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bringing back the old school ways

DaelricDaelric Member Posts: 266
So I'm really excited about this new enhanced Baldur's Gate. My late father and I played and bonded over this game some 15 years ago and I can't wait to travel the Sword Coast again. Cuddos to the team at Overhaul... nowadays it seems that gaming companies have lost their way and are just cash-cows now. Maybe there is hope after all. KEEP IT REAL OVERHAUL ;)


  • AnduineAnduine Member Posts: 416

    ...nowadays it seems that gaming companies have lost their way...

    That is a fact, and a very depressing one at that.

  • Dannen6272Dannen6272 Member Posts: 28
    The big name companies are certainly lost these days, but the smaller indie studios still make some interesting and creative games. Hopefully, they become more popular as time passes and they are able to expand their resources to make even more interesting stuff.
  • AnduineAnduine Member Posts: 416
    @Dannen6272 Not that the game really fits the genre of BG, but in regards to your praise of indie studios, Awesomenauts is a really entertaining game when you have a couple of friends to play with.
  • DjimmyDjimmy Member Posts: 749
    I remember how articles about games were written with such a passion. Games were created in a way that they had atmoshphere. As if the developers were doing everything with passion, turning special attention to gameplay and story. Not everything was about power gaming. It was about heart. Long Live Baldur's Gate!
  • odeeodee Member Posts: 87
    Remember reading the review of BG in our local newspaper , oh so many years ago , think I still have the clipping somewhere around if the flood hasn't wash it away . then I got the game installed it , to this day I still wonder what happened to the next five months of my life .
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