Potion of insight? what does it do?

what benefit do I get out of having my wisdom set to 18? I know If you re a cleric you get more spell slots or smth but in my case my cleric has a natural 18 in wisdom. any other uses I can get out of this potion?
This can be just as easily resolved by picking your wisest party member and sending them to do all the talking, but if you happen to not have a cleric available, then the potion of insight is your friend.
I've also wondered what practical use the insight potion has as well. As far as I can see, it only helps to increase your lore ability to identify items without spells or scrolls. IIRC, it only lasts for 6 or 8 hours, so you can't use it to memorize extra spells because the potion will have worn off by the time you finish resting to memorize the spells.
I think one dialogue with Solaufein regarding mind flayers depends on WIS as well. He asks at one point whether Charname/Party leader knows what an Illithid is. The answer options depend on WIS afaik. Not very consequential, but interesting.
To fully implement Wisdom bonuses will be rather game breaking because high wisdom actually offers immunity to some spells, including several in the game.
Best to leave it as it is.
Yes indeed. For the benefit of the reader, high Wisdom actually offers all these immunities:
Wis 19 - Cause Fear, Charm Person, Command, Friends, Hypnotism
Wis 20 - Forget, Hold Person, Ray of Enfeeblement, Scare
Wis 21 - Fear
Wis 22 - Charm Monster, Confusion, Emotion, Fumble, Suggestion
Wis 23 - Chaos, Feeblemind, Hold Monster, Magic Jar, Quest
Wis 24 - Geas, Mass Suggestion, Rod of Rulership
Wis 25 - Antipathy/Sympathy, Death Spell, Mass Charm
The immunities stack, so a character of Wis 25 will enjoy all the immunities of Wis 25 and below. Imagine after playing multiple runs of BG with the same character, a character gets 25 Wis and he becomes immune to:
Charm Person, Command, Hold Person, Ray of Enfeeblement, Confusion, Emotion, Chaos, Feeblemind, Hold Monster, Death Spell
Best to leave the rules as they are in the game. No point trying to force 3E rules onto 2E.
EDIT: These immunities are present in 2E too, so even BG vanilla is not a full PnP implementation of 2E rules.
21 - BG1
23 - Watcher's keep
25 - Hell (SoA)
For a legit playthrough.