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Is there a mod/program wich can enable me to make custom made items?

Gel87Gel87 Member Posts: 256
I find myself always ending up with 2 handed sword, throwing axes, bows.

I want to make a dual long sword figher/mage/thief, but i think its there is no choise other than casomyr wich is a 2 handed wep xD

Is there a program/mod wich enables me to make myself some pair of custom made long swords, bows and amulet forexample? I would like an amulet of power wich also adds 1-2 more spells each lvl :P


  • AlkaluropsAlkalurops Member Posts: 269
    There are several tools you could use, one of which is DLTCEP. There's a pretty steep learning curve though.

    Still, there are plenty of long / bastard swords in the standard game, including one of the most powerful weapons in the game: blackrazor. TOB has +5 weapons for each weapon type.
  • ErgErg Member Posts: 1,756
    edited April 2014
    Check one of these:

    1) NearInfinity (it requires Java to work): it is one of the easiest tools to mod BG games, but it is not suited to make mods that can be shared with others, especially if you want to customise names and descriptions of modded items.

    2) DLTCEP: I find it less user friendly than NearInfinity, but it has several nice features that are missing in NearInfinity, so to make a long story short, some tasks can be performed better with it than NearInfinity. Still not suited to make mods that can be shared with others, especially if you want to customise names and descriptions of modded items.

    3) WeiDU: it is very powerful and it can make mods that would play nice with other WeiDU mods. It allows to change names and descriptions on the fly during mod installation, so sharing your modded items with others it's not a problem. However it has a steep learning curve and it requires to write code (check this tutorial to get started and the official ReadME to learn more on how to write code in WeiDU).

    They can also be used together: for instance, to create a single item, you could use DLTCEP to check info on the opcodes and look at colour palettes, NearInfinity to create the actual item, with the desired properties, and WeiDU to add name and description, etc.
    Post edited by Erg on
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