A Jarlaxe type of Charname

For those who are not familiar with him, his point is that he exploits the use of throwing daggers (he also has a infinite daggers bracelets). So my question is, what gives you more attacks, daggers or darts (which looks the same to me, esthetic wise)? Besides, and I know I can easily look at it starting a game, does any of those give you a boost to damage from strength?
Plus, in the long run, the best magic item can determina which weapon be grandmaster for him. Which one would be?
I was thinking in a F/T or a Swashbuckler with this combat formula, at least most of the time.
Plus, in the long run, the best magic item can determina which weapon be grandmaster for him. Which one would be?
I was thinking in a F/T or a Swashbuckler with this combat formula, at least most of the time.
RP-wise they seem more like opposites. Jarlaxle's known for holding all the cards and knowing his opponents' secrets, while Charname is mostly in the dark fumbling for answers throughout the trilogy.
In BG1 there aren't any returning darts or daggers unfortunately, unless you're willing to use mods. Rogue Rebalancing for example offers a reall nice +1 dart that also does +1 cold damage (elemental damage is great against stoneskinned mages). In SoA/ToB you have various options. Generally daggers will be better there.
EDIT: weapons grandmastery won't be an option for the Swashbuckler and for the FT only if you play a dual class or use a mod (BG2 Tweaks).
I haven't played multiclass with fighter yet, but yes, I noticed Jahiera can only put fill two slots for a weapon. So that's really the rule? Seems unreasonable and not fun. Good we have EE Keeper.
With that having been said, i would think that you could play a character in that vein. merely make him the mastermind behind the party. When I play my Mage, he is the brains behind the party. Although he doesn't always get involved in the combats, he is always the one directing what is going on. He controls the other party members as if they were puppets, not through magic, but through knowing what buttons to push on them to make them act as he wants. That "To me" would be similar to "Fighting with knowledge as a weapon".
I also think that the fact that charname doesn't know much about his own background when he starts out doesn't have to keep one from roleplaying a charname who uses knowledge as an instrument.