Touch the portrait and immediately swipe it to another portrait to switch their positions. Don't hold you finger on the portrait or it will bring the character screen up (or the inventory screen I forget which), just swipe straight up.
I think @Coran was referring to how in the PC version you right-click on the ground to rotate the party formation (e.g. you want the box formation to be up-down not right-left), not how you change the party order. If this is the case, I don't *think* there is a way to do this on the tablet, but I would also like to know if somebody figures it out.
Thanks, sorry I meant when you move the party as a whole you can rotate the orientation of what direction the party is facing. It can be done on PC and I think it was added to Mac as well.
Ah right never mind then. As I understand it isn't possible. I think I saw a post in the iPad forum asking about it sometime back and the responses seemed all to say no.
I find the game almost frustrating without the ability to do this. I think they could manage it by treating a long-tap as a right-click, and then keep the right-click input going until the long-tap is released. i.e. hold down your finger for a second, then drag the finger to rotate the position.
@diggerb yep, exactly like every game that implements a virtual dpad. Hold somewhere on your screen, then drag/move your digit in the direction you want to aim/move.
@meagloth I'd forgotten about the check points!