of 3 or less is achieved, however.
Reason for Traveling With You: In BG1 you pay him 1000 gold for a month's worth of service. The game would (ideally) measure the amount of time you have him in the party, and if three reputation is gained, or a main story quest (chapter changing quest) is completed, he will realize that traveling with you is beneficial to him, as you are making a name for yourself. He can use this positive notoriety to increase his business in future. In BG2, you meet him at the bar and when you first speak to him he doesn't recognize you. After a dialogue option saying who you are is clicked, he'll realize who you are and ask if you wish to travel together again. He gained much from traveling with you in the past, and believes that he can gain from traveling with you again. When he hears Imoen has been kidnapped, though, he immediately says he'll help regardless of what's going on.
Recruitability and Locations: Gur-Thoz can be recruited in BG1 at the Red Sheaf in Beregost for 1000 gold, providing that your party does not have a reputation of 3 or less. In BG2, he can be recruited for free after dialogue in the Copper Coronet. (location subject to change)
Reason for Appearance in Amn: In your opening dialogue with him in BG2, he explains that he was framed for a murder in Beregost, and despite his journeys with you, things looked to be turning out badly for him, so he cut ties and ran for the border. He further explains that he believes a certain dwarven mercenary dealer set him up, since he had been stealing much of the dwarf's business.
Dialogue: Gur-Thoz has no dialogues initiated by him. Instead, he can be spoken to using the talk command. (I don't know if this would be mechanically possible with the game's system, but it'd make for quite a few less poorly timed conversations.) His dialogue mostly involves talking further with him about his background and his time spent as an adventurer and then as a mercenary. He has no dialogue with the PC in BG1, but his dialogue becomes available in BG2. It would open up over time, so the PC would want to occasionally check and see if he was feeling talkative. He will talk to other NPC's, but it would be mostly statements to which the NPC's would give a one sentence reply to. I wouldn't want to try and create dialogue for characters I haven't made. I'd be too worried I wouldn't nail the character's personality correctly.
Opinions of other NPC's:
Ajantis: Respectful, but finds the paladin a bit over-enthusiastic.
Alora: Finds the halfling to be far too energetic. Reminds him too much of his old self and adventuring friends.
Baeloth: Dislikes immensely. Finds him to be too manipulative and loud.
Branwen: Respects immensely. Finds her immense faith admirable, though he does not share her beliefs.
Coran: Thinks of him as a bit of a loose cannon and too carefree. Sees a bit of his youthful self in Coran.
Dorn: Dislikes immensely. Will come to blows with him. He sees his fellow half-orc as causing problems for lawful half-orcs, what with his brutal and senseless murdering.
Dynaheir: Respectful. Finds her to be intelligent and skilled, with a good head on her shoulders.
Edwin: Dislikes. Finds him to be too manipulative and power-hungry. Feels that he is likely to bring death to the party with his constant attempts to gain more power.
Eldoth: Dislikes. Too lackadaisical and manipulative.
Faldorn: Respectful, but sees her as a little bit overzealous. Warns the PC about working with over-emotional people.
Garrick: Respectful, but dislikes. Thinks of him as too carefree.
Imoen: Thinks she's naive and not cut out for adventuring, but she reminds him of one of his closest friends from his youth, and is protective of her.
Jaheira: Dislikes. Feels that she should not boss around those who are far more experienced. Pities Khalid.
Kagain: Respectful. As a purveyor of mercenaries who lives in Beregost, he is surprised he has not met the dwarf before.
Khalid: He actually likes the skittish half-elf, and will several times quietly mention that he should retire from adventuring life and find a nice girl, intentionally ignoring the fact that Khalid is married.
Kivan: Respects the elf a great deal, understanding the pain he's gone through, as well as his quiet nature.
Minsc: Respectfully avoids. Warns the PC about working with those who are a bit touched in the head, regardless of their useful skills.
Montaron: Has no problems with, but says to him that he should be careful with the assassinations he speaks of, since they can ruin one's image easily.
Neera: Thinks of her as an immense liability and tells the PC so. She's undisciplined and can't control her power.
Quayle: Thinks he's arrogant and foolhardy, but has dealt with many merchants with a similar attitude, and so knows how to ignore him.
Rasaad: Respects him for his faith and his discipline, but has little opinion of him beyond that.
Safana: Too manipulative, but her persuasiveness could be useful.
Shar-Teel: Too loud, but a good fighter and a useful ally.
Skie: Thinks she should go back home to momma and daddy where she's not going to die a horrible death.
Tiax: A liability, due to his insanity. Warns the PC about working with those who are a bit touched in the head, regardless of their useful skills.
Viconia: Initially likes her, due to a sense of camaraderie from both of them being generally disliked races, though he sees her as possibly threatening to their reputation. Once he tries to get to know her, however, he is put off by her attitude and decides to ignore her.
Xan: Thinks that if he'd keep his mouth shut he'd be a valuable asset to the team.
Xzar: Respectfully avoids. Warns the PC about working with those who are a bit touched in the head, regardless of their useful skills.
Yeslick: Respects the dwarf for his faith and skills, but accepts that he is not appreciated due to the dwarven dislike of orcs.
Aerie: Considers her unfit for adventure. Doesn't dislike her otherwise, though he believes she's immature.
Anomen: Respectfully avoids. He respects Anomen for his faith, but finds him a little too boastful.
Cernd: Finds both his personality and his skills to be sub-par.
Dorn: Dislikes immensely. Will come to blows with him. He sees his fellow half-orc as causing problems for lawful half-orcs, what with his brutal and senseless murdering.
Edwin: Dislikes. Finds him to be too manipulative and power-hungry. Feels that he is likely to bring death to the party with his constant attempts to gain more power.
Haer'Dalis: Too flimsy for a life of adventure. Grows to respect him more over time.
Hexxat: Mistrusts immensely.
Imoen: Thinks she's naive and not cut out for adventuring, but she reminds him of one of his closest friends from his youth, and is protective of her. When he hears she's been kidnapped, he immediately offers his aid in rescuing her. Is even more protective of her once she is saved.
Jaheira: Respects and sympathizes with her far more after hearing of Khalid's fate, though he makes a crack about Khalid finally leaving her before he is told what happened. He apologizes multiple times for this.
Jan: Finds the gnome to be both useful and amusing. Will say to him that there is hidden intelligence in the gnome's babblings, to which Jan will respond with yet another anecdote.
Keldorn: Respects the paladin, finding him more cool-headed and wise than other paladins.
Korgan: Finds the dwarf to be disgustingly unlawful, and will caution the PC about keeping company with him.
Mazzy: Is amused by the halfling and says that to have a goal is a thing to be admired. Feels a sense of camaraderie with her when he discovers her adventuring party and lover died.
Minsc: Pities him when he learns that Dynaheir has died, but still believes him to be a bit too uncontrolled.
Nalia: Finds her idealism a bit grating, but as long as she isn't blathering to him, he doesn't mind her.
Neera: Thinks of her as an immense liability and tells the PC so. She's undisciplined and can't control her power.
Rasaad: Respects him for his faith and his discipline, but has little opinion of him beyond that.
Sarevok: Thinks he's dangerous, but by this point he trusts the PC's judgement.
Valygar: No real opinion of him one way or the other.
Viconia: Initially dislikes her, due to previous encounters, but will soften to her depending on whether her alignment changes.
Yoshimo: Sees him as amusing and useful, and is surprised at the events that transpire at Spellhold.
The personal quest is not fully spoilered, simply because I have no clue if you can put a spoiler within a spoiler, and I don't want to spoil it for anyone who believes the mod will one day come out. It's unlikely, however, so read it if you wish.
Personal Quest: Gur-Thoz receives a note signed from one of his old friends from his youth and begs to check it out. It is from the elf girl, Nateera, the one that Imoen reminds him of. She was his only love, and though he knows it's vain to hope she still lives, especially after all this time, he never saw her definitively killed and wishes to check it out.
To his surprise, he finds that it is her, though she is but a ghost bound to a necromancer. She was unable to rest after her death, but was unable to leave the place where she died. She was eventually found by the necromancer and he bound her to his service. Through this, however, she was able to leave the cave and was able to influence the man who brought Gur-Thoz the note. You slay the necromancer, and Nateera tells Gur-Thoz what it was that made her unable to leave the material plane. She said that she loved him, and that he was not to blame for her death. She then told him she wanted him to live the rest of his life doing good for the world, and enjoying life. She said that he seemed to have met some incredible people, and she requests of you that you will stay by Gur-Thoz's side. With that, she "embraces" Gur-Thoz as best she can before fading away. Gur-Thoz thanks you for your help, and says that he has satisfied his own selfish desires and is fully ready to aid you in your quest. You can then ask if he's alright, to which he responds by looking at you and grinning, the first grin he's ever shown to you. When you express surprise at that he says that a lifelong weight has been lifted from him, and while he has his regrets, he feels that through this endeavor and all of his journeys with you, he has been shown that life is not merely about survival. It is about the friends you keep and the memories you make.
Hey! That's Grynne next to Gur-Thoz! @Blackraven See!
Gender: Female
Race: Half-Tapir, Half-Capybara
Alignment: Apathetic Neutral
Kit: Cleric/Thief
Deity: Maztica
Preferred Weapons: Trunk, Hooves, German Suplex
Preferred Martial Art: Wrestling
Likes: Wrestling, bathing and wrestling while bathing.
Dislikes: Dry places, healing spells and alligators.
Romance Options: Romanceable by Anomen and Haer'Dalis alike.
I can start with the fire genasi swordswoman, Eldarra yn Pazasz.
Born in Calimport, the capital city of Calimsham, Eldarra's childhood came to an abrupt end when she was taken away by the efreet Flammandrahn, the Flamewrought. He told Eldarra that her parents had willingly traded her away for a small fortune and a handful of servants.
This, and his initially cruel treatment of her, nearly broke the young girl's spirit entirely.
As the years passed and Flammandrahn's "collection" of genasi grew, his and Eldarra's relationship subtly changed. Against his own will and judgement, he had grown fond of her, and began to train her in the art of swordsmanship. She became greatly skilled with the falchion.
Eventually she was chosen to lead the eldest of Flammandrahn's so-called children; the Flamewrought's Chosen. Alongside Eldarra there were Jordalin, an earth genasi, Vattenma, a water genasi, and Luftor, an air genasi.
But everything changed when she found a crumpled letter from her father in one of Flammandrahn's strongboxes. In it, her father stated that he had been looking for her ever since the day her mother had been murdured; the same day that Eldarra had been kidnapped. How Flammandrahn had gotten his hands on the letter and why he had not destroyed it to begin with she could not fathom.
Shaken to her core, Eldarra chose to flee from Calimsham; away from her past and the uncertain truth behind it.
Enraged by this, the Flamewrought tasked Jordalin, Vattenma and Luftor with tracking her down and to bring her back, no matter what the cost.
Unlike most fire genasi, Eldarra is a calm and collected individual... some might even go so far as to call her cold. She is often seen meditating or honing her skills further with her blade, Azakira. She follows a strict and personal code of conduit; its inner workings unknown to most. Her stoic nature is often overlooked due to her dark sense of humor.
General information:
Gender: Female
Race: Fire Genasi
Class: Kensai (Fighter)
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
** in falchions (two-handed swords)
** in two-handed weapon style
Innate: Can cast Burning Hands once per day
She is also slightly resistant to both normal and arcane fire
Final notes:
She can be found in both games; in the first, she's found at the Naskhel Carnival, where she is entertaining a crowd of people with her impressive swordplay. Her personal quest leads to a confrontation with Jordalin, Vattenma and Luftor.
In the second game she is found in the Docks District, where she serves as a bodyguard to a merchant. After her work is done she can join you once again. She eventually reveals more about herself but in the end you realize that you must learn the whole truth of her past from Flammandrahn himself.
She gets along well enough with most of the non-evil and non-chaotic NPCs. In the first game, she comes to respect both Kivan and Branwen. In the second, she grows quite fond of Mazzy.
She is not romanceable.
I like the descrption, you've clearly given him some good thought. I also like how he gets along with some evil NPCs despite him generally tending to good.
Need to run now. Good thread. I hope it'll blossom
Very nice. You've put in a lot of thought to it ^_^
The LN alignment, the background as outcasts and the focus on survival remind me of the Mongrelman in DnD, not sure if you've heard of it.
Back to the topic, would his personality be that of a stoic survivor or an embittered cynic? Based on his personality description, I can't tell which which one it is.
@Sniiiimon Cool! I like it. I had no idea what genasi were, so I had to look things up. They're an interesting race. I notice a couple discrepancies with game\lore mechanics, such as bows on a kensai and fire genasis never being anything but chaotic, but there are exceptions to every rule, and it's a cool character. I look forward to your other ideas.
@Blackraven I think he's a little old for romance, and he definitely wouldn't consider it till his personal quest is finished. (I don't know if you read it, but it pretty much explains why) I think he'd greatly appreciate Grynne's personality, though. She'd probably be his favorite party member. As for the evil party members, I definitely wanted to show that he IS neutral, but he just has his reasons for appreciating good more.
@BelgarathMTH It probably took a little over two hours of straight work last night, bolstered by over a month of thought and deliberation. Would you believe he started out as a plain human fighter?! =p
@jacobtan I haven't heard of the mongrelman before, and by golly is it hard to find info about them! They're interesting, and I can see the resemblances to Gur-Thoz. As for his personality type, it's a bit of both, but definitely more the embittered cynic. He starts out quite cynical, and you can slowly influence his personality positively over the course of your conversations. After his personal quest, he becomes quite a bit more the stoic survivor type, though of course he doesn't just care about survival anymore. He just gains that stoic gruffness, as opposed to being cynical about life.
If he is more embittered cynic, wouldn't he be more likely to be somewhat dismissive of those people who adhere very strongly to strict codes of conduct/behavior? Since he's "seen it all", "done it all", "everyone is like that"?
Sorta like Xan scoffing at Ajantis for his beliefs...
As for Eldarra's alignment, I've seen stranger things... like, say, Fall-From-Grace from Planescape: Torment. If a succubus can act so vastly different from the norm of their kind, I'm sure a fire genasi can too.
And yeah, alignment is a pretty easy thing to change from the norm with just a little added reason for why.
Only humans can dual, but I think you could start a character as a half-elf, level them up until the point where you want to dual, then change the character's race into human in EEKeeper, dual them, and the change the race back to half-elf.
I understand though, I haven't got the modding skills myself.
Name: Brunash (thanks, Blackraven!)
Gender: Male
Race: Ghostwise Halfling
Class: Barbarian
Alignment: True Neutral
Romanceable?: No
Strength: 17
Dexterity: 16
Constitution: 18
Intelligence: 12
Wisdom: 14
Charisma: 7
Portrait: Similar to this; I cannot find the source of this for the life of me. Perhaps @Isandir would like to try to give it a more barbarian feel with hide armor instead of leather?
Personality: Can be found in the Copper Coronet a few tables away from Korgan. Will telepathically tell you to go away when you try to talk to him (Speak Without Sound ability). Of course, you'll be intrigued by this when anyone else would run away screaming so you keep talking to him. ls initially gruff and wishes you'd stop, sort of like Dorn. He later learns that you're the hero of Baldur's Gate and will be more receptive to your help.
The reason he's all the way out here in Amn, he tells you, is because he "accidentally broke that stupid idol." For this grave transgression, the elders of his clan determined that his inner peace was found lacking and as punishment for breaking the sacred idol, he was exiled. This is a fate worse than death in Ghostwise culture, so he is naturally sullen and reserved as a result (hence his CHA score). The only thing he can think of that would get his clan to welcome him back is to become as well-known as you. And what better way to do that than to travel with you?
Special Ability:
Greater Rage
- When any of his friends die (see below), Brunash will enter a greater rage state until the battle is over. He gains all the abilities of the normal Barbarian Rage, but his STR increases by 6 instead of 4. He gains +4 CON as well as an extra attack per round, but his AC is lowered by +4 instead of +2. He is also immune to all mind-affecting spells, but not psionics, and is immune to any movement-impeding effects such as Web, Hold, Slow, Maze, and Imprisonment. His determination is such that he will stop at nothing to avenge his friends. When the battle is over, the Greater Rage wears off and he is winded by the sheer amount of energy he expended. For 24 hours, all of his stats are decreased by 3 and all of his rolls (attack, damage, saving throws, etc.) have a -3 penalty. His movement speed is also reduced by 25%.
He becomes good friends with some companions and holds a dislike toward others, but won't come to blows with them.
- Korgan: He finds Korgan unsettling but thoroughly respects his battle prowess. They become friends and bond over fighting techniques, and have an arm wrestling match in one banter. Brunash is beaten by Korgan the first time, but he wants a rematch while they are both raging, leading to a dialogue with much shouting and capital letters. Basically testosterone poisoning. EX:
- Keldorn: Is distrustful of him due to his status as a paladin, but becomes good friends with him once he discovers that Keldorn isn't overzealous like other paladins.
- Minsc: They become fast friends due to similar backgrounds. He admires Minsc's tenacity and confidence even if he's not all there.
- Cernd: Appreciates his reverence for nature, even though he waxes poetic about it nonstop.
- Valygar: Understands Valygar's reservedness and likes his "take no BS" attitude. Though they don't talk much, they become friends as well. Sometimes after a battle when they are close to each other, some floating text will read, "Valygar and Brunash bump fists."
- Anomen: He dislikes Anomen intensely because he is bullied by him about being a savage and how much better a person of noble birth is.
- Mazzy: Does not feel any kinship toward her. She will try to give him lessons to civilize him but he politely brushes off her attempts.
Rate, hate, comment. I can't do any modding outside basic NearInfinity stuff, but if I could, I'd make this.
Yeorg, Dragon Disciple
Neutral Evil
STR: 19
DEX: 8
CON: 18
INT: 14
WIS: 11
CHR: 7
*Innate abilities:
- Flame Breath: Causes 4d8 damage (this increases with level) with no save. Knocks back enemies (save vs breath -2).
- Shapechange Human: Can change appearance to a human once per day. Grants him +3 charisma. Cannot use Flame Breath while shapechanged.
Backstory: At a young age Yeorg was traded to be a slave to a Djinni known as Shakiel. He is unsure as to what was traded for his life, though knowing Shakiel it was probably material goods that were lost soon after. He remains unsure of his origins. He knows that his birth name is not Yeorg and that Yeorg was the name of his mothers human husband, a warrior of some renown. It was chosen as a name of failure, cast on him by Shakiel as a means of establishing Yeorgs place in life.
From what Yeorg has since been able to gather his mothers husband was part of a group of men attacking the lair of a red dragon. The attack ended with everyone except the dragon having been slaughtered. Yeorg's mother, a magic user mostly only interested in her own aims, tipped off the red dragon in exchange for the promise of great wealth and power. Some point later Yeorg came to be, though he personally doesn't like to think too much on those details.
In any case Yeorg was left broken while in the clutches of Shakiel. In his time as a slave he did gradually gain a small level of power, but in such poor conditions this ended up being largely wasted on examining the assortment of magical items Shakiel came across.
Eventually Yeorg gained his freedom, though he has no interest in saying how this came about. He will however say that leaving the lair for the first time in his memory didn't prove to be easy.
It wasn't long before he realised that he was considerably different than most humans. His increasingly large stature and great strength, along with the wings he had been born with, made him seem unsightly to those he met along the road. Out of a need of supplies and companions he ended up on the streets of Athkatla. It was here that he fully realized the extent and potential, as well as the danger, of his innate magical abilities.
If you want to survive long on Athkatla's streets minding your own business becomes an important mantra for you to learn quickly. Yeorg himself learned of this shortly after arriving thanks mostly through the well meaning statement of the cities beggers. However, he saw the real reason for its importance while he was scrapping around hoping to find something to eat or pawn off one day. In reality it served as a means of controlling the cities poorest residence and maintaining the power structure that existed in the city. As he stood sifting through the trash someone had left outside of what looked to be a pawn shop, he happened to hear a man yelling out in anger. Despite his best attempts to pay it no concern, he couldn't help to find himself sneaking a peak and listening in.
Turns out it was a "conversation" between a priest of Talos and a low ranking member of an organization known as the "Shadow Thieves." The Shadow Thieves were trying to blackmail the priest by suggesting that he fathered an illegitimate son, a tactic they often used to extort money out of the cities priesthood. The priest of Talos was having none of this and gave this Shadow Thief a rare opportunity in being able to leave with his life intact. The two fought and the thief crumpled to the ground. No doubt unsure of who in the area represented any other eyes and ears of the Shadow Thieves at this meeting, the priest cast a lightning bolt at Yeorg, clearly hoping it would outright kill him. Yeorg fell to his knees barely clinching to life, but he managed to pick himself up. Intending to yell at the man and charge him, what came next was no doubt a surprise for the both of them. Out of Yeorg's mouth came a torrent of fire that engulfed the priest and knocked him back 30 feet. The priest laid there, his armour largely melted from the intense heat. "Serves him right" Yeorg thought to himself, as walked over and began picking the pockets of what was left of the priest and the shadow thief.
In time Yeorg's power grew, enough so that he learned a few more spells at least. This included an ability to make his physical appearance appear that of a much older human mage, as well as the ability to hide his lower level spell casting from the Cowled Wizards. In that time he has become obsessed with acquiring power, even going so far as to ally himself with a yet unnamed emerging faction within the city. It was after all this that Yeorg encountered CHARNAME within the Mithrest Inn.
@Flashburn: well-fleshed out NPC and I think very likeable for no nonsense charnames and likeminded NPCs such as Valygar or Jaheira (even though you didn't mention her). One point I'd see differently is his relation with Keldorn and Anomen. Keldorn is more polite than Anomen, true, but I think Keldorn is quite overzealous:
if you compare his response to Viconia with that of other good-aligned NPCs, and if you take into account he's willing to bring his wife before a tribunal and have her sentenced to death for cuckolding him.
Anomen on the other hand, relaxes a lot after his knightood test. Irrespective of the outcome of it, he becomes more tolerant and mature.
@elminister, great backstory. I wonder how does he behave toward charname and other NPCs. I see that he's chaotic evil, but Xzar, Korgan, Tiax, Shar-Teel show us that CE can mean different things...
I've never really thought about writing a mod NPC. Usually I try to translate any interesting ideas I might have to a charname for me to play. One of my favourite characters in terms of personality and backstory, but less so in gameplay (a bit repetitive due to being a plain warrior), was Grynne, the Wizard Slayer I've posted about on these forums. She might make for a nice companion, allowing the player to pick a more versatile charname. I'm going to see whether I could convert Grynne's backstory into one that's suitable for an NPC.
Finally I'd like to mention @Lemernis here, because he once started to work on a mod for a Neutral Good Half-Orc Cleric/Thief. Maybe we could convince him to get the mod done
Yeah, I'll give you that. What I meant to say is that Selokah would look up to Keldorn because of his fatherly influence and as a mentor. And I bet Anomen would apologize to him after being knighted, since he does that to another party member, though I forget who...
Also I just realized as I was stringing together syllables for Selokah's name, that it sounds almost the same as the Sahuagin's god, Sekolah. I'm open to suggestions because I clearly can't come up with anything unique.