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Age of Wonders 3

SkaffenSkaffen Member Posts: 709
Anyone played AoW 3 yet? I've sworn off BG till the BG2EE patch comes out and after a brief stint at TOEE I saw that AoW3 is finally out. Just started and pleasantly surprised. Graphics are more modern but still cute and at least after the first day it's decently challenging. While I was peacefully building my cities with a few tier 1 and 2 units popping treasures I got attacked by a tier 4 AI war machine with my elven pants down :) I'm certain that once I get a better hang of build strategies etc. it will become easy again but at the least the beginning was harder than expected - nice!

One big change from the old games: heroes are much weaker than in the past and gone are the days that you can conquer the map just with a few mobile hero units.

2 weeks after release and the first patch is out btw *hint* *hint*

Technical note: I'm actually running it on an imac with Parallels in 2580x1440 with high graphics setting without having to use Bootcamp - very nice, GOG BG2 couldn't run in Parallels without stuttering graphics.


  • NonnahswriterNonnahswriter Member Posts: 2,520
    Oh my god. It's out? It's OUT!?

    *runs to Google*

    *scrambles to type Age of Wonders 3*


    The last Age of Wonder game I played was Shadow Magic, which was...interesting, to say the least. I still play the first installment to this day. So classy! But I have gotten tired of the same scenario maps... This kind of made my day. :D
  • ZanianZanian Member Posts: 332
    How did this pass me by? I had been looking forward to the release since it got announced.

    Anywhoes, ask me again tomorrow. xD
  • DrugarDrugar Member Posts: 1,566
    Skaffen said:

    While I was peacefully building my cities with a few tier 1 and 2 units popping treasures I got attacked by a tier 4 AI war machine with my elven pants down :)


    2 weeks after release and the first patch is out btw *hint* *hint*

    Yeeeah one of the things the patch did was tweak the MURDERMURDERMURDER AI from the first level into something a little softer.

    I've played up to level 4 of the Commonwealth campaign (then ragequit) and level 2 of the High Elf campaign (then ragequit). I'm planning to go back to either this weekend.
    It's a really good game. There's some major differences from AoW1/2/SM, chief among them being the depowering of Heroes. In the other games, if you had a hero with Defense maxed out, he was basicly a god who couldn't be touched. Add in a (self-created) item with Lifestealing, First Strike and Double Strike and he certainly couldn't be killed. Now, Defense isn't as powerful (units always hit, defense lowers the damage with X percent) and increasing defense costs more level-points the more points you put into it. The problem is that almost every level has a "Lose this hero, lose the level" rule and the AI knows this so they'll usually ignore most of your other units to kill that hero. It can be pretty cheap at times.

    Anyway, citybuilding is good, tactics are good, the relative power of the units is good (in previous games, T1-2 units were completely pointless once you had T3-4 units, now they're still moderately useful).
    The combination of race and hero class is interesting. Your main guy in a level is one of six classes and that class determines what spells and/or abilities he gets. It also determines several special units you can build. For instance, a sorcerer can have a wizard tower in every city that produces apprentices, a dreadnaught can have musketeers, cannons and flamethrowers built, a druid has hunters and shamans, etc. Taking over a Goblin city also means you can produce goblin units, goblin pikemen and warg riders but also the specialty unit of your class. So if you're a sorcerer and you take over a goblin city, you can then produce goblin apprentices. Considering the various races have various strengths and weaknesses (Elves move faster through forests but are weak to Blight damage, dwarves can move through mountains but have less movement overall, etc) you can get really varied units.
    It also sometimes leads to very strange units suchs as orcish Angel units (from the Priest class) or dwarven succubi (winged bearded dwarven ladies, awww yeah).

    Good game, really recommend it to people.
  • AristilliusAristillius Member Posts: 873
    Playing it - lots of fun ^^
  • BelgarathMTHBelgarathMTH Member Posts: 5,653
    I look forward to playing AoW 3 eventually. However, since I had missed the first two games, I decided to start there. I'm about halfway through the AoW 1 campaign, and have just barely started learning AoW 2.

    I've finished two single scenario maps in AoW 1, and am struggling with the first single scenario map in AoW 2.

    I'm finding AoW 2 to be strikingly different from AoW 1. So far, I really prefer the AoW 1 system better, where your leader can also be your superhero. I don't mind that he eventually gets so powerful he can handle small armies by himself - it makes the game feel more like D&D.

    In AoW 2, I'm still getting used to the idea of the leader being a "wizard" who needs to stay in his tower and lead from afar, and to the whole idea of magical domain influence. I may come to like it better later.

    The music is great, especially in AoW 1. I like the artistic style, too. These games are so much like Heroes of Might and Magic, I'm really surprised I missed them when they were originally released.

    Anyway, if AoW 3 is in the same spirit as the first two, I'm sure I'll come to love it, too. Plus, I'll have the advantage of having waited until the game is in a high state of polish.

    I'm glad to see an AoW topic started here. I've been playing it over about the past three weeks, and I was interested whether other people from the BG forums were into or had been into the AoW franchise.
  • VarwulfVarwulf Member Posts: 564
    I snapped up Deluxe Edition on GOG weeks before release and played the heck out of it for the first week or two.

    Waiting for patches now :)

    No Frostlings or Tigrans makes me sad :(

    But overall, I am very pleased with the game thus far. It needs work and I really look forward to future expansions/DLC, but it's solid and enjoyable in single or multiplayer.
  • NonnahswriterNonnahswriter Member Posts: 2,520
    :( If only I'd waited to buy my new computer, I could purchase the deluxe edition guilt-free.

    Perhaps the Steam Summer Sale will be kind to me in the coming months... *sigh*
  • SkaffenSkaffen Member Posts: 709
    edited April 2014
    @BelgarathMTH Don't worry, you will get plenty of superheroes in AoW2 as well with your tower wizard casting support spells all over the map as well. That was my main grief with AoW2, heroes are too strong and you basically don't need other troops till tier 4 units befome available.

    In AoW3 as @Drugar has pointed out as well heroes are much much weaker and it feels more like an army game. I'm in the second scenario now hoarding some magic items so they are getting better but I doubt they will ever be as dominating as before.
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,504
    Skaffen said:

    @BelgarathMTH Don't worry, you will get plenty of superheroes in AoW2 as well with your tower wizard casting support spells all over the map as well. That was my main grief with AoW2, heroes are too strong and you basically don't need other troops till tier 4 units befome available.

    Same here. AoW2 is probably the most unbalanced game of the series. My maxed out heroes had single-handedly destroyed whole nations. It's fun at first, but becomes boring very fast - especially if you get your hands on some powerful items (e.g. armor that grants physical immunity).
    AoW-SM is much much better in that regard, even though the feature to create customized items doesn't really help to keep the game balanced.

    AoW3 sounds very interesting. I'll definitely purchase it once the first patches are out.
  • SkaffenSkaffen Member Posts: 709
    @argent77‌ First patch is out already. I'm in the second scenario now and not faced any issue even though I run under Parallels on mac. Pretty fun and so far surprisingly challenging.
  • SkaffenSkaffen Member Posts: 709
    edited April 2014
    @Zanian It could be worse... You could have started playing Game of Thrones Ascent just before discovering AoW3. And find out that there is space on your desk to pop up your ipad and that the GOTA cooldowns mesh surprisingly well with the time it takes to do an AoW turn.

    So that even when you manage to tear yourself away from AoW the ipad invites you to a long list of buildings that finished production and sworn swords that came back from quests. Leaving them idle would be a sin, no? And after they are sent to work again, hell, there is AoW waiting for you and it's only one more turn...

    Not that I am admitting to anything, no... :)
    Post edited by Skaffen on
  • ZanianZanian Member Posts: 332
    @Skaffen I tried that, didn't really care for it. I'm playing the mod 'A Clash of Kings' for 'Mount & Blade: Warband', for all my GoT needs. :)
    It's a great mod for a great game. I highly recommend it.
  • jackjackjackjack Member Posts: 3,251
    Not to get too off-topic here, but hands down, the best GoT game I've played is the "A Game of Thrones" (AGOT) mod for Crusader Kings II.
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317
    Only game I own in the series is apparently Age of Wonders: Shadow Magic (through I think I'll have a look at it again before playing 3.
  • DrugarDrugar Member Posts: 1,566
    It is recommended to play the other Age of Wonders before AoW3 (or really all the other ones).

    It's not vital to the storyline (the story of the commonwealth and high elves is all new and the game itself provides the background) but there are a lot of references to previous games in NPC's and unit descriptions that you might miss.
    For example, in Age of Wonders: Shadow Magic, you eventually get an undead hero named Joseph on your team. If you've played the previous Age of Wonders, you recognise him as King Joseph, leader of Men and main antagonist of the original game.
    It's not vital to know, but really cool.
  • BelgarathMTHBelgarathMTH Member Posts: 5,653
    LOL, I just finished the main campaign of AoW 1 last night, and I sided with the Highmen, Gabriel, and King Joseph, against Julia, so I considered King Joseph one of the PROtagonists of the original game. Heroism and villainy can truly be matters of points of view.
  • comebackhomecomebackhome Member Posts: 254
    What are everyone's thoughts on the most recent patch?
  • DrugarDrugar Member Posts: 1,566
    edited June 2014
    It seemed to me that it removed a lot of things that a single player-player wouldn't care about; a cap on XP farming, slower city expansion and research speed and the nerfing of a bunch of units.
    The few issues I have with the game (such as the AI dogpiling on the Hero you need to keep alive, just so you lose the combat, for example) are not addressed.

    Ultimately, it doesn't really affect my enjoyment of the game, it's minor tweaks but it's clear I'm not the target audience for this patch.

  • VarwulfVarwulf Member Posts: 564
    I'm just excited about the pseudo-conformation of the Frostlings being their next race on the radar.

    Oh, and new classes--that'll be hot :)
  • comebackhomecomebackhome Member Posts: 254
    Frostlings and Necromancers. What does everyone think might be next? I'm hoping tigrans or lizardmen.
  • VarwulfVarwulf Member Posts: 564
    I would approve of Tigrans as well. I'd like to see all of the old races return, though I doubt Lizardmen will sadly. Maybe as a dwelling.
  • comebackhomecomebackhome Member Posts: 254
    New dlc confirmed sometime soon.
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