Is it possible to use my own portraits in BG Android version?
Hello, just bought the BG Android version, it's very good. I want to know, Is it possible to use my own portraits in BG Android version?
You'll need to create the "portraits" folder, but they'll work from there.
- save (and the other saved game folders for multiplayer and black pits)
- characters
- portraits
- sounds
- override
Just make sure you back everything up before each update; there's currently an issue where that entire directory gets wiped during the patch process.
Then you'll find the portraits with the "Personalize" button (or whatever it's name in English) just below the basic portraits.
Look for Baldur.ini file, but be sure to run the game as least once before.
Did you check the directory I mentioned (without portraits at the end)? I believe it should appear in the internal memory part, not the SD card, since this is user data. Android is at the root of the file system.
Do you see the Nexus as a drive when you plug it? Basically how do you proceed? Difficult to say what you do wrong if you don't tell what you do. ;-)
Here is the folder:
This computer\Nexus 7\Internal memory\Android\data\com.beamdog.baldursgateenhancededition\files
I have run the game and made a saved game, but can't see any ini-file or save directory. However, i can use custom portrait (after having added a folder).
Finally I tried to stop and restart the tablet, the "hidden" save games appeared. However, the new save games I created on the tablet since restart were not visible from the PC. Again restarting the tablet allowed to see them.
On the Baldur's Gate Google group, Cameron Tofer suggested me this Android application as a workaround. Despite its description, it does provide a workaround for this issue. At least it worked for me. You have to run it manually.
And when it comes to installing the addons do we have to manually modify the dialog file or is there a simple way to install said addons such as using the PC to install them when the android device is connected?
Edit: I just checked - some people have 1.3.1220, 1.3.1224, or 1.3.1226. I am unsure of the differences between builds.
I don't know about savegame compatibility between 1.2 and 1.3 - in general things like that do lead to bugs, but that may not be the case here.
I have created these folders:
at last I've even tried creating this folder:
I tried putting three BMP (24bit) files with correct names (CALAL, CALAM, CALAS) and correct dimensions into each folder. I used for references. But non of it worked. I can see no "custom" button while creating new character or editing appearance of existing ones. I'm lost. My version is 1.3.1220.
My Galaxy is not rooted so I run the game in internal memory.
Problem solved! Previously, my files were named in all uppercase (e.g. TOR_L.BMP). I change the file names to all lowercase except the sizing letter (e.g. tor_L.bmp)
Android version will not substitute any of the supplied replacement images, regardless of location (this goes for both the data/beamdog/bg2EE portraits AND override folders.) My guess is that the Android version still requires multiple sizes in order to override the stock images. Again, this is to replace NPC portraits. Can anyone cue in on this?
For the PC version, I've gotten the 169x266 .bmp files to stick for the HUD portraits while playing the game, but when I pull up the character profile, the default image comes up. I'm assuming that, despite the claim that one size will substitute just fine for PLAYER portraits, one will still need to supply the S/M/L size variations in order for the substituted portraits to work for NPC's. I believe this lends credibility to the reason why I can't get ANY substitute images to work for the Android version.
I've been somewhat limited on time this week. I'll report back when I've done some additional tweaking to verify one way or another.