The first real RPG I played was Fallout when I was 14, Fallout 2 when I was 15 and Baldur's Gate immediately followed when I saw it got a 9.5 in a gaming magazine I favored and this whole 'RPG' thing appealed to me.
I played the unholy hell out of FO1 and 2. The only downside of BG is the lack of the graphic, hilarious death animations that two games have.
First "real" RPGs were Return To Krondor, & Fallout altho I may have played Fallout after BG, - before that it was text based games like Zork, Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, & Leather Goddess of Phobos. ;-)
In roughly chronological order: Atari games; Infocom games (think Zork); Lucasfilm games (Maniac Mansion, Monkey Island, Grim Fandango); Myst-and-Myst-like-games of the 90s; those Nancy Drew games by Her Interactive (they're still entertaining); American McGee's Alice & sequel; and strategy/puzzle/howtheFdoyoudothisscreen-type things like DROD.
Um, I think I had an Arthur(the pbs cartoon) game and my sister's Disney princes game. I'm pretty sure it was sleeping beauty. So that's my first RPG, I guess. Um, yea, not much to tell. I remember bg was annoying cause you had to switch discs, the others only had one.
Pong, Atari 2600 (Yar's Revenge and the arcade transcriptions like Space Invaders and Pac-Man are the ones I remember), Atari 5200, Colecovision, Dark Wizard (Sega CD), Heroes of Might and Magic I, Might and Magic 6, Baldur's Gate.
Avidly? I guess back then I was playing a lot of Civ, Moo, Ultima 7, Warlords and Lucas Scumm games. I had probably finally played-out Bard's Tale, Wing Command and Xwing. Eye of the Beholder series would probably have claimed a space, if it were not for a crash-to-desktop bug near the start of the second game that I never found a workaround for - this in the days before game patches were 'a thing'.
In roughly chronological order: Atari games; Infocom games (think Zork); Lucasfilm games (Maniac Mansion, Monkey Island, Grim Fandango); Myst-and-Myst-like-games of the 90s; those Nancy Drew games by Her Interactive (they're still entertaining); American McGee's Alice & sequel; and strategy/puzzle/howtheFdoyoudothisscreen-type things like DROD.
Ha! Myst! Long time ago! Have you also played Riven? I'm also a big fan of adventure games (I nearly forgot to mention them) like Broken sword, Black mirror, Jack orlando, Sanitarium and Shivers. And I also have a weak sport for the old commodore 64/Atari retro games.
Hm… PC Eye of the Beholder I & II Lands of Lore Star Trek: 25th Anniversary Ultima 6 & 7 Ravenloft Civilization 1 & 2 Wing Commander Privateer Warcraft I & II Dungeon Hack B-17 Flying Fortress NES Dragon Warrior III & IV (Quest in Japan) Zelda Super Mario 2 & 3 SNES Final Fantasy 6 (3 in the U.S.) Secret of Mana Chrono Trigger Zelda: A Link to the Past Gameboy Final Fantasy: Adventure Final Fantasy Legend II & III Sword of Hope
PC: Duke Nukem, Hugo's House of Horrors, Hugo III Jungle of Doom!, Hover!, Civilization II, Diablo 1, Myst, Riven, Age of Empires I, Command & Conquer, Command & Conquer: Red Alert, Kings Quest VI, Nanosaur (technically released at about the same time), Cross Country Canada, Worm, Pong, Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego? (1996).
Consoles (largely with friends).
N64: Goldeneye 007, Mario Party (released about the same time).
Sega Genesis: Echo, The Adventures of Mighty Max, Star Trek: The Next Generation, NHLPA Hockey 93.
SNES: Teenage Super Ninja Turtles: Turtles in Time
In roughly chronological order: Atari games; Infocom games (think Zork); Lucasfilm games (Maniac Mansion, Monkey Island, Grim Fandango); Myst-and-Myst-like-games of the 90s; those Nancy Drew games by Her Interactive (they're still entertaining); American McGee's Alice & sequel; and strategy/puzzle/howtheFdoyoudothisscreen-type things like DROD.
Ha! Myst! Long time ago! Have you also played Riven? I'm also a big fan of adventure games (I nearly forgot to mention them) like Broken sword, Black mirror, Jack orlando, Sanitarium and Shivers. And I also have a weak sport for the old commodore 64/Atari retro games.
Oh my, yes! I've played all the Myst sequels plus that URU thing. And Shivers! That was fun. I used to like all those crazy games where you wander around Egyptian pyramids and Incan ruins and Buddhist temples and stuff and it always ended up with the lost city of Atlantis and probably aliens. There were maybe five or six games like that (and I can't remember the names of any of them, except Beyond Atlantis II).
I'm a weird one on these forums. I seem to be the only one who enjoys JRPGs that aren't Final Fantasy.
These titles include...
-Pokemon Gold -Pokemon Sapphire -Golden Sun and Golden Sun: The Lost Age -Sword of Mana -Tales of Symphonia -Tales of the Abyss -Threads of Fate -Legend of Dragoon -Final Fantasy 9 -Final Fantasy 10 -Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance
But for stuff that's NOT an RPG...
-Spyro -Age of Wonders -Civilization 3 -The Sims
And yes, these are all titles I've played "avidly". I've beaten both Golden Sun titles at least five times each... ^_^;;
Well, I played a lot of Warcraft (yes, the original), Diablo, and I would be remiss not to mention Dungeon Master and Dungeon Master 2: The Legend of Skullkeep. I'm trying to remember if Mechwarrior 2: Mercenaries came out before or after Baldur's Gate. This was a long time ago, y'know.
Oh, and Tank Scorch / Scorched Earth. Oregon Trail (yes, the original). Logowriter. Super Mario Brothers. Heroes of Might and Magic 1 through 3. Ultima 7 (and some Ultima 8: Pagan, but that game was needlessly hard). There were others, but those are the highlights that I can remember off the top of my head.
I had some flavour of unix computer until my early 20s, so air traffic controller, and some other ancient stuff.
My first PC game was Civ 1, which I became massively addicted to. On a 286, with a doublespaced drive, but I didn't know about doublespace, so I ran civ on dos 6 in the small sliver of disk that wasn't taken by doublespace. When Civ 2 came out, I played it obsessively too, but all of my civ 2,3,4 hours together can't match those initial civ hours.
What else .. the usual mix, Warcraft, Krondor, Wing commander privateer, Doom 1 & 2, dungeon keeper, master of orion, Diablo, Age of sail .. I'm probably forgetting some huge time-sinks I absolutely loved.
@Hrafn, I played a lot of tabletop D&D with friends in high school and through college. I was almost obsessed with it, really. That's what got me into playing computer RPG's after college when all my friends moved on. One of the main reasons I fell in love with Might and Magic and then Baldur's Gate was because it duplicated the experience of all those tabletop games, but I could play by myself any time I wanted.
Honest answer is, Baldur's Gate got me into video games and is the only game other than Mario 64 to pass the test of time for me. I was about 11-12 when I first discovered it, and played no game consistently before. In fact, the only other games I've replayed have been Mario 64 and Icewind Dale, which I only got into BECAUSE of Baldur's Gate.
I also played Super Smash Bros religiously in college during breaks, but it is not a game I have gone back to by myself due to a very ordinary single player mode and because when I am now with friends we prefer to do other things. I did also like Age of Empires when I was a kid.
Even other games that I have tried (NWN, Temple of Elemental Evil) have been because of my love for this game. A lot of people loved Zelda games, but while enjoying them a little, I never had the patience to beat them since I always wanted them to be more like BG in terms of characters. I also don't have much patience for games with pausing.
So basically Mario 64 and that is pretty much it.
edit: LIES! Heroes of Might and Magic 3 I played before BG, but not regularly until years later. I still return to it once in a rainy Sunday. I would also count that on my list of beloved non-BG games from before I discovered the infinity engine games.
I used to play alot of fantasy games from blood and magic to heroes, I've been a real fan of Age of Empires as wel.
I still play age of empires on Voobly. Handle is TsC_BaTTouSai play mostly black forest and land nomad 4v4 games. Voobly is very similar to the zone except no 300 player limit for the game rooms
Interesting! You all mention quite a few games that I'm not familiar with, is there anyone here that also played/plays Dungeons and Dragons?
I played D&D first with childhood friends. My mom was the DM. I think playing Baldur's Gate and tabletop AD&D sessions together helped me understand the rules and mechanics for each much more easily.
I've dipped into other tabletop titles like Shadowrun and Warhammer, and we've even playtested some games that a friend of ours created. I think I'd enjoy them more if I'd had a computer game using the same rulesets to play side-by-side. You know, so I could actually learn how to play. XD
Interesting! You all mention quite a few games that I'm not familiar with, is there anyone here that also played/plays Dungeons and Dragons?
I played D&D first with childhood friends. My mom was the DM. I think playing Baldur's Gate and tabletop AD&D sessions together helped me understand the rules and mechanics for each much more easily.
I've dipped into other tabletop titles like Shadowrun and Warhammer, and we've even playtested some games that a friend of ours created. I think I'd enjoy them more if I'd had a computer game using the same rulesets to play side-by-side. You know, so I could actually learn how to play. XD
How cool is that! I played AD&D with my father and cousins! My father was the best DM I've ever encountered since then, he could play all the characters very convincingly and he created his own stories. Rest his soul.
I played the unholy hell out of FO1 and 2. The only downside of BG is the lack of the graphic, hilarious death animations that two games have.
because it was so much better than Pong.
Eye of the Beholder I & II
Lands of Lore
Star Trek: 25th Anniversary
Ultima 6 & 7
Civilization 1 & 2
Wing Commander Privateer
Warcraft I & II
Dungeon Hack
B-17 Flying Fortress
Dragon Warrior III & IV (Quest in Japan)
Super Mario 2 & 3
Final Fantasy 6 (3 in the U.S.)
Secret of Mana
Chrono Trigger
Zelda: A Link to the Past
Final Fantasy: Adventure
Final Fantasy Legend II & III
Sword of Hope
Consoles (largely with friends).
N64: Goldeneye 007, Mario Party (released about the same time).
Sega Genesis: Echo, The Adventures of Mighty Max, Star Trek: The Next Generation, NHLPA Hockey 93.
SNES: Teenage Super Ninja Turtles: Turtles in Time
Maybe more however those are the things what comes in mind right now.
I'm a weird one on these forums. I seem to be the only one who enjoys JRPGs that aren't Final Fantasy.
These titles include...
-Pokemon Gold
-Pokemon Sapphire
-Golden Sun and Golden Sun: The Lost Age
-Sword of Mana
-Tales of Symphonia
-Tales of the Abyss
-Threads of Fate
-Legend of Dragoon
-Final Fantasy 9
-Final Fantasy 10
-Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance
But for stuff that's NOT an RPG...
-Age of Wonders
-Civilization 3
-The Sims
And yes, these are all titles I've played "avidly".
Oh, and Tank Scorch / Scorched Earth. Oregon Trail (yes, the original). Logowriter. Super Mario Brothers. Heroes of Might and Magic 1 through 3. Ultima 7 (and some Ultima 8: Pagan, but that game was needlessly hard). There were others, but those are the highlights that I can remember off the top of my head.
My first PC game was Civ 1, which I became massively addicted to. On a 286, with a doublespaced drive, but I didn't know about doublespace, so I ran civ on dos 6 in the small sliver of disk that wasn't taken by doublespace. When Civ 2 came out, I played it obsessively too, but all of my civ 2,3,4 hours together can't match those initial civ hours.
What else .. the usual mix, Warcraft, Krondor, Wing commander privateer, Doom 1 & 2, dungeon keeper, master of orion, Diablo, Age of sail .. I'm probably forgetting some huge time-sinks I absolutely loved.
I also played Super Smash Bros religiously in college during breaks, but it is not a game I have gone back to by myself due to a very ordinary single player mode and because when I am now with friends we prefer to do other things. I did also like Age of Empires when I was a kid.
Even other games that I have tried (NWN, Temple of Elemental Evil) have been because of my love for this game. A lot of people loved Zelda games, but while enjoying them a little, I never had the patience to beat them since I always wanted them to be more like BG in terms of characters. I also don't have much patience for games with pausing.
So basically Mario 64 and that is pretty much it.
edit: LIES! Heroes of Might and Magic 3 I played before BG, but not regularly until years later. I still return to it once in a rainy Sunday. I would also count that on my list of beloved non-BG games from before I discovered the infinity engine games.
I've dipped into other tabletop titles like Shadowrun and Warhammer, and we've even playtested some games that a friend of ours created. I think I'd enjoy them more if I'd had a computer game using the same rulesets to play side-by-side. You know, so I could actually learn how to play. XD
I have also spent a lot of time playing Umoria and Civilization, a few ages ago.