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How to mod thieving?

JidokwonJidokwon Member Posts: 407
I've been playing around with Near Infinity and can't figure out how to mod certain thieving abilities. Basically, I'd like to have detect traps always on or, at least, check for traps every second, rather than once every six seconds. I'd like to also fix detect traps and stealth so they can be used with each other and don't break when doing mundane tasks, such as opening a door or picking a lock.

I haven't seen anything in 2da files that would fix these, so how can I do so? If they're hardcoded and not easily modded with Near Infinity, would anyone else be up for the task? Thank you.


  • ShinShin Member Posts: 2,344
    edited April 2014
    The inner workings of the thieving abilities (like how often the check for traps ability 'ticks' or the way they combine with each other and other actions) are hardcoded and can't be altered through external modding.

    You can make life easier through scripts though. You might for instance want to check out the aTweaks mod that contains a thief script that switches trap detection on automatically as soon as the thief isn't doing any other actions.

    If you really want to spot every trap instantly and never be surprised, you can also enable the console and use Ctrl+4. This will highlight all interactive objects, including undetected traps.
  • JidokwonJidokwon Member Posts: 407
    Thank you much for the reply. I hadn't found anything under thieving, when I made the post, but I ran a deeper search and came across a post that pretty much summed up all that is hard coded and can't be changed. Adding thief abilities to a paladin, for instance. I missed ctrl+4 and had just made another post requesting the hint toggle to always be on heh I'll also take a look at the scripts. Thanks again.
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