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Centeol bugs the "Character's Target Destroyed" auto-pause option.

MessiMessi Member Posts: 738
This was tested with the latest beta 1.3 build.

1. Start a new game with Abdel
1.1 Choose Option > Gameplay > Auto-pause and make sure the "Character's Target Desroyed" is selected.
2. C:CreateCreature("Kagain")
3. C:CreateCreature("Dorn")
4. Ctrl+Q both Kagain and Dorn.
5. C:MoveToArea("AR2100")
6. C:ExploreArea()
7. Ctrl+J your party just outside Centeol's nest.
8. Enter the nest.
9. Choose the first option when talking to Centeol to get to the actual fighting immediately.
10. Ctrl+Y every creature in the nest.
11. Move Kagain and Dorn to side of the nest.
12. Observe them running back to Centeol's corpse, and causing Auto-Paused: Target Gone to trigger.


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