A NearINfinity Conundrum
Member Posts: 4
Greetings, Players! I am playing the original Baldur's Gate. I played through a long time ago and then started playing again after using GateKeeper and NearInfinity to make a few modifications. Way back then it worked just fine. Unfortunately, I have since lost the hard drives those games were on. My problem is that I think I'm missing a step or something. I have a game I've saved and know I have to open that game in NearInfinity to make the changes I want to make. The game shows up when I run GateKeeper and it is obviously there to be played when I run the game itself. But for some reason when I try to find it either by running NearInfinity or by going directly to the file structure of my hard drive the saved game just doesn't appear to be anywhere on my system. I'm sure it's there...I just don't know why I can't see it or find it. Can anyone help? I really don't want to run through the game without making the few changes I want to make, and I really want to run though this game again.
Makes backups a pain because you have to do shit to your Windows partition (like moving files to another partition) before formatting it or else you risk losing stuff you want to keep, where as back in the day you could format and reinstall Windows super quick with no mucking about and with absolutely no risk of losing save games and stuff in the process if you install your software to a separate partition to Windows!