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Outrageous Wisdom boost

I am considering the viability of the Axe of Hrothgar to gain the mythical last point of wisdom for a Cleric/Thief, with use any item. Playing as a Half Orc, I could expect to get use any item around 17/14 or 17/15, before the end of SoA, although I will have no proficiency with the weapon so staying far from the front lines, not unreasonable for that multi.

More interesting but ridiculously impractical is to play a Swashbuckler to level 24, putting 3 pips in Two-weapon style, then switch to Cleric and finally, at level 25, I get to equip the axe as an off-hand weapon, where its poor hit numbers will matter less. I will also have the handy Swash bonus to AC, Thaco and damage (not sure if that is +4 or +5), the cleric bonus ring, and 6,905,000 xp, so probably not happening till close to the end of ToB, if at all with a 6-party. Of course, the idea that it is so impractical would be half the fun of giving it a go :)

Has anyone actually tried either of these playthroughs yet? OK, building your entire game around a single combo is a little silly, but it plays well enough with other play through concepts, and there are enough folks on here that I cannot believe that I have an original thought - so curious to hear if they are likely to be at all fun.

Final idea on wisdom boosts is a little more practical - drink potions, flag the spells to memorize, then wish to be fully rested. I suspect Aerie must be well acquainted with this one though.


  • jackjackjackjack Member Posts: 3,251
    Can Clerics use axes?
  • GreenWarlockGreenWarlock Member Posts: 1,354
    No - that is why you need to also get the thief HLA, use any item. At least, I believe that should work, maybe the whole idea is doomed from the start?
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