Mazzy/Valygar level 1 npc mod.

I'm pondering about changing Mazzy and Valygar with level 1 NPC. A few RP questions.
Mazzy - Cavalier / Undead Hunter.
I'm going to turn Mazzy into a paladin, but i'm not sure yet if it would fit her better to be an undead hunter or cavalier. I would imagine that her personality would fit a cavalier better, but where you find her might move her towards an undead hunter.
17 (+3)
Her attributes work very well with a paladin already, she has the minimum wisdom requirement of 13 and i'll put her charisma up by 3 to have it land on 17.
Valygar - Wizard Slayer
I'm making Valygar into a Wizard slayer, just not sure if i'll keep it pure or dual class him to a rogue. I'll also add 10% innate magic resistance on top of his Wizard Slayer bonus to try and salvage the kit somewhat.
Dual class him at level 9 to a rogue, or keep him as a wizard slayer? Lorewise what would fit him better? I can imagine that he started out as a Wizard slayer, but the need to go into hiding to survive and keep away from the people after him might give him a reason to pick up some rogue skills. His 18 dexterity would also fit very well into the dual class.
If i dual class him at level 9 he'll have 19% MR (9 + 10 innate which i'll add) and that shouldn't be too over the top even if he gets hold of use any item later on.
So to my questions, from a RP point of view.
1.) Mazzy - Undead hunter or Cavalier?
2.) Valygar - Dual class to rogue at level 9 or don't?
Mazzy - Cavalier / Undead Hunter.
I'm going to turn Mazzy into a paladin, but i'm not sure yet if it would fit her better to be an undead hunter or cavalier. I would imagine that her personality would fit a cavalier better, but where you find her might move her towards an undead hunter.
17 (+3)
Her attributes work very well with a paladin already, she has the minimum wisdom requirement of 13 and i'll put her charisma up by 3 to have it land on 17.
Valygar - Wizard Slayer
I'm making Valygar into a Wizard slayer, just not sure if i'll keep it pure or dual class him to a rogue. I'll also add 10% innate magic resistance on top of his Wizard Slayer bonus to try and salvage the kit somewhat.
Dual class him at level 9 to a rogue, or keep him as a wizard slayer? Lorewise what would fit him better? I can imagine that he started out as a Wizard slayer, but the need to go into hiding to survive and keep away from the people after him might give him a reason to pick up some rogue skills. His 18 dexterity would also fit very well into the dual class.
If i dual class him at level 9 he'll have 19% MR (9 + 10 innate which i'll add) and that shouldn't be too over the top even if he gets hold of use any item later on.
So to my questions, from a RP point of view.
1.) Mazzy - Undead hunter or Cavalier?
2.) Valygar - Dual class to rogue at level 9 or don't?
[Edited] : Solved the problem, was BG2 tweak.
I fixed this same situation with the Monk HLAs in the Oversight mod by removing the lines in its .tp2 file where it called for ToB to be installed. The problem with this mod, is that its .tp2 file is so massive that I don't even know where to begin.
But as for your own conundrum, either of those kits are a good fit for Mazzy but I'd go with Undead Hunter, personally, just for flavor.